
A drop of the future falling in the present

The abyss a cruel and Dark place created by the gods with the sole intention of using it as a prisión for demons although many of these were weak there were also many others who were excessively powerful although one of them stood out from the rest.

In the abyss could be heard The Voice of Fral resounding as he walked dragging the body of a demon that he had recently killed while the other demons hid in each little shadow trying to avoid being discovered.

"Your flesh is weak, Your bones are fragile, Your blood is colorless and insipid" (Fral)

Since Fral had been locked in the abyss, he dedicated himself only to investigate each living creature and to become stronger but his growth was something that never stopped which brought some disadvantages with it which were an insatiable and voracious hunger and that easily became bored and it required looking for new things to investigate.

The rivers of blood, the mountains of corpses being consumed by all kinds of creatures that reside in the abyss, thousands of grotesque existences these were only part of their daily life. Fral had already forgotten what time was, so much time had elapsed that he could not even remember what a human being was anymore.

Fral finally reached his place at the top of the abyss watching the various creatures that flew, ran and slipped in every little corner of each place, the abyss were so overpopulated that even the smallest shadow of a rock could be inhabited for more than a hundred demons trying to hide.

Fral itself was one of the few demons that were considered a controlled threat, in the abyss the rules were very simple "The law of the jungle" the weak demons or that in many cases could be useful for the strongest formed pacts to create a relationship with benefits, a greater demon could have thousands of lesser demons at his command but this rarely applied since most of the minor demons only used their basic needs which were to eat.

Fral to enter the abyss and at first glance was very different from others, never accept any lesser demon and much less this allowed them to be near, most of the demons in the abyss recognized Fral as a threat which could be easily, but that simple mentality made that in one day the abyss was almost completely emptied of all its inhabitants becoming known as the eater of entities, Fral.

Several seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years passed since Fral had been sent to that place, but even so he could never help asking himself.

"What will have happened to that world from which I was banished" (Fral)

Fral observed the red skies while trying to remember what that world was like from which he had been expelled, but as much as he thought he was unable to remember anything since he never had the opportunity to leave that cave covered in blood seals that kept him trapped, until suddenly a small red drop fell into Fral's mouth causing his palate to dance with joy, being a flavor so unfamiliar and at the same time familiar. Fral observed the red sky with more concentration.