

"Hey bro you have been kinda quite, wattsup ? " Tim asked draping his arms around Jack's shoulder, they have been friends since kindergarten and Tim had never seen jack looks so melancholic.

" I'm good jack replied unfurling his arms from his shoulder". 

"You ain't acting right these days". 

"Hmm just because I missed a few parties lately doesn't automatically imply that something is wrong with me". 

"Calms bro, I'm just saying the jack I know wouldn't miss a good time no matter the problem ". 

"There is more to life than partying , drinking and making out tim". 

"Woohoo never thought I would hear that phrase from you, what the heck happened? "

"Maybe I finally grew up and you should follow suit". 

"Tim giggled heartily unable to believe his ears then turned sober on remembering something , yeah that's right Natasha is flooding my phone with messages" . 

"Oh who is that again?' 

Tim stared at him mouth opened " jack you forgot about the hotshot you gave your number, let me help you recall her class is just a few blocks away and she sneaked into you during th-"

"That's enough memory refresh I remember her now". 

"But how could you have forgotten she's hot for crying out loud, anyways stop avoiding her after giving her the green light". 

"I never gave her any green light she literally chased after me jack almost screamed". 

"Yeah right but you didn't dissuade her either". 

"Unfortunately I ain't interested in any little games with her anymore and if she had any lick of sense , she would get the message loud and clear". 

"Does this have anything to do with that "little perfect nerd? "

"She has a name don't refer her by that term again." Jack warned.

"Fuck bro can't believe you like her Tim muttered as though he had committed the most grevious sin ever. "

"I never said I did". 

"You are defending her and I see the way you look at her, am sure it's something". 

"It's nothing Tim". 

" I'm su-"

"I said I don't have feelings for her drop it already". 

"Okay okay no need to yell man , I hear you loud and clear I legit know there is no way in hell you would like her". 

"What do you mean she's an amazing person with an intelligent mind it's easy to be crazily obsessed with her "

"Bro why are you riled up concerning ayra? You claim you don't like her but won't hear one bad word about her". Tim accused

"Tim just leave me alone, go away." 

"On my way before you bite my head off, don't miss practice and remember that ayra she ain't your type, you two are out of sync "he finished before stalking off ". 

 Jack thought of Tim's last words to him, yes agreed ayra was different from his usual type but she was such a breath of fresh air from all the girls that were throwing themselves at him persistently. He suddenly couldn't stop thinking about her, she ran through his mind all through the night gosh he even dreamt about the both of them kissing. 

Jeeze he tugged at his hair he didn't like these feelings building up, all mushy and gushy for a girl that didn't even care about him. He had even tried catching her eyes all day and was appalled at himself that he was upset because she hadn't noticed him that day. 

"Fuck jack get it together, it's just ayra but damn she was so beautiful today with her hair packed up in a messy bun, plus her heart shaped lips and her - 

Christ he caught himself, why was he thinking about perverted thoughts? He was certain that if she could read his thoughts at that moment , she would be disgusted at him and that's the last thing he wanted right now. 

 After school today he would try speaking with her he decided for the sake of his sleep and peace of mind ,tsk but her best friend was always with her never mind that he was jack and whatever he wanted he always got it. 

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