
Fragment of Reality

“This world is so pathetic, everyday is consecutively the same, yet we still are anticipating for what is to come. Why is that? Is it because we are so immersed into this pitiful world of ours, or are we just utter fools?” Fragment of Reality is a riveting dark fantasy, adventure, thriller novel that follows the journey of a young man named Kuro, who embarks on a perilous quest to uncover the true meaning of existence. At the beginning of the novel, Kuro is depicted as a generic character, with little depth or complexity. However, as the story progresses, Kuro begins to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world around him, which leads him on a journey of self-discovery. As Kuro travels deeper into the unknown, he confronts the ultimate question of existence: What is the purpose of life? Is there a grand design that governs our existence, or are we merely random elements in a chaotic universe? Through his encounters with various characters, Kuro comes to understand that the answer to this question is not straightforward, and that the meaning of existence is a complex and multifaceted concept that can only be approached through experience.——

shougofr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The Test (part 3)

It has been roughly four hours since we arrived, I'm guessing the test will end any minute now.

The fog has disappeared completely, allowing for me to see everything perfectly clear. The sky continues to grow brighter with each passing moment, illuminating the area in a bright white light.

I glance down at the bloodstains on my hands and clothes, thinking about how many different ways I could've killed these people and how many more deaths await me, should the need arise later.

As I continue to gaze over the surroundings and walk my way closer towards the entrance, I notice that the guards on duty are now laying on the ground, dead, with bullet wounds riddled all over their chests.

- "I can't say I'm surprised." I say to myself.

After all, it was one of the objectives which was on the list, but even so, how was one able to kill both of the guards?

Before I can think too much about it though, we've reached the entrance. There is a few other groups gathered here too, I assume all waiting for the next portion of the test.

As I'm looking around the field, I immediately spot a mysterious man standing off to the side, staring directly at me with his cold gaze. When my eyes lock with his, I am aware of the fact that this candidate is somehow unique; I should keep a careful eye on him in case we ever encounter him. I'm quite certain that he hasn't come into contact with the others yet.

I look at Karl, and it seems he aswell has noticed the strange aura of this candidate. After a couple of seconds, he turns towards him, narrowing his eyes suspiciously as he observes the strange boy from afar.

It seems that Karl has as well took interest in the stranger from afar, after noticing the same strange aura emanating from him. But he decides not to make a move, for its best we stay hidden until we proceed to the next level of the test.

After a few more minutes of silent observation, I hear a door open behind me whilst many of the candidates are talking.

My attention turns towards that direction as I notice it was Lawrence who has returned.

- "Alright." He says to everyone, addressing everyone present. "We will now be taking a look all names whom have succeeded in the accomplishment of 50 points, please head inside."

Most everyone starts gathering towards the doorway of the facility, eager to gain their points.

Lawrence waits until everybody is inside, before following shortly afterwards and closing the doors behind him.

As everyone was talking loudly amongst themselves, Lawrence then decides to speak up.

- "Okay now then." Lawrence begins. "Many of you have done well thus far, which I'm very pleased with. But there still remains some individuals whom have not succeeded on passing the first portion of the test." He states.

Lawrence then projects a large screen covering most of the room, displaying each of the participants' names and points. This will allow us to see who exactly passed the first portion of the test and whether that person had achieved their goals.

Upon glazing my eyes at first sight, I can already see that Karl and I have qualified for the second round; scoring just over 50 points, but my expression suddenly changes as a huge frown appears on my face.

At first place, scoring perfect score, was a name registered as '???'.

I glance over at Karl, and I see his reaction to the name as well. The frown on his face also indicates to me that he too has recognized the name of this opponent.

I then look around the room, and nobody really seems to be confused about this name, rather they are all excited, and some disappointed for not qualifying. But whilst thinking more about this, a thought processes through my mind.

I turn my gaze towards that mysterious candidate from before, as his name registers in my brain once again, it's like the world becomes completely quiet, all noises ceasing altogether.

- "I really shouldn't be surprised." I murmur to myself.

Perhaps I truly should be cautious when dealing with this man, after all, he was able to score perfect points on the qualification test.

That means he probably has something to do with the death of that man earlier, I'm sure of it. His aura gives off the same pressure I felt just earlier today while in the forest, which was why I compelled to killing him earlier. I cannot deny that this is the individual whom I was awaiting to kill.

Just as I'm trying to process my thoughts, Lawrence interrupts me.

- "Alright, everyone!" He yells. "We have proceeded to the next phase. Please follow me." He then walks out of the room, followed closely by the rest of the group.

I step out of line behind Karl, who is walking alongside me. I'm not entirely sure where we should be going, so I decide to keep a close eye on him while I ponder this new information I have just found out.

For the time being, we are heading in the opposite direction of the testing ground, away from this facility. We soon arrive at a spacious room with one large table at the centre surrounded by many chairs. It almost looks like a conference room, though much larger.

- "Please, take a seat." Lawrence says.

- "There's no need to stand on ceremony, you may relax." He adds.

Once everyone has found a seat, Lawrence takes the center seat at the head of the table, along with three other men sitting beside him.

A couple of minutes pass and all of the attendees remain seated, waiting for the examiner to start the meeting.

Finally, Lawrence clears his throat to draw our attention. Everyone looks towards him with expectant faces, waiting for him to commence. Lawrence leans forward slightly as he puts a finger on the table in front of him.

- "Thank you all for coming. Now, shall we begin?" He asks.

The whole room remains silent for a few moments, waiting for someone to speak up.

- "Let us get straight to business." Lawrence states.

With that said, he then picks up a paper from his right hand, places it on the table in front of him, and opens it up.

He then proceeds to read aloud the contents within the paper.

- "To all candidates who have completed the first portion of the test, this document provides all required information regarding the second level of the test, including the requirements for each participant." He pauses for a moment.

- "You will all know the rules once you enter the simulation rooms." He continues reading aloud.

- "From now on, you may choose your own partner. As long as the two of you are compatible, you will automatically complete each phase of the test. You must not hesitate to fight, kill or incapacitate anyone you meet, unless it is necessary."

- "Your objective is to eliminate your opponents, in order to complete the test. And if you encounter any other candidate than yourself, be sure to use all your power, and protect yourselves." Lawrence looks around and notices that we are only listening to him attentively, none of us have spoken in response to his announcement.

- "Very well. To all of you who have passed, welcome to the next stage of your lives."

- "Now, I suggest you all prepare yourselves for the next phase, it will surely require all your strength." Lawrence concludes, before handing each of the participants a sheet of paper which states everything we need to know about the test.

I stare at the sheet of paper in shock and disbelief as I attempt to comprehend what I have just heard. The second portion of the test will require a partner..

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