
From a Fruit to a god

Black was a multiverse explorer who would visit different universes and explore the unknowns of the multiverse. When his ship was hit by a stupid Cosmic whale, he made a final desperate attempt to stay alive by projecting his soul across multiverse. When he came back to his senses, he realised that he was unable to see, hear or even speak. eventually he found out that he became a fruit in unknown world. follow his adventure as he becomes a god from a fruit with the help of the system. I am writing this to just kick back and relax, this will be fun and lots of evolutions and upgrades i guess, standard fantasy world who knows what my brain would cook up? so don't complaint and just enjoy okay?

Immortal_HyperNova · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Black was half way to digesting the huge caterpillar when he made a new discovery.

The hole from which the caterpillar entered was slightly open and the digestive juice leaked out a little from there.

It wasn't a problem for black but soon, he heard a buzzing sound and sensed a yellow flying object coming near him. He speculated that it may be a bee or a wasp? he was sure that whatever it was, he can handle it fairly easily.

the problem lay in numbers, he was fortunate enough that bugs didn't attack him in high numbers, but if there was swarm of bees, they can easily eat him up before he can even put up his defence.

The small bee got ever closer to the red thorny and hairy fruit and landed right in the middle of two thorns. It then sucked the small amount of digestive juice left on the surface.

Black observed the bee by directing the pointy ends of his hars towards the bee and gather as much information as he can. The bee soon finished sucking the juices that were on the surface and flew away. it didn't have any capabilities to pry open a fruit for it's juice and that was why they were dependant on flowers for their nectar.

This gave black an idea for a quick level up. After few hours, when there was a next bug attack, instead of healing the hole and redirecting the neutrients to the place, he saved them up. There was a bug sized hole left on the surface of the fruit now. He then controlled his [Digestive gland] to leak a small amount of digestive juices in the hole.

After about five minutes, the expected thing happened as the bee flew into the hole. as it was drinking the digestive juices, the hole slowly closed behind it. This time though, it wasn't as dumb as those other insects as it sensed the danger and swiftly flew away.

Black found this to be Normal as he belived there may be other bug eating plants in the forrest and a fairly more intelligent insect like bee would have some defence against the said plants. what he needed was a way to counter act the defence mechanism.

Black spent next few hours thinking of the plan to kill the bees as be speculated that the constant buzzing sound he heard far off in distance was of a beehive and it was a treasure trove of experience. He just couldn't let go of this opportunity.

Black was thinking again and again when a bug attacked him again. this time, he put the idea to test, he pulled the [Poison Seeds] and [Digestive gland] at the same time into the cavity that bug had created.

as soon as the bug bit into the [poison seed] Black flooded the whole cavity with digestive juices. Unfortunately his idea didn't work as He thought that maybe the [Poison Seed] would mix with Digestive juices and make a poisonous juice that would kill the bee. But his own juice won't harm his own body.

Black gave up the idea for a short while as he focused on catching bugs that can smell and were attracted by the juices. Although bees would preety much escape, there were other slow insects which would be caught and killed in the trap.

After his tenth kill, a system notification came.

[Killed Green leaf beetle - Exp +1]

[Requirements met, Unlocked Fly trap]

Black waited for his mass and fluid to recover before he started growing the organ right away.

Soon, there were two holes, almost looking like eyes growing on the fruit, they took shape after a few hours and a special kind of juice was filled inside the holes. It gave off sweet fruity smell probably as right away two bees entred the holes and enjoyed themselves. The juices ran out and as the holes led inside the tube, the bees pushed deeper in to drink more.

By the time they finished drinking, the hole was already closed and black was successful in killing two bees at the same time.

[Killed Talo bee - Exp+3]

[killed Talo bee - Exp+3]

two more notification came when black finished absorbing rhe neutrients.

[Digestive Gland level +1]

[Poison seeds level +1]


Name - Black

Species - Fruit

Race - Devil's Tomato

Level - 3

Exp - 28/30


Mass - 13/13

Juice - 13/13

Weapons - [Poison Seeds lv1]

[Fly trap]

Armour - [Thorns]

Accessory - [digestive gland lv1]

[Sensory Hair]

-[Light sensitivity]

-[Heat sensitivity]

-[sound sensitivity]

[Skills] [Shop] [Encyclopaedia] [Inventory]

With the level up, black didn't notice any difference in details of the skills but their utilisation got easier. it was a subtle change but it did gave him some improvement.

[Fly Trap]

You think fly are too smart? you think they can get away from you because they have so many eyes? Then use this organ to lure them deeper and deeper to their eventual demise.

-Consume 1 juice per trap to refill the trap.

Black checked out the details of the [Fly trap] and he knew that his leveling speed that was getting slower and slower would be able to get a boost with this new organ.

After two days and many more insects, bees and other critters dying inside the fruit, black finally received the notification he was waiting for.

[killed Talo bee - Exp +3]

[Level up]

[Level requirement met, Unlocking Content]

[Upgrades available]

[Quests unlocked]

[Daily missions unlocked]

[New organs unlocked, see details in part creation.]

[Acquired system rewards for reaching level 5, Organ Level up +3, +1 Random special organ]

Black was over the moon after reading the notification. This was a sudden windfall, but considering the grueling grind and insane difficulty of upgrading organs or skills, It was about time he was compensated. Fortunately, a system was like a game breaking bug in the game of life and his system was finally becoming useful.

Black first of all calmed down and started checking out things one by one. The first thing he checked out was the special organ.

He mentally clicked on the notification and a spinning wheel appeared in his mind. it was spinning already and after a while, it stopped on a name of the organ.

[Congratulations on acquiring special organ]

[Vine Limbs]