
Four to Protect Her

Itzyana, the daughter of a wealthy business tycoon, kept her school life a secret from her parents. To find out how she was doing, her father hired four bodyguards to protect her and observe her at school. The bodyguards were also supposed to attend school with her and pretend to be students. However, what they didn't know was that Itzyana was being bullied at school, and she had been keeping it a secret from her family. Will she be able to keep this a secret from them until the end? What will happen when the bodyguards discover that the person they are supposed to protect is being bullied? Could Itzyana's reluctance to discuss her school life be the actual reason why her father hired the bodyguards?

Maickeyyy_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs

Chapter 6

"What just happened?" she whispered to herself, bewildered by Jace's sudden turnaround. He had put his face close to hers, only to turn his back and disappear from view.


Fuming, she stormed into her bedroom and slammed the door shut. "Who does he think he is?" she seethed. "It's not like I wanted him to kiss me. But how dare he not grant my favor?"


She sat down on her bed, pulled her hair, and tightly held the blanket out of annoyance. When she couldn't release all her frustration onto the blanket, she threw the pillows one by one at the door, even though Jace wasn't there.


The following day, she ignored Jace, even when he opened the car door for her. She didn't thank him and didn't even glance at him. She convinced herself that it was Jace's fault that she was ignoring him. If Jace had given her what she wanted, she might have treated him better.


As they neared the school, Itzy suggested that she get out of the car first to avoid being mobbed by students who were infatuated with Linus and the others.


"Don't you want to come with us, ma'am?" Linus asked, disappointed when Itzy said she would get out first.


"It's not that I don't want to," Itzy replied, rolling her eyes. "You know how crazy the students are over you. I don't want to get caught in between."


Linus pouted and said, "I'm sorry if we're too handsome." He sighed jokingly and shook his head, pretending to be guilty.


Itzy rolled her eyes once again in response to Linus's behavior. Although she couldn't accuse him of lying since she could clearly see their faces, she begrudgingly admitted to herself that they were all quite good-looking, but of course, she wouldn't dare utter such a thought out loud. Especially not after Jace had already rejected her favor.


"I'll just go down here," Itzy said to the driver, ignoring Linus because their conversation might take longer and she might not be able to get down.


She disembarked in an area with few passing students to avoid any rumors about her. Most students already disliked her because of Loxley, and she didn't want to give them any additional reasons to dislike her. Moreover, if anyone noticed that she got out of the same car as the four, they might bully her even more when they reached Loxley.


She couldn't tolerate any further attacks from her three bullies, but she felt powerless to resist them. She considered leaving the school just to escape their torment, but if she told her parents about her desire to transfer, they would inquire about her reasons for wanting to change schools.


Itzy was just a few steps away from the school gate when she noticed a group of students blocking the way. The van couldn't pass through easily because of them. She was shocked and couldn't believe that the students remembered the car she and her four bodyguards rode in the day before. Itzy began to worry about what would happen if she didn't get out of the van earlier.


Lost in her thoughts, Itzy remained standing there for some time. Only when someone tapped her on the shoulder did she realize she had been rooted to the spot. As she turned around, a handsome man stood before her.


He is Ajax, one of the boys the girls at their school are crazy about. Upon their first encounter, Itzy couldn't help but notice Ajax's striking appearance. The girls at their school were crazy about him, and after seeing him up close, it was easy to understand why. If Ajax hadn't waved his palm in front of Itzy's face, she may have found herself drooling over him.


Ajax's exceptional good looks could easily be mistaken for those of a model or an actor, with his smooth, white complexion only adding to his appeal. It was no wonder that he had caught the attention of so many girls at school. Even Itzy, who was used to being surrounded by handsome bodyguards, couldn't help but be impressed by Ajax's undeniable charm.


To put it simply, Ajax was twice as handsome as his bodyguards. With his chiseled features and captivating aura, Itzy couldn't help but feel drawn to him, despite only just meeting him for the first time.


"Are you okay?" He asked Itzy with a smile.


"Angel," she whispered out of her mind, but it did not escape Ajax's hearing.


The young man laughed. "My name is Ajax," he said.


Itzy blinked, and she seemed to have returned to her senses. She bowed her head and said, "S-Sorry."


Ajax chuckled. He found her cute. "It's fine. Do you also have a crush on them?" He asked, now looking at the van where Itzy's bodyguards were.


Itzy also turned her head there. "Ah, you mean those four transfer students?"


Ajax nodded and turned to Itzy. "Yep."


Itzy shook her head. "No, of course not. I don't even know them," she replied, averting her eyes.


"Do you want to go in with me?" Ajax asked, his smile still there.


Itzy nodded without hesitation. While she and Ajax were walking together, she realized the decision she had made. When the realization of what was happening hit her, she stopped walking and faced Ajax, who also paused because of her.


"Is there a problem?" The man asked.


Ajax was taken aback when he heard his name. "Ajax?" Itzy's disbelief was evident, but Ajax still nodded, confirming that it was indeed him. Itzy covered her mouth in surprise and quickly excused herself, leaving Ajax standing there, confused.


After a while, the other students began to notice Ajax's presence, and their attention shifted towards him. Meanwhile, the four people who were still in the van couldn't get out because the students were blocking the door.


The driver continued honking the horn, but the students remained unmoved. Ryker was calmly listening to music through his headphones. Linus, on the other hand, was filming the women who were squealing incessantly. Laszlo was fast asleep and unaware of what was happening. Even when Itzy had gotten out of the car earlier, he had remained asleep. Jace was about to lose his patience. He wanted to get out of the car since they had been stuck at the gate for several minutes, and they had no idea what had happened to Itzy.


Jace's annoyance only increased when he saw Itzy running towards the gate. It was their responsibility to keep an eye on Itzy and ensure her safety, but how could they fulfill their duty if they faced obstacles along the way?


Jace kicked the seat in anger, drawing the attention of everyone in the car, including the driver. Linus stopped recording, and Laszlo woke up from his nap.


"What's wrong, Jace?" Ryker asked, removing his headphones.


"I just saw Ma'am Itzy enter the gate. How are we supposed to keep an eye on her if we're stuck in this stupid car?" Jace replied, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration.


"Isn't there a guard around?" Linus inquired, peering out of the window. "I don't see any security personnel here."


Laszlo suggested, "Should we call Sir Gerard for help?"


Jace responded, "No, we shouldn't bother him in this situation. Let's try to resolve the issue ourselves. We can start by confronting anyone who comes our way."


Linus voiced his concern, "Isn't that too extreme?"


Jace gave him a stern look and replied, "If you're not comfortable with that approach, you don't have to participate. But if you do nothing, don't be surprised if it leads to getting fired."


And with that, Jace got down in the car and was surprised that nobody touched him despite the squealing noise that persisted. Instead of dwelling on the reason for this, he simply continued walking and ignored anyone who greeted him. His fellow bodyguards followed him, while the driver breathed a sigh of relief as the students disappeared from around the car.


Meanwhile, Itzy still couldn't believe that she had talked to Ajax and walked alongside him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Maickeyyy_creators' thoughts