

Ayra drawn into the heaven cocoon of the ministration of his hands on her neck opened her mouth and spewed her worries to him.

Ayra told jack everything and all the emotions she had felt from the first day kachi stepped into their class , but she omitted the part where she had been jealous on seeing him and kachi speaking in class. Now the issue was off her chest she felt really better and wondered what possessed her to tell jack , on a normal day she would hold it all in her tiny chest but jack had utterly shattered her defense. Ayra kept her eyes on her loafers now he knew how petty and silly she could be, did he still like her? She asked herself and didn't dare to look up to him .

"Hmmm ,muffin thank you for sharing that with me " he said at last.

"Why is he thanking me "? Ayra thought to herself.

"C'mon let's go to class from what you explained kachi has a right to be mad but I'm sure once you apologize sincerely everything would be fine. Don't worry about it anymore okay" he cooed sliding a finger across her ears.

Ayra's body shook lightly " Fuck why did her body always reacte to his touches? Can't she have a little self control she cursed in her mind, hoping he didn't notice how her body reacted.

"Muffin let's go or do you want an ice cream? It would make you feel better. "

"No wait, you don't hate me?" She asked raising her eyes to look at his expression.

Jack 's face creased in confusion" Muffin why would I hate? "

"I don't know" she shrugged her shoulders" I have done something terrible. "

"Tsk ari listen to me, we can't always control our emotions but we can control our actions and though you made a mistake in the past the most important thing , is you have realized your wrong and want to right your wrongs . This little episode you told me about doesn't define your whole life and personality. "

Ayra stared at him with grateful eyes, "Jack thank you so much I felt so guilty but now I feel better thank you ".

"Sshh don't thank me I don't like seeing you sad, in fact when you are sad I'm in pains."

Oh ayra muttered looked away from his eyes again , " But what if she doesn't accept my apologies? what if she doesn't even want to speak with me ever again? What will happen?" She asked in quick secession.

"Muffin assuming things won't help, kachi seems like a reasonable person let's hope she understands where you are coming from and forgive you. "

"I hope so too, I don't want Ella to be disappointed."

"Trust me this isn't a big issue and I'm here with you , I will ensure she gives you a listening ear. "

"How will you achieve that?" She asked gripping his hands unknowingly.

"Leave that to me" he replied using the golden opportunity to wrap his hands around hers tightly .

"Jack thank you once again. "

"Stop with the gratitude it's making me uncomfortable" he said leading her to class.

"Oh really? Now I know your weak point once you annoy me, I would thank you a thousand times" she teased .

He looked at her with twinkle in his eyes glad she was back to her normal self " Muffin you wouldn't dare"

"I love dares" she muttered before chanting "thank you jack " like a mantra.

"Stop muffin or I would shut your mouth with mine" he groaned in a serious tone.

Ayra quickly stopped her chant and remained quite till they reached class.

On getting to the entrance of the class, her breath hitched seeing a teacher inside, "seems like we are pretty much late" she wishpered to Jack .

"Yeah looks like it, you know we can skip this class and go for that ice cream. "

"Hehe your offer is tempting but i will pass" ayra replied.

"Oh my bad I forgot your a nerd" he said giggling.

"Stop teasing me" she replied playfully hitting him.

"Alright come on let's go inside". - Jack

"Uhm wait" she tried unclapsing her hands free from his, but he held on tightly frowning a little at her actions. "Jack you would have to let go of my hands we can't go inside the class together. "

"Why not? "

"Tsk let's not argue I would go in first then after a few minutes you come in" she muttered peering inside the classroom.

"Ari I thought we are over this? What's wrong with us going in together are you ashamed to be seen with me?" he asked with a low register.

"No no not all Jack I just don't want the teacher to make lewd remarks about us that's all . Okay let's go in together" she offered when he remained mute" but let's not hold hands please' she pleaded hoping he would understand.

"*sighs* you know I can't refuse your requests no matter how much I don't like them, okay let's do as you say. "

"Thank you" she mouthed remembering that he disliked excessive thanks. Ayra and Jack quickly went inside the class amidst stares from classmates but ayra ignored their eyes, held her head high and walked to her seat.

Few minutes later the lesson ended and the teacher left the class, ayra turned and stared at kachi their eyes met briefly but kachi looked away with a scrowl on her face. This was the perfect time to talk to her ayra thought to herself , with determined steps she walked over to chair and made an attempt to smile but it came as a grimace

"Good morning kachi how is your day? "

Kachi stared at her with bored expression "My day was fine till you came here so can you kindly leave!!. "

Ayra swallowed hard, she didn't expect this to be easy but also didn't realize she would be this mad at her. Since her attempt at pleasantries wasn't working she would go straight to point.

"Kachi I'm really sorry for spoiling your day but please can I talk to you for a moment? "

"Unfortunately I don't want to listen to you" she replied sweetly.

"Are you enjoying seeing me fret? Just spare me a moment of your precious time " ayra demanded forgetting her plans on being calm , collected and kind.

"Of course heap the blame on me it's always my fault when things don't go your way. "

Ayra bit her lips hard and tasted blood" I know you probably hate me right now but please give me a chance to right my wrongs".

Kachi stood up agitated and angry that they were drawing the attention of the class.

"Ayra read my lips I don't want to speak with you just leave me alone" she said in a tight voice before storming off out of the class, but ayra quickly chased after her . Jack and Ella who had been discreetly watching figured out that things weren't moving well and ran after the two girls as well.

Kachi walked away from the class and ayra not knowing a particular destination but she knew she had to move away from the toxic space.

"Kachi please wait up" ayra screamed trying to catch up with her "heck where did she learn to run so fast? Ayra questioned the thin air .

Kachi turned her head around and seeing that ayra was following her she got more mad and sought for ways to escape her, without thinking she dived into an empty class and tried to lock it from the inside but ayra was faster than her and entered immediately breathing like she had run a marathon.

Kachi 's eyes hardened on seeing that ayra was already in the class with her." Move away from the door I want to leave" she ordered.

"Not until you hear me out" ayra replied wishing someone would hand her a cup of water ,all that running around the staircase had made her very thirsty.

"Are you dumb? What part of "I don't want to listen to you " don't you understand? "

"Kachi I'm tired please just - listen to me" ayra muttered still breathless.

Kachi not too violently pushed ayra away from the door but alas the knob didn't budge, she tried again and again but met with the same result. "Fuck who locked the door from outside? "She questioned.

Ayra smiled gently and stood up on her feet, "kachi you would have to hear me out now whether you want to or not" she stated with a triumphant look.