
Chapter Nine

"Hey, Dri. What are you up to?" Adriel was swaying on the make-shift swing in the garden behind their house. It'd been made by their father when they'd been kids.

"Hey, Luke." His blue eyes came into view. He was white though he looked like he had a slight tan owing to his mother, he'd almost completely taken after their father.

He plumped down on the swing next to hers and sighed. Something seemed to be bothering him.

"School sucks and not for the reasons you think," Luke said. He looked at her with deep eyes that seemed to know everything.

"I want you to be safe Dri." He said quietly.

"Why wouldn't I be safe?" She asked confused.

"The world is a truly terrible place, filled with all kinds of evil, some more palpable than others." He pushed himself forward, letting momentum do the rest.

Sometimes when her brother starts like that, he always sounded much older than he was and she always found herself being intrigued wanting to know more.