

Ariana finds her supposed mate, who was the Alpha King of her pack cheating on her with her step sister. Not only that, he rejected her and tossed her aside. Ariana, stung by this betrayal, discovers she is pregnant for her ex- mate. Knowing how cruel her step sister was, decided to run away to protect her baby from them. It was then, James, Ariana ex - mate discovered he needed the help of his true mate to perform a ritual which would make him extremely powerful. He decided then to start looking for her, meanwhile Ariana mistakenly got into the enemy's territory and was saved by rumored Alpha tyrant Rowan. Rowan was surprised to discover the tiny lady who collapsed into his arms was his mate, second chance mate at that. When Ariana gets informed by this,she gets thrown into a hassle for it was then, her first mate started looking for her, to claim her back. Now Ariana is torn between two mates. The first one who rejected her, and the second one who gave her his all. The question is, will she forfeit her need for love for her baby's sake and go back to James, or stay with Rowan? Why don't you delve in with me, and find out in this werewolf romance?

Efemona_Okpi · História
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs




I made my way towards James' room. It has been a week since we saw one another last, because I have been so busy at home, helping step mom.

I made sure not to tell him, I was visiting him today because I want to make it a surprise visit for him. I really missed him, and his warmth, but thankfully, I am free now and can get to be with my guy.

I am currently standing In Front of my mate's room. I giggled excitedly, as I turned the knob on the door, opened it and came into the room, without even glancing round the room.

I closed the door behind me, before turning to see the biggest shock of my life.

' Oh no!' I thought within. ' Was I dreaming?' I wondered, as I rubbed my eyes before opening them.

This was reality.

" James, Rita?" I yelled out in disbelief, and they stopped what they were doing to look at me in shock, before Rita smirked evilly, and bent James' head towards her to give him a kiss, to which James reciprocated.

" What is going on here?" I yelled, but they both ignored me and continued kissing.

" Please tell me it is not what I am thinking" I said, feeling my heart shattering into pieces at this betrayal.

They stopped kissing, before both turning to look at me, with eyes filled with bale.

" It is what you are thinking, dear step sister," Rita, my step sister, answered proudly.

" James" I called, turning to look at him, and ignoring my step sister.

" What?" He growled, startling me while Rita gave a victorious grin.

" What is going on here?" I asked, tearfully, feeling hurt.

" I am pretty sure you are not blind, what does it look like is happening?" James asked nonchalantly, his hands still caressing Rita's body under him, who shamelessly let out a moan to spite me.

" Why?" I asked, trying to blink back the heavy tears at the brink of my eyes.

" What did I do to deserve this from the both of you?" I yelled, my heart hurting from this betrayal.

" Oh please! Stop acting so pathetic" Rita said, with a scoff.

" Pathetic?" I asked in disbelief, tears rolling down my cheeks already.

" I caught you my sister, screwing my Mate, and you still have the guts to tell me to stop acting pathetic?" I yelled, obviously furious, while Rita pretended to be scared, sinking deeper into James embrace, and he did not hesitate to welcome her, as he turned to glare at me.

" Don't you dare yell at her" He growled at me furiously, fury sparkling in his eyes. I railed back, stunned, unable to believe my mate just growled at me because of my sister.

' They were not even remorseful' I thought, finding it hard to believe I could experience such behaviors from them.

' Was I dreaming?' I wondered, while hoping desperately inside, it was a dream.

" Point of correction Ariana, step sister. We Only share the same father, nothing else" She said, throwing me a look filled with hate.

" Tell her the truth James, and let her get the hell out, her mere sight is making me nauseous" Rita told James, hatred boldly laced in her tone.

I was shocked, because I was staring at a new Rita. The Rita I knew, my sister, spoke to me or about me with respect, admiration and love in her voice and she would never betray me.

' So who is this?' I wondered.

" Tell me what?" I asked, suddenly feeling curious to know which truth Rita was referring to.

" Are you going to tell her, or should I tell James?" Rita asked, with an annoyed expression, and I became more curious to know what she meant or was pointing at.

