
Forgotten Romance: Take Me Back To You

What if the price of her marriage with the man she loves means losing her birthright? Will she be able to thrive in an environment created through lies and stealing some precious lives? Jade is an orphan who married the handsome heir, Marcus Yoseph Hanes. Though it was just a marriage of convenience, Jade decided to fight for her marriage life. She could have succeeded but in order to save the man she loves, her life becomes the sacrifice. It was too late when he realized his true feelings towards the woman. Marcus fell in love without knowing when and how it started. But what’s the use of it now? it’s too late to tell her the words she’s been dying to hear. If he can only turn the pages backwards! But the heavens seem to have heard the cries of their young hearts. Few years later, the same face that haunts the man’s dream almost every night appeared right before him. She may have the same face with different name but Marcus knew it was his wife! Can the forgotten romance they once had paves way for two hearts to reunite? With past secrets revealed, could love be enough to fight for what their hearts truly desires? #Love or Birthright EXCERPT: “I’m sick and tired of this damn contract!” Jade stormed in his office and tore the marriage contract before her husband. She was so upset and she doesn’t care about the consequences of her action anymore. “I demand a revision of this agreement. I don’t care if you are still head over heels over your ex-girlfriend but the fact that we are married, you must also consider my feelings towards you! You want to flirt with her, fine! do it! But not in front of me, not if I am around. Do it once more and I will surely pull her hair and drag her out of the office!” She was shivering in anger. She’s done. She’s done dealing with all the shitty craps! It’s time for her to speak up and fight for her right. “I don’t care what kind of relationship you once had but now that we’re married, I won’t just stand on the side and watch. And this damn contract?” She threw the pieces of paper in his face. “It’s all ripped and ineffective starting right now! So for this next five months, tell your ex that she is not allowed inside this office starting NOW!” she blurted and just like a child, she stomped out his office. He was left dumbfounded. He never expected such an attitude from the meek woman he once knew. Was she really his wife? Wasn’t she always gentle and soft spoken? Guess he doesn’t totally know her. His lip curved to form a smile before he let out a crisp laugh. “Revision of contract? I’ve been planning to do that anyway.” He smirked mischievously. ***NOTE: Not a Reincarnation story.

Ethereal_Light37 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
271 Chs


Jasmine was filled with worry when she learnt that Jade is in the hospital so she rushed to where she is in the middle of the night.

When the call got disconnected, Jasmine called her one more time. And it took her three tries to get through her. But this time, Jade was sobbing over the phone.

"Where are you right now?!" She's worried sick.

"I-immaculate hospital." She muttered, almost a whisper.

"I'm coming. You better not go anywhere!" Jasmine hung up and rushed to her car.

As soon as she reached the hospital, she went straight to the information desk and asked for Jade's room. However, to her surprise, no one with the name Jade Arria was admitted there. 

"Jade Hanes… Please check that name." She insisted.

"I'm sorry miss but I can't find that name either."

"What?!" She squeaked surprised. She took her phone out and dialed Jade's number once again.

"Where the hell are you?!" It was evening so Jasmine's voice echoed at the hospital's lobby. "What?" She's confused but she still asked where the vet clinic was.

She rushed to the fifth floor at the east wing of the old building. And as soon as she arrived, she saw a trembling Jade sitting alone in front of the vet clinic.

She was crying!

"Jade! What happened? Why are you here?" Jasmine stood in front of her.

"Jasmine… It's Makish…" She was crying.

"Makish? Who's that?"

"Makish… He's sick." 

Jasmine was about to asked more when the door to the room opened and an old woman came near them.

"Miss Jade…"

"Doctor, how is he?" She immediately stood up to meet her eyes.

"The operation is successful. I was able to remove the stuff that got stuck in his throat. You can take him home now." She smiled before leaving the room. 

"Thank you, doctor!" She was overjoyed but Jasmine wasn't. In fact, she glared at her.

"Did I worry for nothing?!" She yelled. "Do you know how nervous I was a while ago? I felt like my heart jumped out of me thinking that something bad happened to you?!"

"I'm sorry. I was not in my right mind a while ago. I was so afraid that the dog might die in front of me." She wiped her wet cheeks. 

"Come here." She pulled the woman and hugged her tight. "Try not to panic next time. You're stronger than that."

She nodded in response before they broke away.

"Now go and get him. I'll send you home." Jasmine smiled, at last!

"Uhm, can we go somewhere else?" Her eyes were pleading. "I know it's late now but I can't take the dog back home."

Jasmine raised her brows and looked at her best friend. She seems exhausted but she can also feel the sadness in her eyes. Did she have a fight with Marcus?

Jasmine heaved a heavy sigh before starting the engine. Jade doesn't want to go home and insisted to go to the Chairwoman's house outside the city. Good thing it was only an hour drive away.

"Does the chairwoman knew you were going?"

"Ehm, I called her a while ago. She must be waiting still." Jade glanced at her old wristwatch and sighed to see it's 1:00am. "I'm sorry for troubling you, Jas."

"I should be sleeping by now since I am so exhausted from the trip." She muttered.

"You went on a trip? When?" She looked at the woman accusingly. They had plans to go on trip one of these days but their busy schedule just doesn't jive.

"Don't look at me as if I committed a grave sin. It was an unexpected out-of-town trip."

"Who went with you?" 

"Zion." She grinned sweetly. "I accidentally met him during my off and he invited me on his trip. We were supposed to come back that night but some unexpected things happened that caused us to stay for another day."

Jade look at her suspiciously but her face held a taunting gaze as well. "And…? Did something happen between you two?"

"Tsk!" She hissed. "We had fun." She faked a smile.

"Fun." She smiled meaningfully. "Okay." Then she faced the road ahead of them. She was smiling from ear to ear.

"Zion is a good man and I like him for you." She furthered. 


He woke up early morning only to find a few miss calls from Jade. 

"Should I call her back?" He thought while standing at the porch with a cup of coffee in his hand. He was sure that the woman was calling him because of his dog. 

He then smirked before dialing the woman's number. 

"I'm sorry I couldn't answer your calls last night, did something bad happened to Makish?" He faked a concern voice.

"I'm sorry I got him operated without your consent. He accidentally ate something that got stuck on his throat but he's good now." She replied. Her voice tells her that she just woke up. "Mr. Barry I just wanna ask, when will you come back?"

"That I'm not sure of yet. Probably after three more days. Is he perhaps causing you so much trouble?" 

"No, no… It's just that my husband….." The man could hear the heavy sigh she just released. "I'm sorry Mr. Barry but I'm going to entrust the dog to my grandmother for now. But don't worry, he's in good hands." She assured the man.

"Your grandmother?" He raised his brow.

"Yes, My husband's grandmother."

Barry's eyes lit up as he caressed his jaw with his fingers. Suzette? Hmm…

"Sure, no problem, as long as she wanted to take care of him then so be it." He smirked evilly.

Holah Beloved readers!

Thank you for patiently waiting and I'm sorry for updating chapters just now. I couldn't write the past few days due to some reasons. I hope for your understanding beloveds..

Thank you so much!

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