

Cinthia Carlial. Age 15. Lives in Megatron city, new York. Has one brother, Bryden, who is 20, has one brother, Gary, who is 13, and has one sister, Carla, who is 9. Lives with her siblings and grandparents, Grandpa Lyle and Grandma Riley.

Our parents died when I was only 9 years old. They got into a bad plane crash heading to Denver for a work trip for dads job. He traveled a lot for work so we barely saw him, but mom was always there for us until the day of the crash.

I like grandma Riley. She is funny and sweet and caring and always looking out for me. She made sure I was ok after I had found out about my parents dieing in the crash. I had to be there for my younger two siblings when all of this happened.

Bryden is my older brother as soon as he turned 18 he had moved out of the house and to a different state for his job. Up until then he took care of us after our parents died for awhile, and then grandma and grandpa came in the picture.

Its a little bit of back story. Let me know what you think please! ☺

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