

" Alice!!? Alice!!! " Catherine and ayra called at the same time and each time Alice remained silent their voices increased in tempo and panic but unfortunately Alice remained unmoving in their arms.

" Omg mom what's happening? My sister is not waking up " Ayra cried slapping Alice's pale checks softly .

" Quick call the family doctor, she has never passed out before I don't know - don't just stare at her call the doctor!!! " . Catherine shouted

With shaking fingers ayra did as she was told praying earnestly that the doctor would pick up at first ring.

" You guys do the calms I'm fine " Alice suddenly said standing up from her lying position with a mischievous grin on her face.

" Christ you almost gave a heart failure Alice" Catherine yelled sitting down with a sigh.

Ayra stared back at her in shock unable to believe alice had been pulling their legs, she felt like strangling her and embracing her at the same time. " You think everything is a joke? Huh Alice? " . She finally managed to say

" Oh ayra take a chill pill i needed something to diffuse the serious atmospher you created and boom I pulled it out efficiently "

" Aliceeeee you scared me and mom " She cried.

" Haha yeah that's the plan you guys were getting all musy- gushy hugging me and all that this is the only thing I could think of , I'm sorry guys " She added smiling sweetly.

Catherine groaned loudly " Remember we have an appointment in the hospital tomorrow prepare early " She stated standing up slowly to her room, she didn't kill her mom she could only pray that her own children wouldn't kill her.

" Uhm mom I'm coming with you two " Ayra stated ready to argue if necessary .

Catherine turned to stare at alice as though seeking for her approval before replying dryly " Wake up early then " .

" Mom I promise I'm fine there's absolutely no need to see a doctor and I haven't missed any of my medica- " .

" It's not negotiable alice " Catherine yelled not letting her finish and disappeared inside.

" Phew what a night " Alice commented glancing at her phone which had been blinking with thousands of messages and phone calls probably from people who missed the party and wanted to hear it from the horses mouth that Troy had cheated on her while the other part ringing her might be calling to sympathize with her over what happened. Alice was in no mood to speak with people who might be secretly pleased at her plight , therefore she switched off her phone and tossed it over. Tomorrow she would worry about all that but not today.

" I know right I feel like I can sleep for a week from the exhaustion I feel " Ayra seconded threading carefully.

" You did well kiddo more than I expected seems like you have the Alice flare in you " .

Ayra smiled widely she liked the thought of herself and alice having similarities , Christ if it was possible she would gladly agree to be the one suffering from leukemia instead of Alice " Thank you " She blushed frowned on remembering something she had said.

" Alice I'm so sorry for all the nasty stuff I said on the eve of your birthday " .

" Our birthday " She corrected with a smirk before brushing the apology away " It's fine ayra I also said some pretty mean words to you as well , plus I wasn't aware you felt like mom was being prefential to me . She's super proud of you and your academic achievement I'm the one always giving her a hard time " .

Ayra smiled in relief and went towards her room though she wanted to stay more with her she feared that their fragile relationship wouldn't last if they spent more time together " Good night Alice " .

" One last thing ayra please know one from school should know about this not even your friends till I'm ready . Are we clear? " .

" Crystal clear Alice ,I hear you loud and promise on my life not to tell another soul " . She pledged

" Good " She commented seeing double and feeling a cold liquid trail through her nostril, she quickly held her hands over her nose and pretended to be coughing.

" Are you okay? Let me get you a glass of water " .

" No no ayra I'm fine " She replied half running to her room.

She had caused enough problems already for her family for a night and ayra was a worrywart she would literally panic on seeing blood on her nose she thought to herself warily.