
Free spirit

After the bonfire party, I kept having the same dream every night. It didn't help that I was the latest loser at school at the time or that I couldn't get the people that I cared about to stay. Everything seemed to go downhill for a while, with only a few good moments in between. But strange things happened and strangers became friends, family turned enemy. Then things take an even stranger turn and fairytales are brought to life; The biggest fairytale of all, being love. I hadn't realised how much my life had changed after a bonfire party. I soon learned that I had to take back control before it destroyed me.

Ukewuihe_Chidinma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Broken things

I woke up that Friday morning with a headache. I could barely open my eyes. Looking at my clock, my alarm hadn't even gone off yet. I felt a vibration and realized my phone was ringing. It was Shirley. She sent over 50 texts, and I'm not even lying.

"Hello Sherr, what's up?', i spoke into the phone, in my worst morning voice.

" Are you okay honey? I'm so sorry for leaving you alone last night. I couldn't even find my phone. I'm probably never throwing another party till graduation", she whined.

It got me to laugh weakly. I assured her that I was fine and that I would explain at school. When she was convinced, she let me go. That's when my alarm went off.

Walking downstairs after reluctantly getting ready, I noticed something was off. I couldn't perceive the aroma of breakfast, which was very unusual. Not as unusual as Vincent sitting in my living room.

I couldn't decide whether or not to.. greet? Maybe even find out what in hell he was doing there and at that time of the morning. Because I was not about to leave without breakfast first, after the episodes from last night. I finally moved from behind the sofa so he noticed me.

"Morning", he greeted, so then i should've "We have a slight change in plans. We have to grab breakfast on the way to school. So we best hurry", he announced.

Obviously, he already made breakfast sound like not a lot of fun. But I walked out without a word to the kitchen to make sure Ateema wasn't making something already. She wasn't there. I made a mental note to ask her if she took the day off or something, when I got back. She probably forgot to tell me like usual.

Vincent and I went to 'grab' breakfast.. I just didn't expect it would be TOGETHER. He sat across from me, and ate some sandwiches with coffee. It felt very weird seeing him eat. I guess I always just knew him as a 'thing' that works for my dad and drives me to school and back. He looked human, didn't feel like it.

As I sat there I noticed a lot of things too. He had beautiful grey eyes, that went very well with his thick black hair... Which was very well styled I gotta say. He had a good face, and looked put together; a bit uptight.

" what?", he asked, snapping me out of it..whatever IT was. Looking down at my plate I just shrugged.

"I'm full". I noticed he started to clean up so we could go. " wait, I have to buy lunch too", I protested. He stopped.

"Yeah, Your father said you could have this. To get lunch when you need", he extended his hand across the table with some money in it. A lot to be honest, for just lunch. But who was complaining? Not me.

I walked into school, grateful that Vincent didn't give me his usual lecture. Of course the usual side snickering greeted me. But it was starting to get old, or I just got used to it. Shirley was standing by her locker, with her eyes on her phone. We greeted and of course the gossip ensued as we went to Literature class. Plus, I promised to tell her about how I got home.

At break time, Shirley went to see Mira about cheer leading practice info, since she threw her party already. I went to the bathroom to wash off an ink stain on my hands. I kept fiddling with my pen and that happened.

As the water ran over my hands, I watched part of the stain go off. I looked up at the mirror and Mira and her minions were behind me. I tried to look down immediately to avoid drama that I just didn't have energy for, but...

"Well well...", it was too late. " ..the helper bee has a message from Shirley", Mira purred.

I looked up, wondering what she was talking about. Then, everything went black. I tried to pull the band from my eyes when I heard a ripping sound and I felt cold air on my tummy. I screamed and my mouth was stuffed with something that tasted like paper. I heard the door open and they must've let go because I finally got the band off my eyes. The Monica in the mirror was wearing a shredded tee, had paper balls dropping from her mouth, and had her hair in Mira's hand as the other hand held up a pair of scissors.

