
The last stand (2)


I was so focused on my deadly fire that I didn't see the cannon ball coming straight in my direction. Everything turned into slow motion from the corner of my eyes I can see my friends trying to tell me something, it seems urgent. But right now I'm so calm, nothing matters, those humans seem to be looking straight at me. I wonder why, oh right it might be the cannon ball headed for my head, but you know, after you accept your fate it's not so scary after all. I guess this is the end, I hope my family isn't to sad and I hope my brother can step out of my shadow and shine like he was always supposed to. Good bye world however tough you were to live in I did enjoy my time. BOOM!!!!!!!!!

General Wilbur:

It worked! We got him, it was a success we also got the biggest one. This for sure will make the king realise that these cannons are the future. Why, in the moment of my first true success in taking a dragon down, do I feel in the slightest like I murdered instead of exterminated. The look in that dragons eye had a glimmer of intelligence, it seemed as if the dragon had given up on surviving and was glimpsing at the world for one last time. Do dragons have intelligence, no, impossible even the king himself said, dragons are brutal and will not hesitate to kill us, just like a bird does a worm. No it's impossible, humans are the only ones who have common sense. Yes, dragons are wild and unruly and live to kill. Yes, I did right in killing this one, even though the look in his eyes said otherwise. Must have been a trick of the light.


What a shame I didn't get a chance to have a family of my own, and be the official dragon lord, even though I was already the strongest, biggest and fastest, not to mention the most gifted in the sacred dragon arts... what aren't I already dead. The shot was fired quite a while ago, whoa I can't see now everything is dark. Wait no my eyes are just closed, but what am I doing, is this the afterlife? I can hear voices, but they sound nothing like the dragon speak that I'm used to. I've decided I'm going to open my eyes and asses the situation. The moment I open my eyes I see light flooding from every corner of my vision. It took some time until I could focus on what was ahead of me, you won't believe it even if you were there. I'm in a square cave with human looking down on me!!!