
From Common Weeb to Abyss Lord

A common shut-in and somewhat perverted weeb woke up as Kousuke Endou on the summoning of the 'heroes' from Earth in the world of Tortus. What would he do next? Read and find out! --- -- - Writer's Greetings: Welcome to my first voyage into the abyssal sea of fan fiction! This fan fiction is a commonplace 'power-fantasy,' 'wish-fulfillment,' 'another-world (isekai)' fanfiction. So, expect the tropes and clichés frequently used in this kind of work. They'll probably appear here. This fanfic will contain a harem. However, the harem's dynamic will be somewhat complex. You may or may not like it. I'm not sure. On top of that, MC won't be a perfect guy with a perfect personality. He will have a severe character flaw (Luxuria). You may or may not like the MC due to it. If you don't like him, I won't begrudge you. Just don't start flaming pointlessly! By the way, be ready for some silly, cringe, chuuni stuff here! Moving to the next topic, I'm writing this fanfic on my Android. I apologize in advance if you find any mistakes. English isn't my native language, so I'm not an expert. Still, I'll try to present something adequate. By the way, each chapter contains a minimum of about 1.5k words. The narrative will be in the third-person's point of view. About the posting schedule, I can't promise anything because I don't know what will happen on IRL. However, I will try to post a new chapter every day, or once every two days at the latest. With that all written above, Writer's Greetings is over, so happy reading! Sincerely, Common Weeb

Common_Weeb · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Getting Status Plate.

The heroes were curious and confused. However, before anyone could ask why they had stopped, the maid explained their living arrangements in the castle.

It appeared that the corridors connected to their rooms were different, separated by their gender. The maid explained that the corridor on her left was for the girls. Meanwhile, the one on her right was for the boys.

The summoned heroes had no problem with that.

After that, the heroes separated and went to the corridor according to their genders.

With the boys, they started choosing their respective rooms after entering their corridor. Kouki, being the unofficial leader of the pack, got the honor to pick the first room.

The other boys took their rooms after Kouki. Rob got a room between Kentarou and Jugo's room.

After saying 'goodnight' to Kentarou and Jugo, Rob entered his room. He observed the luxurious room for a while.

After Rob stopped admiring his room, he went to the canopied bed and lay there. He fell asleep quickly.

What had happened today had exhausted Rob mentally and physically. It was time to recharge his energy to face tomorrow!




The sunlight coming into the room through the window hit Rob's face, waking him up immediately.

Rob opened his eyes and yawned. After that, he blankly looked at the canopy ceiling of his bed.

'Right... I got transmigrated to the world of Arifureta as Kousuke Endou. And apparently, I didn't get his memory like what I expected.'

Last night, Rob had a dreamless sleep. It was a nice and helping his body and mind recover very well, but he preferred to get Kousuke's memory instead.

'Oh, well, it can't be helped, then. I think I can pretend to be Kousuke around other students without his memory.'

Rob came back to reality when someone suddenly knocked on the door, grabbing his attention right away.

"Who is that?"

Rob shouted with a bit of irritation. He didn't like it when someone disturbed him in the early morning.

"My deepest apologies, Lord Apostle. I'm just a humble maid tasked to inform you that your instructors require your presence in the training ground."

Rob heard the reply, spoken in a voice that made him figure out the owner's young age. Yesterday, he had seen some maids were still in their teens, no older than the summoned female students. As such, he wasn't taken aback by the maid's young age.

Besides, it wasn't odd in the world of Tortus. Children who lived in this world started working at an early age.

Their reasons varied. It was like what happened in the Middle Age of Earth.

By the way, the maid referred to Rob as 'Lord Apostle' because of how the summoned heroes were also known as God's Apostles. As stated before, their status was that of a religious icon in the Heiligh Kingdom.

Anyway, as the maid had informed Rob before, Rob had to get up and head to the training ground with the other summoned heroes. Though he wanted to procrastinate a little bit, he decided to get it over soon.

"I got it! I'm up!" Rob shouted at the maid outside.

"Understood. Please gather with the other God's Apostles outside. Another maid will guide you and your comrades to the training ground."

After receiving the answer from the maid, Rob left his bed. But, before he left the room, he had to fix his appearance first.

Rob headed to the dressing table with a mirror to check his appearance. Last night, he went straight to sleep, so he didn't have time for that.

Other than his hentai protagonist's hairstyle, Rob had to admit that his current appearance was above average. As shown in the anime adaptation, his irises were gray.

His current body was healthy and fit. However, it wasn't as muscular as the students who focused on athletics, such as Kouki, Ryutarou, and Jugo.

His current height was average for boys his age. It was above 175 centimeters but below 180 centimeters.

Satisfied with his observation, Rob fixed his uniform. He just needed to straighten the kinks in his outfit and fix his tie.

After fixing his appearance, Rob walked out. Then, he saw other students, who seemed sleepy or annoyed or both but swallowed their displeasure.

