
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
151 Chs

Chapter 110: False Luck

These girls stayed several more minutes at the electronics store before walking out with a new pair of Variable Headphones.

And then it was enough time for Libe to take a small detour that led these two girls to cross paths with Arthur and Indara...

"Huh? She's the Boss..."

"What is she doing here?..."

"Impossible, she is with such a handsome boy!"

"Something must be wrong with my eyes..."

Both girls closed their eyes several times and brushed against him with their hands, but no matter how hard they tried, they continued to see her boss smiling as she escorted a man...

In addition to the man who was next to her, he is very handsome, these two girls couldn't take their eyes off her the moment they saw him...

However, while the expression of these two girls is one of astonishment and disbelief, Libe's expression is one of shock, since even though Arthur was more attractive than in the photos, her level of luck was ridiculous...

[Name: Liam Lujan

Real Name: (Sealed)

Human race

True Breed: (Sealed)

Age: 15 years

Aliases: (Sealed)

Level: Tempered Body, rank 1

True Level: (Sealed), (Sealed)

Luck Points: 1,000,000

True Luck Points: (Sealed)

Status: MC, National Level, Legendary (Sealed)

Affection Level: 0

Emotional State: Serenity]

(what the fuck?!)

Libe wanted to scream right now, the system was broken, this MC's luck levels were the highest she had seen so far, to the point that it was ridiculous.

You must know that she has a little more than 600 luck points, while Indara has more than 4000, but Arthur had such great luck that he had the power to affect a country, this is also the reason why he is an MC National level.

But this was not the most important thing, since apparently, this MC had all the statistics sealed from him, what level of luck would he have then?

Libe felt a deep chill, as it seemed that not only was his luck exceptional, but also his strength, in his Sealed state, he was even stronger than Indara, she must know that Indara was on the cusp of the younger generation, but this MC could hit her with one hand and Indara wouldn't be able to fight back.

But this was natural since this MC belongs to the category of being the main protagonist of a story, the one who will live the whole story, the one for whom it was written, while Indara was just a minor Villain at the beginning of a book.

There is simply no comparison...

Now it was Libe's turn to doubt, since his level was too low to try to mess with a big boss like this beautiful boy, besides it seemed that this boy was not from the human race, there were too many unknowns in this MC that Libe felt a little awkward...

With so many luck points, there was no doubt why Indara is at his feet and if she intervenes now, she may also end up in that state, so it is best now to take a step back and accumulate more luck.

(It's a shame but for now, I'll hold back)

Libe lamented, so many lucky points and not to mention the beautiful MC, Libe was even tempted, he was that kind of guy who could even have a wet dream.

(Never mind, the MC isn't stolen for now...)

With so many lucky points, it's almost impossible for any FMC to attract this guy, so Libe didn't worry and if she knows the MCs, surely this guy will be the proud and pushy type.

After all, he had every right to be, that's how almost all MCs are and when they fall in love, he is really sweet, and they will give everything for that person...

"Let's say hello to the boss..."

"Yeah, I'm curious about that guy..."

Unfortunately for Libe, her classmates didn't think the same, her boss is with such a hot guy, and it would be a waste not to take the opportunity and say hello.


And before Libe had a chance to speak she was dragged away against her will...

(No no no, I mustn't fall under the MC's radar, otherwise, I'll be hexed too...)

Arthur's luck was too high for Libe to resist...


Fortunately for Libe, the system reacted immediately and opened the item shop and Libe quickly searched for an artifact that would be able to withstand the effect that luck brings.

[Fake Luck Necklace, Ancestral Rank]

[Effect: Falsely increase luck points

Resistance to Fate

Resistance towards fate]

[Luck Points: 100,000]

This necklace is a top Divine rank Artifact and the effect of it is amazing, as no matter how MCs or FMCs try to confuse or control Libe, she will be immune to such effects, due to the Luck Points from her are fake.

Though if she were to be attacked by Fate, this necklace would make at best offer her resistance, after all, Fate is fragile and the one who loses it, shouldn't exist...

Libe was delighted when she saw the necklace since her Villain Aura is not enough, with the necklace she wouldn't be afraid of Arthur or some other FMC...


