

The Flimsy explanation Michael offered had Shamira taking a step back from him. She suddenly feared the man she has come to love over time. What sought of magic could make a house appear from nowhere. No sorcerer that she knows of could do that.

" Who are you?" She needed to ask because he was not the man she knew anymore. She wanted to look beyond the handsome face, the mouth-watering muscles, his tempting lips, and those emerald orbs that she loved so much but all she saw was his manly beauty those lips that smiles at her. The mouth that spikes her climax.

" Your Michael. I know this is new but I have these powers and there's nothing I can do about it. Funny that I know how it works. After you" he said pointing to the staircase but she preferred staying there. There's no telling what he'll do to her in there. She needed her sanity to understand his newly found ability thus she sat down on the couch.