
From Loser to Goddess: A Xianxia Story

Lin Feng was a miserable man who had nothing going for him. He was 31 years old, unemployed, single, friendless, and living with his nagging parents. His only escape was playing MMORPG games, where he could create his own characters and explore fantasy worlds. He was thrilled when he heard about Land of Immortality, a new MMORPG that promised to be the most realistic and immersive game ever. He bought the game and spent a whole day creating his dream girl. He named her Qing Yu Xue, meaning Azure Jade Snow. She was the epitome of beauty and perfection. But something went wrong when he started the game. He felt a jolt of pain in his head and passed out. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked to see that he was in a cave with a lake. He looked at his reflection and realized that he had become Qing Yu Xue.

boredape_3499 · Oriental
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5 Chs

Fifth Stage of Qi Condensation

Qing Yu Xue had just become a Formation Apprentice, and she found herself drenched in sweat, her flawless porcelain skin shimmering under the beads of moisture that adorned her face. Not a single pore marred her skin, further enhancing her ethereal beauty.

Her breath came out in soft, alluring moans as she gazed into the mirror, her body pulsating with a newfound energy after inscribing the formations onto her bones.

A blush colored her cheeks as a tempting thought entered her mind. "Perhaps," she whispered, "I should relieve some of this heat..."


Several hours had passed, and Qing Yu Xue had successfully engraved the formidable Five Elements Slaughter Array onto her Heavenly Inscription Bones - nine formations in total. The power emanating from them was overwhelming, their presence exuding a dominant aura of imminent destruction.

A surge of excitement coursed through her veins as Qing Yu Xue delivered a forceful punch into the air, her expression filled with astonishment. "What is this power?" she gasped, her voice tinged with awe. "I believe I could annihilate my former self with a mere flick of my wrist..."

Qing Yu Xue realized that the Heavenly Inscription Bones had greatly enhanced her combat abilities, especially when combined with the right formations.

After embracing the intoxicating strength that coursed through her, Qing Yu Xue positioned the mirror closer to her bed, her eyes fixated on its reflective surface. With deliberate seduction, she slowly shed her garments, letting the fabric of her white-laced panties and bra caress her flawless skin.

As she undressed, a tantalizing encounter awaited. Her white-laced panties, infused with her sweet nectar, clung to her intimate folds, leaving a glistening trail of desire.

With anticipation building within her, Qing Yu Xue lowered her panties, her gaze fixated on the mirror as she feasted her hungry gaze upon her own beguiling rear.

Unable to resist the primal urges that still stirred within her from her previous life as a man, Qing Yu Xue's hunger for arousal burned unabated. She embraced this sultry transformation of her form, reveling in the newfound sensuality that her female body had gifted her.

The allure of her luscious ass consumed her gaze, her lustful desires threatening to overpower her like a wild, untamed beast.


Qing Yu Xue had indulged in her carnal desires, and she spent a pleasant time in the Liu Family Estate, until the day came for the Crimson Sword Sect to select its disciples.

During this period, Qing Yu Xue also broke through to the fifth stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, and her combat power reached an astonishing level.

What made the Heavenly Inscription Bones so formidable and invincible?

It was because they not only saved a lot of Qi consumption, but also enabled the use of intricate Qi patterns in a flash.

Whenever Qing Yu Xue would infuse Qi into her Heavenly Inscription Bones, these formations would be triggered.

In terms of offensive power, Qing Yu Xue was peerless.


In the center of the Fallen Leaf City, a large crowd of young men and women gathered, hoping to join the Crimson Sword Sect.

Wang Hao, an inner disciple of the Crimson Sword Sect, descended from the sky on a flying sword and landed in front of them.

Wang Hao had a decent face, with sharp eyebrows and a haughty demeanor.

Wang Hao scanned the crowd with his eyes, but he soon fixed his gaze on one stunning figure.

Wang Hao's eyes sparkled as he thought to himself, "What a perfect body! Her aura is captivating, her movements are elegant, and her charm is irresistible! A heavenly beauty."

Qing Yu Xue's face was covered by a veil that matched her Wind Spirit dress, but that did not deter Wang Hao from imagining her features.

Qing Yu Xue's hair was snowy white and silky smooth, and it made Wang Hao's heart race.

Meanwhile, Wang Lei was overjoyed to see that his uncle was the one in charge of the sect examination.

"Uncle Hao! You're here! My father would be so happy to see you if he knew."

Wang Hao smiled and nodded at Wang Lei, "Well done, Nephew Lei. You've been diligent in your cultivation, I can see that."

He then gave Wang Lei a stern look, "But tell me, have you surpassed those two geniuses, Zhang Xueli and Liu Wei?"

Wang Lei's face darkened, but his eyes flashed with a hint of spite. "Of course, Uncle Hao. Wang Lei is the number one talent in Fallen Leaf City!"

Wang Hao chuckled and turned his attention to the crowd of young hopefuls.

The two of them were talking privately using a Qi communication technique, so no one else could hear them.

"Alright, let's begin the disciple selection." Wang Hao announced.

He waved his hand and summoned a mirror with a golden frame that shone with a divine light and an impressively large jade pillar that was carved with intricate patterns.

