
Four to Protect Her

Itzyana, the daughter of a wealthy business tycoon, kept her school life a secret from her parents. To find out how she was doing, her father hired four bodyguards to protect her and observe her at school. The bodyguards were also supposed to attend school with her and pretend to be students. However, what they didn't know was that Itzyana was being bullied at school, and she had been keeping it a secret from her family. Will she be able to keep this a secret from them until the end? What will happen when the bodyguards discover that the person they are supposed to protect is being bullied? Could Itzyana's reluctance to discuss her school life be the actual reason why her father hired the bodyguards?

Maickeyyy_ · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
110 Chs

Chapter 29

Ajax's observation did not go unnoticed by Itzy. Sensing his reaction, she quickly regained her composure, willing her racing heart to calm down. Itzy discreetly shifted her attention away from Jace's group, focusing her gaze back on Ajax.


"Is everything alright, Ajax?" she asked, trying to sound casual despite the lingering unease in her voice.


Ajax took a moment to compose himself before responding, his tone guarded. "Yeah, everything's fine. I just thought you seemed a bit distracted for a moment there."


Itzy forced a smile, masking any hint of her previous emotions. "Oh, it was nothing. Just lost in thought for a second. Sorry about that."