
From bug to Dragon

Cat_Dust57 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The day prior

The notorious hacker known as J-XIV has struck again, they have stolen-

I turn off the T.V "they don't have any idea what I did." I say looking at the information though my screen. sighing I get up to raid my fridge of any leftovers that I might have."where the hell is she?" I say walking past a picture of me and my best friend that vanished over a year ago.

half an hour later i return to my setup with hot food in hand I see instead of the flowing information but a invite on my screen,"the hell? Who got past my walls? did they cut my flow!?" I start freaking out trying to figure out how someone could find me so fast, after exhausting my options I look at the invite. a chat group opens up.

CD: ah so good of you to finally join us.

J-XIV: how?

CD: how? you gotta be more specific.

J-XIV: how did you find me, how did you get past my walls?

CD: OH! I simply followed your scent and poured some water over a fire :3d

J-XIV: scent? Are you joking? fine don't tell me.

CD: I don't joke.... okay that's a lie, I love messing with folks.>;3

J-XIV: why are we even talking at all?

CD: ...um. THATS RIGHT I almost forgot.

CD: you have met the requirements to join our grate big family. starting tonight you will see things from a new perspective on well, what ever it is you're good at.

CD: I know vauge, but there's a reason for that. anyways I'll let you get back to whatever it was you were doing.

and just like that the chat closes and the window that I had open earlier was back as if nothing happend.

I look though my systems to find nothing wrong.

Hmm who is this CD character I wonder. *cough*

do note that I know nothing of programming and the like.

I would love feedback and suggestions on how to improve. but for now I'll be keeping chapters short.

Cat_Dust57creators' thoughts