
Fractured God

16 years ago, Tibaut Agirow was born with the soul of a 26-year-old NEET. He was born into a noble family and very much enjoyed his cushy life in a new world. 12 years after this he had to make his way through the world by himself. 4 years after that he soon encountered a blonde lady that would change the course of his life.

NeetRonin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
275 Chs

Chapter 5

Laying before Tibaut was a blackened mass that was once human. Tibaut assumed that would be enough to get rid of her, but it wasn't. However, he wasn't the only one who assumed that. As soon as Tibaut placed his hand on her neck, she was paralyzed with fear. As far as she was aware it was the end. However, the next few moments proved she had a God watching over her. Literally.

Before Elizabeth was a golden sky and clouds beneath her feet and in front of her was a pale woman with black hair sitting on an intricately carved chair. "Am I dead?" Elizabeth asked. "Nope!" The woman cheerfully responded. She then left her chair and began inspecting Elizabeth. "My, my, not bad at all"

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Elizabeth asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Don't be like that Izzy." the lady responded

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know who."

"Jeez, I made you my Saint, the least you can do is recognize me." Within an instance, Elizabeth realises the woman's identity. She immediately knelt on one knee and started apologising profusely.

The woman starts waving her hand and tries to calm her down. "Come on, it was just a joke, don't be uptight about it. But still, I didn't expect to see you this soon. How much time has passed since you've been granted sainthood."

"Three months, my lady,"

"Three months? It usually took the others a few years to meet me." She then made a hole with her thumb and pointer and looked through it.

"My lady, I'm sorry for disappointing you, my inexperience led to this," Elizabeth said while holding her head down.

"Oh, this guy. Don't feel too bad about it Lizzy." the lady said while trying to comfort Elizabeth.

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked.

"He's associated with someone I know that's kinda annoying. Honestly, I'd prefer it if you stayed away from him. However, I think he could probably help you with that guild problem you've had for a while." she responded.

"My lady, h-" Before she could finish the lady interrupted her.

"Lizzy, stop calling me that. You're not some priest or cardinal that's trying to kiss my ass. You're my Saint, if anyone's qualified to call me by name it's you." She said to her visibly annoyed.

"Sorry about that G-Gabriel," she responded meekly.

"Now that's a good girl," Gabriel said as she stroked Elizabeth's hair.

"So how did you know about the guild thing my-no, Gabriel?" she asked.

"Well, I'm always watching you, so how wouldn't I know?" she casually stated.

"Always?" she thought.

"Well think it over Lizzy, he could be the big break you need" she continued.

"I'm highly grateful for your input my la- Gabriel. I'll keep it in mind going forward" Elizabeth bowed her head and thanked Gabriel. 

"Don't worry about it. Anyhow it's about time I send you back." As Gabriel was about to put her hand on Lizzy's shoulder, she remembered something, "Oh yeah, I don't think I need to say this but just in case, don't go thinking you can die as much as you want. What good does it do me to have a Saint that's only good at dying." Elizabeth felt ashamed when she heard that but also realised Gabriel wasn't wrong in saying it. 

"I hear you very clearly Gabriel," she softly replied.

Gabriel then hugged Elizabeth for a long while before sending her on her way. 

When Elizabeth woke up she noticed her body was completely restored. She examined her body, amazed the last few minutes were real. She then noticed Tibaut lying on the floor. 

"My big break, huh?" She said to herself "Troublesome or not, it sounds like he might be able to make my dream come through." She healed him while also remembering to take care of the little girl and then carried him into an emptied house and tied him up. She held her breath for as long as she could while she began her search of him. Unfortunately, all her search turned up was a martial arts manual and exactly nothing else. Elizabeth had no idea what to think of this man. He had nothing on him the other cult members had so was either a higher-up who had disguised himself or a complete nobody. She decided speculation would get her nowhere and decided to wait until he woke up.

Elizabeth was sitting on a canapé with her hands interlaced wondering about Tibaut before being interrupted by him. "Hey, these clothes you left me are kinda small, don't you have anything else?" 

She turned to him

"Why is his hair red, wait was his hair brown because it wasn't clean, no, I have to get this out the way first," She thought to herself.

"Sit down, we have something to discuss" She replied.

"Just gonna ignore me, how rude?" He thought to himself as he sat down on the canapé parallel to hers. 

"You're going to work for me as a member of this guild." She said

"And if I refuse?" He asked

"Given how many chances you had to run but didn't, you must be somewhat interested. But if you're not, I'd be happy to take the reparations for killing me from you." She said gleefully while holding her hands out.

"Nice to work for you boss," he said while shaking her hand. 

"If only you were this agreeable when we first met, your first order of business is cleaning the mansion. Oh and greet the other two here if you see them." 

Before she can get up Tibaut grabs her hand

"Clean!? You don't want me to go slay some kobolds or something?" he responded shocked.

"Next time we get a commission I'll let you handle it, so until then make yourself useful." She said as she left the room.