" Tell me what, James" I asked, moving closer and touching him on both his shoulders to face me, when he suddenly flung my hands off, with disgust boldly written on his face.

" Get your filthy hands off me, low life" He yelled, annoyingly and I reared back in shock, with a gasp, unable to believe he just did that to me.

' Did James just fling my hands off?' I wondered in shock.

" Did you just call me a low life?" I asked, with a surprised expression, and Rita threw me an evil smirk.

" Well, He did not lie, did he?" Rita asked with a shrug.

" You are the lowest rank amongst all werewolves" Rita reminded me, and I gasped, realizing that was all this was about.

" I and Rita have been together for more than a year now" James dropped the bombshell, and I felt all the air in my lungs disappear, as I tried to stabilize my footings.

" What?" I asked in disbelief, my voice coming out in barely a whisper.

" Yes, I have been seeing her not long after, I discovered you were my mate" James added confirming my suspicions, and I fell to the ground, speechless.

' My mate and sister were screwing behind my back all these while, and I never knew?' I wondered, still trying to accept or should I say, digest the news, realizing everything now made sense.

The secret signals between them which I ignored thinking it was nothing, or both of them bailing out on me when we were supposed to be on an outing with foolish excuses.

No amount of words currently could describe the amount of pain I was feeling. I mean I just got betrayed, by the two closest people to me.

" Why?" I asked, but got no response, so I raised my head to look at a blank face James.

" Why?" I asked again, not still wanting to believe everything I just heard or should I say found out?

" Because you are of a low rank, and are not even worthy to clean my shoes" James spat right into my face, arrogantly.

" I always wondered why the moon goddess was so cruel, to pair me with a useless trash like you" He added, and I burst into tears right there, all my defense fading away.

' Was My mate seriously calling me names, because of my sister?' I wondered, pain tearing at my heart.

" I thought you did not care about that, I thought you loved me" I yelled back at him, really crying this time.

" Pathetic" Rita said with a scoff, but I just ignored her and continued looking at James, who just shrugged.

" I tried to, and would have actually not cared if Rita here, did not make me come to my right senses" James told me, and I turned to see Rita throwing me a satisfied smirk.

" What did I ever do to you?" I yelled at her.

" Your presence disgust me, how can I, a high rank werewolf, have you the lowest rank of werewolf as my blood?" She asked in disbelief, throwing me a look filled with bale, same as James.

Hers did not hurt, James did.

" So you guys decided to cheat on me because of that?" I asked, praying for their answers to be negative.

" So?" James asked nonchalantly, throwing me a glare.

" You are not worthy of me, she is," James said, pointing to Rita.

" I can't be mocked because of you, by other Alphas with powerful mates. No" James added spitefully. My heart was bleeding right, as I felt numerous pain clothe me.

" I, Alpha James Brown reject you lowly Omega, Ariana Snow from being my mate and future Luna" He said and I yelled in pain, but all they just did was ignore me, and go back to their activities.

Rita made sure to moan loud, hurting me. My heart was shattering into pieces, I was in so much pain. I was betrayed, hurt and rejected but they did not even care, and just continued screwing in my presence.

I slowly picked up every last shred of dignity I had, and despite my legs shaking badly, I managed to make my way out of James' room, clenching my painful heart tightly and dashed out of the palace, to moon goddess knows where, crying.

I was heartbroken, I was betrayed and the funny part was they were not even remorseful and blamed me for the cause of this predicament.

' In years, I would never have expected such from them, because I trusted them way too much, and look where it had got me' I thought, while sniffling and relaxing upon a tree, I ran into.

Suddenly, I felt nauseated, and before I knew it, I was throwing my entire lungs out.

' oh moon goddess' I thought with sadness, and decided I must go and see the doctor, for I had been feeling down and sick for days now.

I made my way to the pack healer, weakly, not getting myself and explaining my situation to him. He looked at me, before diagnosing me.

" The test is out" He told me, minutes later, walking to where I was sitting on the bed.

" You are…"