

Title: How Best Friends are Formed

Samuel and Deborah were best friends right from birth, sorry did I just say from birth? I meant from the womb

so my mother said and yes am Deborah and this is my story.

my mother - Mrs Ann and Samuel's mother -Mrs Anabel were best friends and were neighbors . they were so close like bee and honey .I wouldn't like to say how they met, that's a whole story for another day. my mother was a deaconess and Mrs Anabel was the choir mistress at that time and we were all attending the same church. Anyways the whole neighbor thing brought them closer. especially when they conceived all most at the same time, Samuel was 3 days older than me, now am thinking that we are really ordained to be best friends from God- it's divine 😁, both Mrs Ann and Mrs Anabel took care of each other like sisters, some times they do baby bump race , they even took pictures of their baby bumps, these women.

On the day of Samuel's birth my mother was literally the husband holding unto his wife's hand, Samuel 's dad was on a trip and and wasn't able to make it back early. after the prayers for a safe delivery , my mother had to start giving her inspirational pregnancy speeches, like who does that? –my mom.

my mother was like Anabel you got this,

who is the strongest woman in the whoooole planet? funny enough ma'am Anabel shouted I Am and continued in pain anyways the long and short of the story was gave birth safely to a handsome baby boy ok not that hand some , don't want Samuel getting all excited I called him handsome and three days later I WAS.

I and Samuel didn't really start of as friends talk more of best friends, infact we started as enemies , he was so stingy as a baby . Whenever his mother would visit and bring him along , he wouldn't share his toys with me like come on we were just five years old and he was that stingy or if he didn't want to give me his toy , he would stick it into his mouth and baptize it with his saliva. innocently our parents would keep us together so we could play not knowing that I was placed with a baby monster as a companion. he would chase me up and down with those toys he placed in his mouth , while chasing after me I would try to call out to mum to come rescue me but it always seemed like we are playing, gosh it was so annoying.

There was this faithful day while Samuel was performing his Normal annoying routine of chasing me round the house he tripped , flung his hand and hit his mother's precious vase . The vase fell and shattered into small pieces , pieces that could not be placed back together. Luckily for him our parents were in the sitting room and they did not hear the shattering sound because the sitting was quite far from where we were and also the TV was on a loud volume while they watched their favourite show —The Mad Kids anyways Samuel was on the floor lamenting while tried to do what I did not know with the pieces , just imagine he was trying to place it back piece by piece without glue . I was about to stick out my tongue and mock him until shockingly I felt so much compassion for him. well it surprised me because I had never felt that way as a kid before, it was quite strange then he lifted his head and stirred at me with so much tears rolling down and mucus dripping from his nose like a tap that was not properly closed. I knelt to the ground and started wiping his tears with my tender five years old hand . Our parents were done watching the show , I heard their footstep and felt they were approaching us , I had to whisper into his ear to tell him to stop crying so that they won't hear him . I told him to stop crying if he didn't want to get scolded.

he stopped crying immediately when he heard scolded, I told him that we needed to gather the pieces together as fast as possible, so we did , we gathered every thing together and placed into a bowl and I held his hand and we ran to the garden behind his house. I told him to go bring a shovel, he ran quickly to get the shovel. after some minutes I did not see him , I wanted to go and check for him but he had already showed up with the shovel but could barely lift it , I didn't know what I was thinking sending a five year old to go bring a shovel well I guess I wasn't thinking , am only five too we just let our parents do the thinking for us anyway I ran to help him carry the shovel and by God's grace we dug a little hole well , big enough to hide some thing for a long time . we placed the shattered vase into the hole and buried it . when we were done we gave our selves a high five and held our hands tightly and from that day we became boundless twins causing havoc to the world , just kidding, we became friends, really good friends.