
FOXIS [...I'm a man but I was reincarnated as a girl...]

As a naughty god who caused the chaos in the human worlds, he was punished to be born as a human without any memory of the god. Vanitas The Series, the story of the god who was sent to the cycle of transmigration in the human worlds again and again, learning about their lives and hardship until he can become the mature god who rule the planet like his mother, Infinita Goddess. The funny thing is Infinita Goddess sent his soul to be born as a man first, letting him know that he is a man, and then sent his soul to possess into woman’s body after he died. Foxis, who is she? A superhero? No…no…no…She is not that kind of heroes, who always devote themselves to save the world. All she wants to do is to make the world peace. So, there is nothing to disturb her time with her women. (Warning: Yuri content) P.S. This story is one of Vanitas The Series. If you want to get the whole story, I recommend you to read the story of Ignacia […I’m a man but I was reincarnated as a girl…] before you read this story.

CK_Mythical_Moon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs


William, who was sitting on the sofa and looking at the information on the tablet, saw Dia after he heard the sound of the door shutting, feeling surprised.

He stood up, trying to walk toward her, and angrily asked, "What are you doing here?"

Dia activated 'Familia' to make his heart throb.

"Ouch" William exclaimed. He sat on the sofa to get some rest.

"How did you get that tiger?" Dia asked. She assumed that the white tiger might related to ENOX.

"Why do I need to tell you?" William asked, angrily.

<What the hell with this woman?> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.

Dia activated 'Familia' to make his heart throb again.

"Ouch!" William exclaimed.

<What happened to my heart?> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.

<It seems you don't know what kind of situation you are in. You will die, if you don't answer my questions.> mind communicated Dia.

"What? How?" William asked, surprisingly.

"How did you get that tiger?" Dia asked him again.

"I don't know who you are but I'm not telling you," said William irritably.

<They will not leave me alone if I told her.> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.

"Did you work for ENOX?" Dia asked.

"No!" said William anxiously.

<Is she a detective inspector?> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.

Dia activated 'Familia' to make his heart throb.

"Ouch! What did you do to me?" William asked, angrily.

Dia said nothing but make his heart throb again and again.

"Argh…I'm hurt," William said, painfully.

Dia continued to torture him.

"Argh…wait…I can't," William was out of breath.

"Tell me everything about ENOX," Dia said.

"It's a charity…ouch…wait…I will tell you everything," William said, fearfully.

"They provide special bio hunters like that tiger. As you can see, it's larger and stronger than normal tiger. They did many types of bio hunters. They have offered the human type called 'battle-x hunter' to me once but I refused them. Who knows if those battle-x hunters would turn to kill me and my daughter someday? Even that tiger is really hard to control," William said.

There was nothing popped up in Dia's mind. It meant that he told the truth.

"How did you know them?" Dia asked.

"They approached me first because they knew about my businesses," William said.

"You mean the illegal drugs and arms trafficking, right?" Dia asked.

"How? No, I didn't do those kinds of businesses," William said, anxiously.

<How could she know about those businesses?> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.

"Don't lie," Dia said and activated 'Familia' to make his heart throb.

"Ouch!…No, I didn't lie. I didn't do those businesses in Mirarus. I'm really clean here," William said.

There was nothing popped up in Dia's mind. It meant that he told the truth.

"Where did you do it, then?" Dia asked.

"I do those businesses in Adamas Kingdom, the world leader in all sort of businesses, finance, and entertainment. And the law in that country is not strict like Mirarus," William said.

"Do you know David Collis? He was arrested for drugs and women trafficking. He said he bought the drug from you," Dia asked.

"Yes, he bought the drugs from me but he bought it in Adamas Kingdom and he smuggled the drugs into Mirarus on his own. I already warned him not to do so," William said.

"Can you contact the people who approached you?" Dia asked.

"Yes, I can. I just talked to him today. He said he would like to show me the new battle-x hunters but I refused him," William said.

"Is he Mirarus citizen or Adamas Kingdom citizen?" Dia asked.

"He is Mirarus citizen," William said.

"Make an appointment with him," Dia said.

"Do you want me to call him at this hour?" William asked.

"Do it," Dia said.

William knew that he could not do anything against her. He took his mobile phone and called the one who approached him.

"Hello. I'm sorry for disturbing you at this hour, Mr. Henry" William said.

{It's all right, Mr. William. Do you have a change of your mind?} Henry asked, nicely.

"Well, yes, I think I want one for my daughter," William said.

{You made a wise choice, Mr. William} said Henry nicely.

"Can we meet at WG Hotel? I want my daughter to choose one by herself. She might choose more than one." William asked.

{Of course. Might I ask for your convenient day and time, Mr. William?} Henry asked, delightedly.

"I have time tomorrow at 2 p.m.," William said.

{All right. I will be there tomorrow at 2 p.m.} said Henry pleasantly.

William hung up and turned toward Dia, then said, "Are you satisfied?"

"Give me your mobile phone," Dia said.

William handed his mobile phone to her.

Dia recorded Henry's phone number on her mobile phone and touched calling her number on William's mobile phone, then said, "This is my phone number. Don't do something foolish. If I died, you will die. If you betrayed me, you will die. If you harmed me, you will die. If you tried to make the other people make all the things I told you, you will die as well. You heart will be hurt just thinking of betraying or harming me. You can try it if you wanted to die."