"You just need to touch this mirror, which is called the Spiritual Mirror. It will show the quality of your Spiritual Root."

"A Spiritual Root can be divided into four types: False Spiritual Roots, True Spiritual Roots, Heavenly Spiritual Roots, and Mutated Spiritual Roots."

"False Spiritual Roots have four or five elements mixed together, while True Spiritual Roots have only two or three."

"Heavenly Spiritual Roots are very rare and precious, as they have only one element. It is said that only one person in hundreds of years can have such a root, and they will become legendary figures in the Red Mountain Continent."

"Mutated Spiritual Roots are also very uncommon and valuable, as they have an element that is not among the five elements. They are highly coveted by many sects."

"To join the Crimson Sword Sect, you need to have at least a True Spiritual Root."

"The Jade Pillar is for testing your raw strength. The Crimson Sword Sect will record this data, but it won't affect our selection much."

Wang Hao pointed at a skinny teenager and said, "You, come here. What's your name and cultivation level?"

The teenager nodded and said, "Sir, my name is Xie Fei. I'm at the fourth stage of Qi Condensation."

Xie Fei then put his hand on the Spiritual Mirror and it lit up with four colors, indicating that he had a False Spiritual Root.

Wang Hao snorted and yelled, "Xie Fei, four elements, False Spiritual Root. Rejected."

"Who's next?"


"Song Tianhe, three elements, True Spiritual Root. Passed."

"Zhang Xueli, ice elements, Mutated Spiritual Root. Passed."

"Liu Wei, two elements, True Spiritual Root. Passed."

"Wang Lei, two elements. True Spiritual Root. Passed."

It was Qing Yu Xue's turn now.

As she walked towards the Spiritual Mirror, everyone's eyes were drawn to her flawless fingers and the mysterious face that was hidden by the veil.

With every step that she took, a wave of charm swept over the crowd, making them lose their minds.

Qing Yu Xue's long white hair was like a dream, stirring up everyone's fantasies, and Wang Hao was no exception.

Wang Lei secretly communicated with his uncle using Qi, and pleaded with him, "Uncle, can you please let this girl pass no matter what? I promised her that I would help her join the Crimson Sword Sect."

Wang Hao sighed but agreed to his nephew's request, "Fine, even if she doesn't have a good aptitude, I will make an exception for her."

"What is your name, fairy?" Wang Hao asked Qing Yu Xue.

Wang Hao was just like everyone else here, he was completely bewitched by Qing Yu Xue's grace and aura.

Qing Yu Xue had the power to enchant the Heaven and Earth and all living beings!

"My name is Qing Yu Xue, sir. I am at the fifth stage of the Qi Condensation Realm." Qing Yu Xue replied with a sweet and melodious voice, like a fairy singing in the clouds.

She was courteous on the surface, but she secretly looked down on Wang Hao, thinking that he was just another idiot who was bewitched by her beauty.

"Beautiful name! Fairy Qing, please touch the Spiritual Mirror!"

Qing Yu Xue nodded and placed her slender hand on the Spiritual Mirror. Her fingers were like jade, and her skin was like snow.

A dazzling scene occurred as the Spiritual Mirror lit up with brilliant colors. It displayed countless elements, swirling and dancing in harmony.

Qing Yu Xue smirked as she knew that she had Chaos Spiritual Roots, the default Spiritual Roots for players in the Land of Immortality MMORPG.

After all, how could ordinary players reach a higher realm than Nascent Soul with a trashy Spiritual Root?

The countless elements dazzled the onlookers and they exclaimed in awe, "What a stunning beauty, what a graceful demeanor, what a peerless talent!"

"Wow, Fairy Qing's talent is beyond compare. I wonder what kind of Spiritual Root she has."

Everyone was curious about Qing Yu Xue's Spiritual Root, but Wang Hao was clueless, as he had never seen such a phenomenon before.

Wang Hao cleared his throat and said, "Qing Yu Xue. You passed. Now, go and show your raw strength by hitting the Jade Pillar with your strongest attack."

Qing Yu Xue nodded gently and moved to the Jade Pillar.

Before striking, her lovely face showed a hint of hesitation, "Should I reveal my full power? After all, being too outstanding might attract trouble."

But then Qing Yu Xue recalled something crucial and sighed, "But do I have a choice? My looks can charm the Heaven and Earth, how can I pretend to be modest when I have such a gift?"

Qing Yu Xue did not hesitate and she infused her Qi into the Heavenly Inscription Bones before launching her strongest casual attack.

Bang! Bang!

The platform where Qing Yu Xue and Wang Hao stood trembled, as the Jade Pillar displayed a shocking result!

"Ninth stage of Qi Condensation? How is that possible? How can a fifth stage cultivator have such a monstrous strength?"

Everyone's faces were pale, as they realized that surpassing four minor stages was a sign of an unrivaled genius!

Even the three prodigies of the Fallen Leaf City could only surpass one minor stage, but what about Qing Yu Xue?

Qing Yu Xue made the three prodigies of the Fallen Leaf City look like trash. Worthless trash. Dog shit. Cow dung.

"Who the hell is this Fairy Qing? How come I've never seen such a gorgeous fairy before?"