
From best singer to best hero

Izuku is a boy with a very strong quirk but realizing that the society in which he lives discriminates against others for having "weak" quirks, "villains" or simply for not having a quirk, he decides not to become a hero and pursue his second dream, BE THE BEST SINGER. But due to situations he finds himself in he will become a hero.

ImH1R0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


We can see three greenheads full towards the doctor to see the quirk of the 2 small children

-Mom, what do you think our quirks are-Asked the green-haired boy-

-I don't know Izuku, but I hope it's an amazing quirk so you can be heroes- Said the older one with a smile-

- Oni-chan we will be great heroes who save people- Said the girl identical to Izuku with a big smile and raising her All Might doll in the air-

-Of course if izumi-nee, we will be the best heroes- The boy answered his sister with another smile-

Then they arrived at the doctor and asked the secretary where they had to go to check what quirk each one had, then the secretary told Izuku and Izumi's mother where the waiting room was and that the doctor tell them when they can go.

Already in the waiting room they began to talk about what they thought their quirks could be until the doctor arrived

- Mrs. Midorilla can come in- Said a bald doctor with a big mustache and big glasses leaning out of a door of an office-

Then the Inko and her two children Izuku and Izumi went to the doctor's office and sat on some chairs so that later the doctor told them that they had to extract a little of the children's blood to be able to analyze their quirks, which he gave them. they will take some blood and then go to analyze the blood

Some time later, the doctor came back with two sheets of paper in his hands and sat down in front of the midorilla family.

- Let's see, you have to know that in this world there are 80% of people who have a quirk and the other 20% do not have a quirk, those people are called quirkless, in the 80% that do have quirks that are called called villain quirks because they can kill but if you have a villain quirk it doesn't mean they are a villain- The doctor said seriously looking at the Midorilla family who nodded to what the doctor said-

- Bale, I have two pieces of news, which one do you prefer first, the good or the bad? The doctor asked, a little sad for giving the news he was going to say.

- Say the good news first, please- Inko said a little nervous for the bad news-

- Bale, well the good news is that your son Izuku has a very good quirk but not much is known about him since it is the first time we analyzed that quirk and it is not known if anyone has had it- The doctor said looking as the family was happy to know the child's quirk-

- How well I can be the best hero- Exclaimed the boy with a smile-

-We will be the best heroes- The girl exclaimed with enthusiasm for knowing her older brother's quirk for 3 seconds-

- And doctor, what is my son's quirk? Inko asked with a smile knowing that her son could be a hero.

-His quirk is darkness- Said the doctor with a smile for the hero that the boy would be-

-And what allows me to do my quirk? -Asked the boy looking at the doctor with curiosity and joy-

-It allows you to generate darkness that stops all kinds of blows in addition to creating portals wherever you want so that it teleports you and whoever you want, it also gives you an intelligence much higher than average, if you want you can try it-said the doctor looking at the boy-

Then without warning, Izuku created a portal under him that teleported him to his sister's side.

-Wow Oni-chan you are incredible- Izumi said throwing herself to hug her brother with great happiness for her brother's quirk-

-Thank you Izumi-chan- Izuku said as he returned the hug while his mother looked at everything with a smile because of how much her children loved each other-

"Well, Izuku, sit down so I can tell the other news," the driver said a little seriously.

So Izuku went to sit waiting for the doctor to hear the news.

-Izumi, I'm sorry to tell you that you're one of the 20% that doesn't have a quirk-I told the doctor to see how the Midorilla family had incredulous faces for knowing that news-

- But how is that possible- Asked Inko stuttering when she came out of the shock of knowing that news-

-She has the joint in the foot of the old generation that all the quirkless have-said the doctor sadly-

(P.O.V. Izumi)

I can't believe that I don't have a quirk, after all my biggest dream was to be a heroine with Izuku so I could save people with a smile like All Might does, although I still don't know how mom and Oni-chan will take it, Although I will not give up and I will be the best hero in the world and save everyone, I hope that mom and Oni-chan will support me in my decision

(P.O.V. Izuku)

Apparently she doesn't have a quirk, I feel really bad for her but if she wants to be a heroine I'll support her and I'm sure mom will too, I'll wait and talk to her at home, while I'll keep quiet so she can assimilate the news

(End P.O.V)

-Okay then we're leaving now-Inko said very sad for her daughter-

Then Inko grabbed Izuku and Izumi by the hand and they said goodbye to the doctor to go to the car heading home the three of them, very sad for that news

Upon arriving home, Izumi ran to her room and Inko wanted to go help her and support her, but Izuku stopped her.

-Izuku let me go support her, she needs it- Inko said when she saw how her son stopped her-

-No mom, I'm her older brother and it's my duty to go now to support her, you wait later I'll tell you to come-Izuku said sad for his sister-

-Okay but tell her I'm worried about her and then we'll talk-Inko said looking at her son-

-Okay- Izuku said turning around to go to his sister's room-

Then Izuku went to his sister's room to talk to her and when he entered he could see her crying while watching the All Might video, Then Izuku approached Izumi and hugged her

"Oni-chan, do you think she can be a heroine?" Izumi asked her older brother, who just hugged her tighter and said

-Of course you will be, together we will be the best heroes-Izuku said to his little sister with a smile-

-You are the best Oni-chan- Izumi said to her brother-

"You are also the best sister in the world" Izuku said drying Izumi's tears-

Until here this chapter and stereo that you liked there