'Knock' 'Knock'

"May I come in, Mr. William?" a bodyguard asked.

Dia hurriedly walked to the balcony and jumped teleporting back to Claudia's bedroom.

William was surprised with her, then went to open the door, then asked, "What is it?"

"Well, we suddenly lost consciousness. We would like to check about you, Mr. William" a bodyguard said.

"There was nothing happened," William said.

"And…the tiger attacked and killed many of us. We could not control and calm it. We decided to kill it for your safety, Mr. William" a bodyguard reported.

William realized that it must be Julia (Dia) who did everything, then said, "All right. Clean up all the mess."

"Yes, Mr. William" a bodyguard said.

★*:.。. ✧☆✧ .。.:*★

Dia appeared in Claudia's bedroom. She saw Claudia still sleeping soundly. She quietly went to take a bath.

After a short while, Claudia sneaked into the bathroom.

Dia knew that she came inside and turned to look at her. She saw her naked body but felt nothing at all.

"Can I join?" Claudia asked, lustfully.

"No, I'm not in the mood," Dia said.

"You are cruel. I did many things for you," Claudia said, acting cute.

Dia was tired of her and said nothing.

Claudia got into the bath, approached her, and hugged her.

Dia let she do what she wants.

Claudia got excited by hugging her. She rubbed her private part on her leg, then said, "I want more," She tried to kiss her on the lips.

Dia evaded her and coldly said, "I don't want to."

"Did you grow bored about me?" Claudia asked, sadly.

"Yes, you should find someone who can match up with your taste," Dia said.

"There is no one." Claudia said, droopingly.

"Why don't you do it in normal way, then?" Dia asked.

"I tried to do it many times but I felt happier when I got hurt or control," Claudia said and hug her.

"I like to do it in gentle way," Dia said.

"If so, let's do it as your way," Claudia said and rubbed her with her body, lustfully.

Dia gave in with her persistence. She carried her out of the bath and did it with her many rounds.

The next day,

Dia and Claudia were having brunch with William.

"You seem very happy, Claudia" William said.

"Yes, Father" said Claudia delightedly.

"I made an appointment with Mr. Henry to talk about your new bodyguard at the hotel today 2 p.m. I want you to join and choose them yourself," William said.

"Yes, Father" said Claudia nicely.

"You should go as well, Ms. Julia. I want you to help her choose the right one," William said.

"Yes, Mr. William" Dia said.

Afterward, Dia and Claudia went to WG hotel.

Claudia clung to her. She hugged and kissed her along the way to the hotel.

"Let's do it again, Julia" said Claudia lustfully.

"No, we will reach to the hotel soon," said Dia, feeling very tired of her.

Claudia looked at her, disappointedly.

★*:.。. ✧☆✧ .。.:*★

Octavia, who carried on undercover operation to inspect the case of drugs trafficking, was observing William for many months. She saw Dia and Claudia got into the limousine and William got into another car, heading to the same direction.

She decided to follow them.

★*:.。. ✧☆✧ .。.:*★

Dia went back to her room to change her clothes, pinned the brooch, and prepared for the next meeting.

Dia called Regina.

{Hello.} Regina said.

"Did you see the video last night?"

{Yes, I just watched it. You are making much progress.} Regina said, pleasantly.

"As you know, I have a meeting with people from ENOX this afternoon. I want you to prepare our people to arrest him after I called you," Dia said.

{All right.} Regina said and hung up.



Dia opened the door. She saw Claudia and her 2 bodyguards standing in front of the door.

Claudia walked toward her, held her arm, and happily said, "I came to pick up you, Darling"

"All right," Dia said. She was glad that she disguised herself, otherwise she will be being followed by her everywhere for sure.

Dia and Claudia went to the meeting room.

Dia saw William talking to Henry. She used 'The Eyes of Truth', being ready to see his mind.

"Oh, you two came," William said.

"This is my daughter Claudia and this is her lover Julia," William told Henry.

"I'm Henry Hilt, a consultant from NEO-X Corporation," said Henry, a man who was in his late thirties. He has short, brown hair, and brown eyes. He looks so nice and easy-going.

Dia held her hand out to shake his hand and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Henry" She used this chance to activate 'Familia' on him.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Julia" said Henry smilingly.

"Well, do you have anything to show us?" Claudia asked, irritably. She hated it when Dia touched someone else.

"Oh, all right. I will show you on the screen," said Henry nicely.

Henry started to present the pictures of battle-x hunters.

The battle-x hunters have their appearances like the musclemen. They seemed to be emotionless. Everyone had X tattooed on their side of the necks.

Henry showed the video when they fought each other with armed combat and unarmed combat. They fought like the fighting robots, showing no sign of pain when they got hit.

"What do you think, Ms. Claudia?" Henry asked, nicely.

<I have to make her choose at least one.> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.

"I didn't see any different between them," Claudia said, showing no interest in them.

"How can we control them? They look so dangerous," Dia asked.

"We inserted microchip into their occipital areas. If they had intention to hurt the owner, the owner can push the button on control device to make them lose consciousness. We will help the owner to rewrite the information in microchip to change their memories and make them work obediently," Henry said.

"Are they robots?" Dia pretended to be curious.

"No, they are humans but we made them special," Henry said.

<Why did she ask many questions?> there were the true words popped up in Dia's mind.
