
Suffering Soul

Amidst this rainy evening, each raindrop shimmered in the fading light of the setting sun. In this peaceful city, with everyone about to finish their daily duties.

But beneath the veneer of tranquility, one could hear hurried steps...

Splash, splash, huff, splash, huff...

On a dark alleyway, an unassuming woman gasped for breath.

'Why? Why this again!?'

Splash! "Found you." A man says as he approaches.

"Wa-- wait--"

"Shut up!"

"But this isn't--"

"Shut up! I took you in, I fed you, so you'll do as I say, and I'm saying that you are a bitch! A whore! So you'll do your job and get fucked!"

"I don't want to! I don't want work like that!"

"Will I really need to rape you here so you understand?"

"N-- no!"

The woman sidesteps him and runs back to the street.

"Stop!" The man holds onto the woman's clothes ripping them off.

The woman staggers and slips onto the wet floor, she falls in the middle of the road, right then, a car was passing by and due to the rain the driver could not see properly.

"Wait!--" Crush, the woman was crushed by the car, she died instantly.