

The girl died after drowning in a sea. And yes I was reincarnated into a side characters body or was I ? English is not my first language and I also don’t have a proofreader so please bear with it until I find one ?

Newtons_Apple · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Sacked once again:

Then I turned towards Marvin "Thanks Uncle I will visit again " I got up and picked up my jacked and was about to were it when Ash gave me a hand as he knew my shoulder was badly injured, while helping me wear my jacket he said to Marvin" Uncle let's talk about the land purchase next time Lu is injured so I have to take him to the hospital" . Then Marvin said in an assuring voice" it's ok son just take care of him until then I will keep Mr Will a company as we also have something to discuss".

By the way did I tell you that Marvin and Jasper were business partners? No ok then listen Will cooperation gets there most of the raw product for hotels from him and that is why Ash called me here. Oh yes and Ash also knows that I want to tease this man to death so he like always joined me.

While I was walking slowly while holding Ash's neck as a support I heard Jasper's low voice" who are they?" But to my surprise Marvin didn't give a clear answer and said " just some new investors" I was surprised that he didn't tell him much about us.

After attending the class Rose rushed to me with a worried expression " what happened to you, why did you not come to college for weeks" she was on the verge of crying so I consoled her and said " my grandpa was not feeling well so I had to stay with him for a while" but she didn't believe me "then ...then why are you injured if you were just taking care of your grandpa" she questioned me like a wife but how did" how did you know I was injured" I asked with a confused face. " Ash came to me this morning, he told me about you" . You back stabbing monster looking cabbage I will peel your skin like a banana just you wait you traitor.... as I continued cursing Ash in my head I suddenly understood the situation just by glancing at Ash at that time.

Want me to explain? Now listen Rose has a friend Lily she is very pretty and Ash fell for her at the first sight but wasn't able to talk to her as she was always glued to Rose, but for a few days Rose always followed me because I helped her with some bullies. So Ash had an idea to separate that glued couple by telling Rose that I was injured so naturally now he was alone with Lily smiling like a bull at what ever she was saying so now as a friend I had to help him so I started acting pitiful in front of Rose and letting the traitor have the time of his life.

After my classes I as usual went to the cafe were I saw Traitor and his lover laughing .as soon as I entered the cafe he stood up as if he was caught cheating but I just ignored him . After a while his date ended when Lily got a call and she left. During this time I was serving you know who (Jasper) his you know what( black bitter coffee ) , today he had a satisfied expression on his face but was I mistaken or something.

When Lily was no more in the cafe Ash came to the counter with apologising puppy eyes but what I saw was a cabbage like traitor so I ignored him" will you not forgive me my little wifey? Hun hun tell me" he was very persistent but I was also resisting those puppy eyes " should I kiss you my wife so you will no longer be angry a...." He did not complete his sentence when I heard a cup crashing into the floor,it was Jasper he I guess accidentally broke the cup so I went there to clean it but I was stopped by Ash " your father in law will be angry at me if he saw your hands injured" I knew what he was talking about.. once when we were training I got a glass splinters into my leg it was an accident but the General was so furious at that time ,because he started considering me his daughter he punished his blood related son not just your normal punishment but he was suppose to be punished as along as I don't heal so I am sure doesn't want to be punished again.

So I let him do the job but then the temperature of the room dropped a few degree and that was all because of dementors nope just joking it was because of you know who ( jasper not Voldemort).

He took a step close to me and grabbed my hand "follow me" he said while dragging me away , Ash on the other hand was surprised for a while but came back to sense after I was kidnapped. Out of the cafe there were five men with black suit waiting for their boss to arrive the I was thrown like a sack into the van. It was not like couldn't run away I wanted to see what interesting was going to happen in my boring life. So. I just joined in the act . But what I didn't like was that I was sacked yet again.why is everybody in this novel eager to sack me whenever they want.