

He raced down the road and towards the castle, kicking up a sandstorm behind him. He made it to the gates of the stone castle with time to spare, but had to sit and take a minute to breathe. He looked up at the school. It towered over him with a looming presence, like a mountain. He stood up dusting off his pants not entirely sure if it was from the dust he kicked up while running, or from sitting down. He rushed in and looked around for a moment, it wasn't hard to find a map stationed just beside the main hall for new comers. Lester followed it through the labyrinth of a school making his way to his homeroom.

"Welcome to class, you're a bit late but we haven't actually started yet. Come in and gather round." The teacher said as Lester walked into the room after finally managing to find it. Lester got into the circle where all the students and the teacher stood around a golden pool.

"Here you will each receive your destined one at a time, when you do you we'll send you on your way and you wont be returning for a while, hopefully." The teacher said cheerfully. Really they didn't have to interact with the school much, just a few regular check in's here and there. Its main purpose was guidance and assignments. The teacher began calling students up and having them receive their destined's. Most people got normal things for their first destined like tailors, and blacksmiths. Some people got harder ones like queens and dukes which would be quite challenging, having to deal with things like politics and assassins. However, all of them would already be born into the position of nobles which also came with great benefits. Lester stepped up when it was his turn, he put his hand into the golden pool and the look and description of his destined came up. He would have to guide a peasant to become a King. {Lucky me, i don't even want to do this job to begin with.} He thought to himself.

"Miss this cant be right. This is my first time, so why am i receiving something this hard and important of a destined?" He asked looking up to her. {Not to mention annoying} he thoight to himself.

"I-I'm not quite sure, but there aren't any mistakes with the assignments, so you'll have to do your best i suppose." She replied looking unsure and shocked, but there was nothing anyone could really do about it, so he just returned to the circle and waited for everyone else to finish. Once everyone was done the teacher gathered herself and began to explain stuff that was pretty common knowledge in this line of work.

"Your job is to guide these people to complete their destiny, the actions you take can and will have an effect history, and there are no second chances. You'll have to guide your destined in the right direction while primarily only being able to communicate with them as their conscience, in dire situations you might be allowed to cross into the physical plain but not often. Do your best!" The students looked around at each other, some deep in their thoughts while some were talking about their future and how great they'd do.

"Portals and out this room to the left all the way down the hall, do try not to get lost." The teacher said packing up and scanning the room, she headed out of the room with a long and proper strut. Students packed up and headed to the dispatch area, upon arrival there were two guards and another teacher. The teacher stood tall and spoke with a deep and commanding voice.

"Once you have gone through the portals behind me, the only way back will be when we decide you have either failed or succeeded in your mission. Try not to mess up these peoples lives to bad, understood?" He said as if predicting they would fail from the start, which even though he didn't want to guide them in the first place, made Lester annoyed. One by one the students began going through the portals, and it was finally time, for Lester to meet his first destined. He walked up to the blue portal and walked through with his eyes closed.

Once again, if you have any good advice please share and point out how i can improve. Thanks for reading.

Cashapp: $Nixfox

Jordan_Futchcreators' thoughts