"Now you look dolled up. Michelle, please tell Shirley it's done", Mira said, letting go of my hair, which I was grateful for by the way. Also for the girl that walked in when she did. I knew I should've reported them as I watched them strut out, but I just wasn't willing to for some reason. Besides, I didn't report the other ones that happened in that last week.

I was more interested, however, in what Shirley had to say. I knew she had nothing to do with it, and would most likely confront Mira for me. And then I'd stop her from doing so, of course. It's a whole process.

I still had a few more classes and my shirt was beyond destroyed. Some ink stains were on my face too from trying to grab the band put over my eyes. With a piece from my shredded shirt, I wiped at the stains on my face. I tried calling Shirley, but I kept reaching voicemail. So...

" Hi, Liam? Uhm I need a little help"

His Jacket wasn't made for me, clearly. But, I was grateful for it anyway. I noticed the stares from Mira and her minions as I entered the class wearing the jacket. Shirley didn't take that class so I still had to wait to talk to her.

After school, I couldn't find Shirley anywhere, and I couldn't reach her either. Thoughts flooded my mind.. Not good ones.

"Hi Sherr...it's Mon.. Could you call me soon. I really need to talk to you", I left a message finally. I knew, even if i found her, Vincent would not wait around when he got there. I met Liam grabbing things from his locker. So I walked up to him.

"Hi... Thanks again for the help", I said quietly

"Oh.. Yeah, you're welcome. I'm glad to help. So.. How'd that happen again?", he closed his locker and turned to face me wholly

"Uhm... I was struggling with an... Ink stain. And just like that it ripped. Not high quality threads I guess", I lied. He just smiled.

" okay, well... I guess I have to return it now", I said, grabbing the jacket.

"Or.. You could return it on Monday. I'm not using it this weekend"

"Oh...Kay. Thank you again. I better get going. My ride'll soon be here" I said, looking towards the exit. And as it wandered a bit, my eye caught Mira looking right at us. She didn't look too happy. I felt annoyed remembering what happened.

"...on Saturday. I'll call you after?", asked Liam.. Which made me realise he was talking to me. And although I didn't hear a word he said..

" Sure... So, bye then ", and I headed for the exit. When Vincent arrived and I was already waiting, I could tell he felt a bit surprised. During the drive home, I saw him through the corner of my eye, deliberating on what he wanted to say.. To me?

" How was school? Everything... Okay with you?"

__No.. He did not just talk to me. Asking about my day... Naahhh_

"It was fine", I sounded like someone else. I cleared my throat and looked at him this time. " Thank you, Vincent ". He just nodded, and that was it, till we got to my house.

I got home, and from the door I could perceive something good. It was food. So I went to the kitchen first. On the kitchen table were lots of wraps of different foods. Takeout. Just then, you wouldn't believe, my mom walked in. She was back from work? At that time? And she wasn't on the phone!

"Hey honey, how was school today?", she asked as she walked to the fridge and opened it. I just stared, and said nothing. She grabbed a bottle of water and closed the fridge. Then turned to me, and from me to the food laid out on the table."You hungry? We got lots of.."

"Where's Ateema?", I interrupted, with no expression.

" Honey, why don't you go upstairs and get ready for din..."

"Please, where's Ateema?", this time I just asked for formalities. Deep down, I already knew.

" Sweetheart. Ateema...she's... ", she trailed off. The look on her face said it all. Ateema was gone. I just needed to know if she was okay at least.

" Mom.. How is she?"

"She's doing okay. We had to let her go. She was getting old and the work around the house.. "

"Yeah. Sure"

"Are you okay? You want me to microwave something for you?"

"Uhm.. No I'll just take.. This", I grabbed a plate on the table, I wasn't even sure what was inside. " Thanks I'll be in my room", I forced a smile and soon walked out of the kitchen.

