
Chapter 5

Tamashi, Angel, Shade, Sakura, Ace, L, Aaron, Breeze, Rocky and Tide where climbing together up the mountain ahead of them. Tamashi knew very well what lied ahead. She had been building up her magic as she climbed, she knew she would need it for the battle. Tamashi looked over and heard the Triplets falling behind a bit.

"You three, ok?" She called. "We're fine Ashi!" Tide called back. "And Breeze?" Tamashi yelled again. "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I cant climb." Breeze huffed.

"Trust me, I know." Tamashi said with her same old smile. Breeze had smiled back at her. Tamashi felt her hands reach flat ground and pulled herself up on top of the Mountain. "Shade…" Tamashi mumbled, a sudden fear hitting her.

"I'm here Ashi, don't worry." Shade said, grabbing Tamashi's hand. Tamashi sighed, on the other side of this wall, was her friends. Her family. She would do whatever it took to get them back, even if it killed her.

She barley knew Mimi and Luki, but they where her first friends outside of family. She Had already just meant Azrail, but she already felt like she'd known him her whole life. And Blossom, well, Blossom was her sister. Tamashi looked up.

"Guide me in this battle big brother..." She whispered, almost making no noise. Shade had let go of her hand and moved to the triplets. "Ready you three?" She asked. The group nodded.

Shade started Mumbling in a language the others didn't understand. Her eyes became pure black, her demon markings showed on her pale skin, and her hands glowed with dark magic. The triplets skin became almost see through. "Go on, walk in." Sakura said gently.

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The triplets looked at each other, grabbed hands and walked through the wall. Shade went back to normal, and the others sat in silence. All they could do was wait and pray that they would be ok. Tamashi sat down.

Angel sat beside her. "Hey Tamashi, Can you tell me a story." She asked. Tamashi stared off, "About what?" She asked. "About your life!" Angel said.

"That's not a bad idea, we can all tell our past." Shade said, sitting by them. Sakura, L, Aaron, and Ace sat with the group. "Alright then, Aaron why don't you go first." Tamashi said. "Well, um…" Aaron was thinking.

"I spent my life in the Cursed Realm, my Mom had been banished there, to good for the Void, but to evil to stay in a Realm." She began. "I went through harsh training, Trying to decide my place in the Realm, then Sakura saved me, pulled me into the elemental realm." Aaron finished. Tamashi nodded. "Ace?" She gestured to him.

"I was born in this Realm, my parents where powerful elemental masters. Basically, I grew up with them and now I lead this group." Ace finished. Quick and simple, Tamashi liked it. "Angel?" Tamashi looked to Angel. "Well, me and Sakura grew up with our father, an evil man…When he found out I had wings, he ripped them off my back, that's when Sakura knew we had to leave." Angel said, gently running a hand down her wing.

Tamashi ruffled her hair. "Well then Sakura doesn't need to go, so L?" Tamashi asked. "Basically, the same as Aaron." L explained. "Shade, you wanna go?" Tamashi asked gently.

Shade was quite for a moment, then she nodded. "I was born in the War realm, before it got corrupted. My father was Horrible, he trained me, hurt me, forced me to do his dirty work. One day, the portal opened, I ran through and saw the sun for the first time, then I meant Rocky, she brought me into the Royal guard." Shade explained. Sakura put a and on Shade's shoulder. Shade looked at her and smiled.

"What about you Ashi?" Shade asked. Tamashi stayed quiet. "Ashi?" Shade asked again. "I don't remember much, only that I had an older brother named Wisp, and his friends, Blade, Blu, and Vanessa." Tamashi explained.

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"I suppose I do remember how I became blind as well, I was being chased through a forest, people hated magic in my realm. They caught me, and blinded me, but before they did I used a spell, so I could see in darkness or fog. They planned to burn me, But the Royal Family put our Realm into Ruin, Blossom rushed in and saved my life." Tamashi said. "So what happened to your friends?" Angel asked.

Tamashi looked at the ground, tears filling her eyes. "I don't know, I have no idea what happened to them." She admitted. Aaron pulled Tamashi into a hug. The group sighed, then, a howl.

The group jumped up and ran inside. The chaos had already begun. Things where flying everywhere, hitting people left and right. Tide walked out of the chaos, the biggest smile on her face.

Breeze was floating in the air, and rocky was pushing people into traps. Once everything died down, it was just the group and a few others. Someone launched themselves at Tamashi. Tamashi shot up, her reflexes kicking in.

She jumped into the air, over the guys shoulders. She turned around quickly, kicking him in the back. The guy whipped around, but Tamashi was faster. She used her magic and a sharp cluster of ice shot out of the ground, stabbing the guy in the chest.

Tamashi listened, it sounded like the others had everything handled. She ran off to look for her friends. She ran around listening for any sound of life. "Ashi!" A voice called out.

Tamashi made a cloud surround her head, allowing her to see just slightly. She saw Blossom, right in front of her in a cell. "Blossom!" She yelled, grabbing Blossom's hand. Blossom laughed.

"Where are the others?" Tamashi asked. "We're here." Mimi called. Tamashi made her cloud thicker, fully able to see the group now. Blossom, Mimi, Luki, and Azrail were all ok.

Mimi seemed unfazed, as well as Luki, Azrail's blindfold was replaced by a mask, slightly working like a belt, and Blossom's hands had gloves over them. "Power preventing?" Tamashi asked. Blossom nodded. "And what about Azrail's

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mask?" she asked.