(Very expensive!)

Libe's points didn't even reach a Thousand, much less a hundred thousand, this was beyond what her wallet could buy...


[Does the Host want to take a loan?]

"Huh? Is there such a thing?"

During the months that she had the system, for Libe, this was the first time that she looked at the system so generous, after all this System is a bloodsucker...

[Host's level is very low and he has come into contact with a Legendary MC]

[The system has unlocked some features to help the Host...]

And perhaps because she saw the doubts in Libe's eyes, the System responded...

(Shit! Lend, Lend!)

However, Libe had no time to contemplate these messages and hurried directly, which caused an ordinary-looking necklace to appear on her hand, likewise, it began to fuse onto her neck in the blink of an eye and formed a choker around it.


Just in time for the two girls to arrive in front of Indara and Arthur...


Indara looked like he just ate a fly seeing these three women suddenly appear...

She took advantage of the moment that Arthur was distracted and his body moved instantly, before her subordinates had the option to continue talking, Indara had already pressed them with her Aura.

These girls hadn't even reached Origin Rank, they were helpless against Indara's bloodlust...

"You! What are you doing here?!"

Indara spoke through clenched teeth and tried to smile, but her smile was sinister enough to make these two girls shiver...

"It was Liber..."

"Yes, she was the one... she brought us here"

Unable to find a way out, these two girls immediately sold Libe...

Libe wanted to swear right now, that she indeed brought them here and it's also true that she did it with ulterior motives, but as good comrades, you can't sell out your friend...

"Libe! I warned you!"

Several veins bulged on Indara's forehead and he was starting to crack his knuckles at her.

"No... wait, Sister... This is a misunderstanding..."

Libe took a step back and began to break out in a cold sweat, however, a voice threw her a lifeline...

"Little sister, are they your friends?"

Approaching at a slow pace, Arthur smiled and Indara stopped in her tracks, all bloodlust is gone and her expression changed instantly...

"Huh? Ah... Yes... They're... My friends..."

She scratched her cheek and pulled Libe towards her, the change was so big that Libe and the other two delinquents were dumbfounded to see her boss being so friendly to his...

"Is that so? Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Oh! Of course, this is my good sisters Libe Astariet, Julie Schee, and Rhine Widsor..."

Libe blinked, as she could feel her shoulder creak, Indara was pressing her hand around her and it was clear that she was unwilling for these girls to meet her stepbrother.

If possible, Indara wanted to kick them out, but in front of Arthur, she had to swallow her complaints and present them...

"I understand, my name is Liam Lujan... Thank you for taking care of my Little Sister"

Bowing gracefully, Arthur gave a comforting greeting, which caused the girls to stare at him, there was a strange aura of royalty in Arthur's actions that left the girls delighted.

Julie and Rhine especially, both couldn't stop looking at him, this boy was very handsome, his smile bewitched them in an instant, they forgot for a moment Indara's thirst for blood and they also forgot that Indara had no brothers.

No, they didn't forget, on the contrary, they were glad that they were siblings, at least that way they wouldn't have to compete with their boss.

Libe, on the other hand, her smile was crooked, by this simple act she had already predicted this MC's personality and now that she had the False Luck Necklace, she was no longer afraid of being swept away by Arthur's luck...


"No...it's not what they think..."

Suddenly a growl came from Julie's stomach, this delinquent girl blushed like a tomato, how embarrassing that her stomach growled now.

Julie wanted to dig a hole and light up, however, Arthur laughed lightly at this, this girl was quite nice...

"I see you're hungry if it's not too much trouble... Would you like to join us? I'll prepare salmon..."

"Yes, of course!"

"Yes Yes!"

Julie and Rhine responded instantly, honestly, they couldn't and didn't want to refuse, it's food prepared by a beautiful boy, a dream for every teenager and they even imagined themselves married to such a good man, they were so involved in their imagination that in In Indara's mind these two girls were already dead meat.

Even Libe flinched from Indara's gaze that wasn't directed at her, in her mind she prayed for the souls of these two lustful girls who couldn't hold back the desire for their boss's stepbrother...