
An Ill-Fated Love Affair (6)

"Did you get hit by a car? Where have you been?" Kyro asked Gale when his friend actually called back a whole day late.

"I wish. And I thought I made it clear that I don't want to interact with you anymore?"

Kyro looked to the side, noticing that Iris was pretending to play with Lucy while listening in on him. He turned away to not give away that he knew her bad habits. "Don't tell me you went manic again and dropped somewhere in the corner. Who found you?"

"Clearly not you," Gale answered with only a little venom in his voice, but Kyro still felt the jab. It was his task to make sure Gale didn't overwork himself to death when he went into one of his moods. "So how's your honeymoon going?"

"If that's your attempt at changing the subject, it's horrible. What happened?"

There was a moment of silence, and Kyro knew he was going to be rebuffed even before Gale said anything. "None of your business. Go explore your secret lab."

"I will… Take care."