"Well, Let's just say we know what his power is now." Blossom explained. "Death eyes, sniper mutation." Azrail added. Tamashi smirked a little. "Sorry to interrupt, but could you get us out of here!" Luki yelled.

Mimi nudged Luki with her elbow. "Right, sorry." Tamashi looked at the door in front of her, weighing her options. If she used her black magic, then they would know about it. sure, Blossom already knew but the others...they still had no idea.

She put a hand onto the iron door in front of her allowing her hand to slowly heat up. Blossom backed up and rounded the others up. "Mimi, can you?" Blossom asked. Mimi sighed, fluffing out her tails to surround the group.

Tamashi let her fire spread, heating up to about 3,000 degrees, melting the iron bars. Tamashi then quickly jumped back and used her ice on the Molten iron until it had cooled. Mimi moved her tails, revealing the others, they were sweating, but perfectly fine? Then it hit Tamashi.

Mimi was a kitsune, She had the fox fire, and her full form, tails, and ears are immune to fire. Tamashi nodded to Mimi, and she nodded back. Nobody saw it but tamashi...Mimi, gave the smallest smile. Tamashi light up, filled with a new courage.

"Your friends." Blossom said. "Right, lets go!" Tamashi called, rushing back to the battle. Blossom ran after her, then luki, then Mimi and Azrail. When they arrived, the battle was still going strong.

Without hesitation blossom rushed into battle, Uniting explosions as she ran. Tamashi rushed in right after her, taking out those that had been blinded by the black smoke of Blossom's explosions. Blossom and Tamashi...an unkillable team. Next, Luki and Mimi rushed in.

Mimi threw Luki one of her Katana's while slashing at the arm of some guy. Mimi Jumped into the air, spin-kicking the guy in the jaw. Her ears twisted to hear the loud crack of his jaw. On her way down again, she drove her katana threw his chest.

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Luki used the sword Mimi had given her, cutting off limbs of anyone that got to close for comfort, and finishing them off with one quick swing. Mimi and Luki, masters of swordsmanship. Azrail, having finally got the blindfold off, joined Angel in her battle. He seemed to move like a shadow, passing through solid objects.

Even with his eyes closed, he was still a master at fighting. His extra sensory was coming in handy. Angel flipped over his head, landing on a girl's shoulders. She covered her eyes and pulled back, hard.

Taking out her dagger, she slit her neck. She fell to the ground with a silent thud. Azrail nodded at her, all respect. "Everyone, cover your eyes now!" Azrail called.

The group reacted fast, the others however, weren't nearly as quick to listen. Azrail's eyes shot open, upon looking anyone in the eyes, they turned to a pile of blood in front of him. Not even a body left. His eyes where pitch black, with a small red dot in the center, death eyes, sniper.

He shut his eyes and called out. Blossom looked around, just like that, the fight was over. "Call!" She yelled. A series of calls ran out, each indicating that everyone was perfectly fine.

Blossom ran to find Tamashi. Tamashi was panting, the thick cloud around her head fading as she stared at one of the crumpled bodies. Blossom put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok?" Blossom asked.

Tamashi pointed at the body below her. Looking at it, Blossom noticed nothing unusual. "Ashi?" She said. Seemingly out of nowhere, Sakura launched forward, and drove her sword into the chest of the body.

"What the...why would you do that!" Blossom yelled. Sakura, completely ignoring her, grabbed Tamashi's hand. "She was an innocent, a shadowling had taken control of her body and forced her to fight..." Sakura explained, her voice gentle. Angel, Sakura and Tamashi lowered their heads in respect.

It looked as though they were mourning a fallen warrior. Picking up the idea, the others followed their movements. Sakura picked up the body and carried it outside. The group followed close behind her.

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They had held a funeral for the girl that had fallen. Now it was midnight, each of them outside, at a makeshift camp Sakura had set up. "So, Tamashi. I assume these are your friends?" Aaron asked. "Hm? Oh yes, sorry for not introducing everyone." Tamashi said.

"It's quite alright." L added. Blossom liked L, she was a gentle girl and kind to. "Well, Blossom, Luki, Mimi, Azrail, these are my new friends, Sakura, Angel, L, Aaron, and Ace." Tamashi explained. Azrail dipped his head in a silent hello.

Luki waved to them, and Mimi had no reaction at all. "And what about the other four?" Mimi asked, pointing to Shade and the triplets. "Oh, that's Shade, Rocky, Breeze, and Tide." Tamashi explained. Mimi froze.

"Mimi? You ok?" Luki asked. Mimi got up and walked over to the triplets. Breeze grabbed Rocky's hand and Tide stared at her. Mimi, as quite as ever, sat on her knees in front of the group.

There was a tense silence, as if Mimi was studying them. Then it happened. A single tear fell down Mimi's face. Followed by another, and another, until she was sobbing.

Breeze let go of Rocky's hand and walked towards her. She suddenly fell into Mimi's arms, hugging her tightly. Rocky copied her movement, and Tide followed soon after. Mimi held them tight, tears running down her face.

Blossom looked at the group, then to Tamashi. "Those three are her little siblings." Tamashi explained quietly. Blossom looked back at the group, they sat in silence. Until Tide stepped back.

"So you're our other big sis?" Tide asked. Mimi looked at her and nodded. "I can't believe it..." Rocky's voice was barely a whisper. Mimi wiped her eyes and looked at the three.

It hit Blossom then, they needed to find these people. So that things like this could happen. So that people could have faith that they would meet the ones they love. Whether it be friend, family, or lover.

This is what the realms needed.