Getting to my room I put down the plate and sat on the floor, by my bed. My phone vibrated for a while before taking me to Shirley's voicemail... AGAIN. I suddenly started breathing fast, there was something lodged in my throat. I swallowed but it was still there. I tried Shirley again.. Still voicemail. Then I felt wetness building in my eyes... Soon, tears trickled down my cheeks and face. I wiped them away as fast as I could, but... It just kept coming faster. I slid my phone away and I let it flow.

I wasn't sure why I was crying.. But I felt miserable. Anyone could do anything to me and I wouldn't give a fudge... But not Shirley. Not Ateema. Why would she leave like that and not say goodbye? I couldn't bear it...

__No one truly loves you, they're just humoring you. You worthless piece of trash. You shouldn't beleive that anyone would love you, even your parents. But you choose to be the fool... Because you want to be loved_

I felt all the humiliation from school coming back. I didn't care...or maybe i did. Coupled with the events of today, as the thoughts kept coming in, I wanted to tell Shirley because she was the only one.. But she wouldn't return my calls. It made me wonder if Mira was right. I felt betrayed and sad. And not being able to tell someone about it made me feel worse. I felt alone and self pity. And soon, I fell asleep.

Hours later, the hunger I felt forced me awake. My eyes were swollen and I had a headache from crying. I sat up on the floor and searched for the plate of food I brought with me. I wasn't thinking about Shirley and Ateema anymore, just the food.

I found it. It was Chicken, with some vegetables on mashed potato. There wasn't any spoon around so I just ate the chicken. I heard my phone buzz a few times but I didn't feel like going to get it. So I went back to sleep on the floor. And soon, I was in a dream.. The dream

The same thing happened, except, this time, the beast stepped forward to me. I wanted to go to it but my body felt so heavy. Soon, the world was spinning around me, and I felt myself falling. Just before I blacked out, I saw the beast turn away. I should've hit the ground.. But I was falling for what seemed like forever. And I woke up.

The dream.. it was ..changing?. As I opened my eyes, I had to shut them back due to the brightness of the room as the sunlight swept into the room from the windows.

Finally, I got up and went to get my phone. There was still no reply from Shirley, and no returned calls. But I didn't feel anything. I guess I didn't care anymore. I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom to clean up. I stood for quite a while looking at myself, wondering if I should, but I eventually did. Plopping back on my bed I took my phone to distract myself, with YouTube or something. Then I saw Liam's text.

Liam: Hi... Can I come over? I need that jacket after all. ;-)


I really didn't feel like seeing anyone.. But he needed the jacket so..

Me: Sure. I'll have it ready.

He read the text and texted back saying he'd be at my house soon. So I got up and scanned my room for the jacket. And when I found it, I took it downstairs and put it on a chair. Then I went into the kitchen to get some juice.

In a few minutes I heard his car pull up in front. I took the jacket outside.

"Good morning", I managed

" Morning .. Oh thanks...", he took it and also a good look at me. "..Are you okay? Sleep well?"

"Yeah.... You?", I squinted my eyes looking up at him. It was a very bright morning.

" No, I couldn't. My sister had a little accident. Cut herself. She had a problem with sleeping after, so.."

I didn't know what to say..... I didn't even know if I wanted to say anything.

"Hey... If you're not too busy.. I kinda need your help"

"Ahh... Going to ask the helper bee are we?", I joked.

I cannot believe I joked about it. That had to be a good sign that it was getting really old. Even though he didn't know that. He just stared.. Not sure if to apologise or laugh. I laughed and I felt him relax.

" What do you need help with?"

"If that means you'll help then please, come in", he gestured to his car. And went round to the driver's seat. I probably should tell someone... Or come up with an excuse to not go or something. Right? But staying at home wasn't going to be any good.. And I had no one at home to tell. So I just left a text with Vincent.. Telling him who I was going with and sending a copy of Liam's number. You're thinking why Vincent right? I know.

" As long as I don't get a new nickname for this one", I said with a slight chuckle. Then I entered the car and we drove off.