
Fractured God

16 years ago, Tibaut Agirow was born with the soul of a 26-year-old NEET. He was born into a noble family and very much enjoyed his cushy life in a new world. 12 years after this he had to make his way through the world by himself. 4 years after that he soon encountered a blonde lady that would change the course of his life.

NeetRonin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
275 Chs

Chapter 97

"(No. There is no way. I refuse. After all that, are you trying to tell me I can't do it anymore? Both Elizabeth and Tina saw me use ki (though I wish I could have been awake for it). I refuse to accept that I got my ass tenderized by Elizabeth for over an hour, only not to keep the skill I gained from it. What kind of horseshit is this? If this was a battle manga I'd at least be able to summon it for a limited time in exchange for some tax on my body. But not even that? Just nothing?)" Tibaut as he held his head, looking as though he was in great pain. As Tibaut's mind went through turmoil refusing to accept he couldn't even use the cooling-sounding ki he had used on Elizabeth, Tina looked at him with pity for a moment before straightening her face.

"What a disappointment."

Tibaut had nothing to say to that and held his head down in shame.

"(Huh? You're not gonna snap back or say anything?)" She thought as she watched him.

He stood still and closed his eyes one more time. He tried focusing and attempted to pull any energy out of his body but all it did was encircle him in his mana.

He soon stopped and started squatting on the ground with his hands on his temple.

"Um," Tina unconsciously let slip from her mouth.

Tibaut had an aura of misery around him that made it difficult to say anything to him. He stayed there wallowing in his failure until she walked up.

"Um, Tibaut."

"...want to."


"I don't want to do all that stuff again!!!" He said in a higher-pitched tone than usual.

Tina had to hold herself back.

"What? Are you insulting me? All you had to gain that power, was lose to Elizabeth. You're just annoyed you'd have to do it again you lazy bastard?"

"Say that again when you're the one being beaten within an inch of his life."

"Inch of your life? Don't exaggerate!" She said as she threw a punch at him. "You get bruised a bit and now you're complaining, talk about being ungrateful."

He stopped the punch with his own hand.

"Bruised a bit? Did you see our fight before I had my blue aura?"

"Of course I did."


She jumped back and seemed to mimic some of Tibaut's own movements.

"(I really hope the next person I train with doesn't copy my moves) How much did you see exactly?"

"I mean I saw Elizabeth heal you a few times. She's quicker than I thought but I suppose bruising and a few small scrapes shouldn't take too long to treat."

Upon hearing Tibaut quickly changed his tone.

"Uh, yeah. (Aren't you the one that said this would be bad if this got out, Elizabeth?) Maybe she's improving?"

Tina looked to the sky.

"Man, she loses her wind and in no time she gets this and improves it to the point of being practical. Sigh." She said sounding quite melancholic.

"Her wind?" Tibaut asked, confused.

"Oh, right, she's only had you for a month or so. You should probably ask her about it, though I'd like it if you didn't mention my name."

"(Hmm, is this related to what Elizabeth said happened to her magic?) Whoa, what the hell?" Tibaut exclaimed. He had his train of thought interrupted by Tina's spear stabbing at him (Did she hide it nearby?).

"Don't worry Tibaut, I'm a great friend so I'll help you out." She said with a hint of sarcasm "What Elizabeth did to help you unlock that thing didn't seem so hard, so I'll be substituting for her today." She said as she thrust the spear.

"Come on, I was asleep for over a day getting rest can't a guy get a break?"

"I can send you to the ground if you want a break."

She swung her spear towards Tibaut but he jumped over it.

"Tch, fine, let's do this."


Tina was sprawled out on the ground with her spear next to her. She breathed heavily while gritting her teeth. A hand reached out to her.

"You honestly did pretty well today," he commented.

"I don't want to hear that from a man who was sleeping all day yesterday."

As soon as she grabbed his hand, he managed to put her over his shoulder and lift her up.

She blushed slightly and commented "W-w-why?"

"Don't you remember our bet?" He responded. "Until the day you beat me, I'll keep carrying you like this."

She was surprisingly calm about this and made no attempt to leave his hold. In fact, she let her body go limp.

"I'm tired so I suppose I'll allow it today."

("Although this was shorter than any of our other sessions, it definitely felt like I had more taken out of me.) He thought to himself. (I don't why but she felt more serious today, or rather more difficult to deal with. I noticed a bunch of improvements even an amateur could spot like cleaner footwork and quicker strikes. I'm glad she's making progress.)

"Hey, Tibaut." 

"Hmm, what is it?" He asked.

"I am not heavy? This seems like more of a punishment for you honestly."

"You're pretty manageable. Honestly, for someone taller than me, I'm surprised how easily I'm carrying you around (plus, this is quite the ego boost. Her personality is one thing but it's nice to have a pretty girl on your shoulder.)"

"Oh really. Were you expecting me to be heavier?"

Tibaut decided not to tackle that minefield and kept walking in silence.

"Coward," Tina stated.

("I've never been carried around this much. Even when I was younger, my parents never lifted me up that often. Honestly… I don't mind this. When I get a boyfriend this should honestly be one of his requirements.") She thought to herself with a satisfied look on her face.

"Did you say something?"

"So you think I'm heavy?"

Tibaut's walking pace increased and he reached her room in no time.