Soon, all summoned heroes gathered in the intersection between the corridors where the boys' and girls' rooms resided. Then, Aiko started checking their attendance.

When it was Rob's turn, a commotion happened. As usual, his 'sudden appearance' startled everyone else.

Teasing ensued. Rob wanted to slap the head of the boys and spank the butts of the girls who dared to tease him.

Even Shizuku joined to have fun at his expense, surprisingly enough. Oh, how Rob wanted to teach the samurai girl to be obedient in the future.

Alas, Rob knew he couldn't do it, not without raising some suspicions from others.

Fortunately, Aiko stopped their teasing before his patience ran out.

After that, the heroes moved to the training ground, led by a maid. And soon, they all arrived at their destination and found their instructors already waiting for them there.

After exchanging pleasantries with the knights and mages, the heroes got a twelve-centimeter-by-seven-centimeter silver plate with a cross-like accessory that looked like a keychain.

By the way, the training ground looked like a coliseum. Rob recognized the place because it looked similar to the one shown in the anime adaptation.

Also, there was no breakfast. To be precise, the summoned heroes would get breakfast after this meeting was over.

After receiving his plate, Rob eyed it while having complicated, mixed feelings, particularly anxiety and trepidation. By the way, he was standing at the back of the group.

Rob was particularly anxious and scared because there was a chance that he wouldn't get any cheat power. It was something he feared the most.

On top of that, Rob was worried about what his Status Plate would show.

'What if not only do I get no cheat powers, but this plate also shows my real name and age instead of Kousuke's name and age? What will happen to me if it's indeed like that and the students figure out I'm an impostor?'

Rob became more anxious and fearful as time went by, but he couldn't help it! He was not the real Kousuke Endou!

Rob was just an anomaly who woke up in his current body!

Ironically, what happened to Rob was what Ehit intended to do to Kouki!

Nevertheless, even though Rob was drowning in anxiety, time continued going by, disregarding his problem.

Rob snapped out of his stupor when the knight captain, Meld Loggins, began explaining the function of the Status Plate. Granted, he didn't really need it since he already knew what it was.

"Alright, you kids all got your plates? We call them Status Plates. As their name suggests, they take various parameters and quantify them for you. They also make for great identification cards. So long as you got your plate, you would be fine even if you get lost somewhere, so hang onto them tightly, you hear me?"

Meld had a very informal way of speaking. When a student asked about it, he answered with, "We'll be comrades fighting together on the battlefield, so no point in being so stiff with each other!"

Meld even urged the heroes to speak casually with the other knights and mages. And his casual attitude eased the students.

However, it didn't help Rob at all!

As time passed, Rob got more stressed with cold sweat dripping down his forehead and back. But, regardless of his problem, Meld continued his explanation.

"You'll see that one side of the plate has a magic circle inscribed on it. Use the needles I passed out to prick your finger and drip some blood onto the circle behind the plate. That will identify you as the owner of the plate. Then, if you say 'Open Status,' you will see your current stats displayed on the plate. Oh, and don't bother asking me how it works. I've got no clue. These things are Artifacts left from ancient times."

"Artifacts?" Kouki asked, stumbling over the unfamiliar word.

"Artifacts refer to powerful or unique magical items that we no longer have the technology to reproduce. They were supposedly all made during the Age of the Gods when the Creator's descendants still walked the earth. The status plates you all hold are all Artifacts from that era as well, but they're the only Artifacts that still see widespread use to this day. Most other Artifacts are coveted national treasures, but there are enough of these plates that even average citizens have one of them. It's helpful since they make for very reliable identification."

By the way, the Artifact that produced these Status Plates still existed. Also, new Status Plates came out under the strict supervision and control of the Holy Church every year. Meld offhandedly mentioned so.

The summoned heroes nodded in affirmation as they listened to the explanation.

After Meld finished his explanation, the summoned heroes gingerly pricked their fingers. Then, they rubbed the blood that welled up onto the magic circle of their plates. The magic circles flared briefly as the blood touched them.

Rob also pricked his finger with one of the needles a knight distributed to everyone and rubbed some blood onto his plate. By the way, Rob had surprised the knight when he wanted to get his needle, but this wasn't something new, was it?

Anyway, Rob's Status Plate flared up briefly. Then, like ink spreading through wool, pitch-black color slowly dyed it.

While such a phenomenon happened, Meld explained the distinct magic power's color and its connection to the Status Plates to everyone.

According to Meld, when the plates registered their magic power, they changed color to match it. It was the reason why Status Plates could serve as reliable identification cards.

It appeared that the color of the plate after registration and the color of the owner's magic power were always the same.

Rob quickly stopped thinking about the color of his magic power that seemed so edgy. He then murmured 'Open Status!' to figure out his status immediately. What his Status Plate showed was as follows;

[ Rob Freeman - Age: 29 - Male - Level: 1 ]

When Rob saw what was in the general information column, he couldn't help but exclaim in his mind, 'Oh no! I'm fucked!'