
My expeditions (2)

Although I did get lost whilst exploring, it wasn't all that useless. I did stumble upon my father's study and a library, I also know where to find the kitchen from previous explorations. I also know where bathrooms are, but those aren't of great use to me, what interested me the most was my father's study and the library. There is for certain tons I can learn in those two rooms. If my hypothesis is correct then the human writing will be similar to to dragon script. Although dragons may not seem like it, they are very dextrous and have very pretty hand writing and a natural gift for art.

Its midnight, a day after I got lost, I retraced my steps to reach the library, I pull out the books on the bottom shelf using some magic I conjure fire to light the lamp and start reading. The book I picked was a book about poisons and which plants to use when making poisons. Half way through my second book I realised I was still a child not even a year old and I needed my sleep. So I developed a system to remember where the books I chose to read are. I simply turned the books upside down when putting them in their original places. This way it won't be to noticeable and I would be able to find the book quickly. After I returned back to my room and went to bed I reviewed what I learnt today.

This process repeated for a month and a half, by then I had already finished the whole library (which let me tell you, was no simple task since the room was huge and it was stuffed with shelves full of books). By now I knew the workings of human society and I knew many other useful little things. It's time now that I start to read the documents from my father's study.