
Chapter- 2

We found a remote area on the human land. The population was nearly 1000, not much but not oow either.

We entered the village and made up a story to hide our identity.

We told them that we 7 were brothers and were turned homeless because of the fight in our family members.

They were so gullible that they belived us. That irked, believing someone so easily. After what happened, I could never believe anyone else than my friends and brother.

It has been a year since we have been living here. We hid our demonic aura using the concealment magic and trained deep in the forest that was only a few kilometres away from the place we lived in.

It hadn't been an easy year for him. He had to step up his training and look after his brother at the same time.

Because his brother was only few days old when they escaped from the demon fox lair and traveled to earth, he got sick. Niether of them knew how to look after a newborn.

Only when did they arrive at the village did they get some relief. The ladies of the village helped him look after the little one and teach him how to care for him too.

"Qiang! Li Qiang!"

Turning around from observing the fight between Shen Liang and Wang Jia, I saw Xu Feng running towards me.

I stood up from the rock I was sitting on and walked to him.

"What's the matter? why are you in such a hurry?"

I could see the worry on his face and it troubled me too. What could it be?

"Ha...Ha...let me-..breath.."

"Ha..I was in the market looking at the stalls when I sensed a strong demonic presence. I tried to follow it but it disappeared soon...I'm worried that it might be Weihan's person.."

So they did find us after all. It was bound to happen one day. But it might not be them.

"Be on a look out for it's presence from now on, inform Fang Chen and Fang Chun to be careful and one of us must always be with Li Fai."

We had to be careful even if this demon wasn't Weihan's person. It was a strong one indeed and it could possess a danger to us.

Liang and Jia had joined us in our conversation. I could see it on thier face.

"Let's not stay out late unless we are sure that this demon isn't dangerous for us and if it is...let's prepare to get rid of him as soon as possible. It's better to prepare for it."

Wang Jia was right, it's not safe to be out late. He was the oldest of us seven and always looked out for us. I might be the leader our little group but he was the head of the family we formed together.

"Let's listen to what Jia Ge says and stay together as much as possible and formulate a plan."

I would not let any of us get harmed.

Four of us went back to the little home we had built in this village since the past year. It wasn't much but it was the safest place for us in this universe until now.

When we entered the village, we heard cries of anguish coming from one of the houses.

We moved towards the house and saw many people gathered in front of it. We moved further and saw a lady hugging a dead body if you could still call it that.

It looked like someone had sucked everything out of the person and left behind only skin and bones. This was a horrifying sight for the humans.

"What happened to him?"

I asked the weeping woman who looked up, probably to answer me.

"I don't know..yesterday my husband went to the river as usual for fishing but didn't come back home on the time he does. When I went to look for him he was laying there looking like this...."

The lady broke down into the sobs after she finished telling her story.

"Guys, I think it might be the work of our friend out there..."

I pulled them towards our house, thinking of the plan for the future. If it was the demon that Xu feng encountered, then it was me who brought upon this problem on the villagers.

"We have to get rid it somehow...let's go there tomorrow to investigate."