
From Gang To Kingdom

Early stages, so there will be some changes. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience

ImGobby · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Prologue 1 - Village of Siufra

The Sky continent is divided by the human, demon and angel race, each controlling a part of the continent. The Siufra village is between the human and demon border. The village of Siufra is a village where most merchants travel through when they want to cross from one border to the other, as on each entrance there are guards from the races to make sure no criminals pass through and that no soldiers try and pass from anywhere but the town, the Village has its own guard, which is compromised of just hunters and people who know how to fight.

In the village lives a boy called Shoufa he's 12 years old, and he works as a porter. The village has a lot of violence in it, as demons and humans live there together but don't get along very well. There are 2 types of gangs in Siufra, the people who wear the colour purple, otherwise known as ´Slyrks´ which is mostly compromised of demons and the people who wear the colour black, ´Killers´which is mostly compromised of humans. There is a 3rd one but it was so small no one really cared about it, they wear a red colour, they call themselves `Zen's´ there isn't much knowledge about them since they are so small.

Shoufa just finished work and was walking home when he saw his friend Rel. "Yo, Rel, how's it going?" Shoufa exclaimed with a smile on his face. "Shoufa! How are you doing?" Rel yelled back while letting out a small laugh. "My mom's cooking today if you want to come around in the evening." Rel said to Shoufa when Shoufa came closer. "Of course, I haven't seen your brother yet, how's he doing?" Shoufa asked his friend. "He's doing well, he's not gonna work as a porter anymore, he got accepted as a guard by the village elders this morning." To which he continued with "You know how he's always wanted to be a Guard, *Rel gives a small laugh,* he's finally got his dream job now!" Rel said while laughing excitedly. "That's awesome! Will he be home today? I'll get him a present." Shoufa answered with a big smile on his face. "Alright, come around at 7 P.M" Rel said before they parted ways for the morning.

After he heard the news, he instantly went home to grab some money, and went to the marketplace.

"Basket of fresh eggs for 4 copper coins"

"A strong horse good for long distances for 2 silver coins"

"Blunt sword and shield excellent for training, only for 6 copper coins"

You could hear people yelling all around the market as it was filled with merchants and people passing through trying to either buy, sell or just make a profit. Shoufa went to one of the stores that sold armour and weapons. As he entered the store he looked around and saw armour, weapons, and all kinds of things in glass cabinets, he was flabbergasted with how spacious the store was from the inside even though it looked so small from the outside but once he snapped out of it, he saw a short, bald old man with small red horns, a white shirt and a green vest and pants arguing with three boys that were a little older than Shoufa. "Hey, you haven't paid the protection fee for this month yet!" One of the boys yelled at the old man while pointing a small knife at him. "We haven't made enough money to even pay for our own needs yet, please give us a couple more weeks." Shouted a scared, feminine voice. "Shut up bitch!" One of the boys yelled after he pushed her into one of the glass cabinets. "Stop it!" Shoufa shouted while running towards the boys as fast as he could. "Look at this guy playing hero." One of the boys said to which he proceeded to wait until Shoufa closed in, then kicked him hitting his side, the impact of the kick was strong enough to send Shoufa flying into the wall. Right before Shoufa was about to hit the wall, he twisted his body so that his feet hit the wall, he kicked himself off the wall, which made it so that he launched towards the boy who kicked him. He tackled the first one, and while they were on the floor, Shoufa punched him in the jaw knocking him out, after that he pushed himself up and kicked the second boy to the side of the head, the boy started falling to the opposite of where he got kicked and while he was falling, Shoufa spun his body with the leg he still had on the ground and kicked the boy again to the other side of the head knocking the boy out onto the floor. The third one with the knife turned towards Shoufa and yelled, "Stop, or I'm going to stab you!" With a quavering voice while his body was shaking. The boy was pointing the knife at Shoufa, there was a meter distance between the knife and Shoufa. Shoufa closed the distance, when Shoufa was close enough to be hit, the boy raised the arm where the knife was and swung down towards Shoufa. Shoufa stepped back first and then dashed towards the boy and kicked the knife from his hands. After that, Shoufa punched the boy in the face, which ended knocking him out. The old man tried to thank him, but before he could finish, Shoufa looked outside and saw a couple of guards, which he proceeded to shout for help. The guards entered the store and saw the boys unconscious, the guards then proceeded to ask everyone what had happened, the girl and old man said that the boys were trying to get paid for protection, but they didn't have money, so they started threatening them, the guards then tied up the boys and as they were about to carry them out, one of the boys woke up and said that it wasn't their fault but Shoufas fault. The guards said to him that the old man and girl said that they were threatening them, With an evil grin while on his face while laughing, he yelled. "We work for Syner, so i don't care what they said, now arrest that boy or we're going to tell out boss what happened today!" The guards face immediately turned pale and one of the guards said "We're sorry, please forgive us." while cutting off the rope with which they had tied them up, they then proceeded to tie up Shoufa and punch him so that he fell unconscious.