
Four Perfect Storm

Yoursecretwriter99 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

I told him everything that has happened. From our preparation for sudden attacks until how I went here. He kept silent for a long time and was listening to what I am saying. It was almost night when we decided to rest and find a perfect spot for us to rest to.

"We are almost there, maybe tomorrow night we will reach the forbidden hill." I said as I sat down against the rock.

"What do you think the forbidden hill holds?" He asked me.

"Well, I am hoping that the last enchantress is alive and was just hidden inside that mountain."

The forbidden hill was just the name of the place because of the structures of the peaks. It was full of mountains and forest that no one has survived to. They said that the forest before the forbidden hill was the gate towards it but it hides monsters that could kill a human in a blink of an eye.

"Yeah, me too."

I was half asleep when I heard Quang li as if he was in pain. I immediately stood up just to see shadow ninjas near me and Quang li. He was stabbed by a shadow dagger on his side. He stood up ignoring his wound, and summoned his sword.

"How did they find us?"

Quang li didn't have the chance to answer me beacuse the shadow ninja attacked us already. They were all holding a spear and a sword aiming at us. On my count, they were about 30 plus. Can we survive this ?

I dodge all their attacks and was trying not to be injured by these ninjas. I didn't even felt their presecence a while ago.

One of them tried to strike me by a sword from my back but I felt that he was coming so Immediately turn around and created a a water portal under him and when he stepped on it, he vanished.

Suddenly, the night becomes colder, the wind was getting stronger. No doubt I was with the supposedly next leader of their nation.He commands the wind and no one was able to touch him or even went near him.

I felt a pain on my back as I was hit with hard thing. I almost lost my consiousness but I was able to hold back. It was too painful that I fell on the ground and couldn't gain my strength back. I closed my eye for the mean time and I was startled when Jia's face appear on it.

I tried to open my eyes but I cannot, it was as if glued on each other.

"Believe in yourself Da-xia… you are more than what you think you are."

I felt something on my body. Its like I was being electrocuted but with no pain. It was running through my veins I guess and when I opened my eyes, a shadow ninja was infront of me, ready to stabbed me with his shadow blade. But the river behind us started to have waves. Something was telling me to command the waves.

I focused my mind trying to be connected with the water from the river. Then I saw the water level rises and started to flow on the ground. This is it… I am finally learning to control water from directly from source.

I smiled and raise my hands as if I was telling the water to attack every shadow ninja they will see and the water did its job. I looked at Quang li and the tornado that he made.

"What if I mix the water with his wind tornado?" I wondered.

I moved my hand and water from the river started to rise and travelled until they reach the tornado. I was amazed just by looking at the water starting to mix with the wind.

"That was a little bit impressive." Quang li uttered, smiling at me.

"Small things." I said that made us both laughed. But we stopped when we both felt something behind us.

I thought we all defeated them but a shadow portal started to form meters away from us.

I know that Quang li was tired already from using his powers and he was also injured. I was reall tired also because I just learned how to control the water from a direct source. It uses a lot of my energy and it almost made me weak. I felt so tired that I was worried that on this second wave of attack we could lose.

Quang li looked at me and was giving me a comforting smile. As if he was telling me that no matter what happened this time, we both faught to live.

Even thoush I was tired, I prepared my hands to control the water and summon my trident. The portal started to get bigger and when someone jumped out of it I immediately throw my trident when I summoned it and hit three shadow ninja.

I touched the ground to liquify it but it was too slow so some of them was still able to pass. Luckily, Quang li was there to back up me. He can fly with the help of his power. I noticed that they were too many and its only me and Quang li.

"Da-xia, behind you!" I heard him shouted at me but it was too late. I was hit with a shadow ball. A technique that only those with high position from their kingdom can do.

I was pushed against the tree because of the force. I fell on the ground and saw someone walking towards me. I suddenly cannot hear anything because of the impact. He was holding a speard and the blade was rubbing on the ground as he slowly walks towards me.

My body was numb and I cannot moved any of it. I hate to think that this will be my last but I was still hoping that this night will end soon and we will continue our journey towards the forbidden hill.

"You should die too like how your leader died." He said and laughed.

I was looking down all the time due to dizziness and blurry vision but I was aware that the shadow ninja in front of me was now gone. Someone touched my shoulders tryng to call my name.


"W-wang…. L-lei.."
