

Riya was the one who sits with her on the same bench from first-year it's been two and a half years since we know each other but this was the first time she got a message from her. without giving it much thought Krithika agreed and texted her time and place which later agreed.

Krithika got up to freshened and went for breakfast

at the breakfast table, her mother was nagging her father about something and her sister was on call eating and blushing shaking her head at their behavior she started eating her breakfast.

in the middle Krithika's mom reminded her that they need to go shopping and said her some date and time to make sure she is free. Krithika nodded her head and bid farewell to them and went meet her classmate? bench-mate?a person she knows? whatever.

at a blue mountain cafe,

as soon as Krithika reached there she started searching for the person she knows. then she saw a familiar person sitting upright fidgeting with her mobile looking serious. Krithika went to her, pulling a chair opposite she took a seat and ordered something for both and started looking straight into Riya's eyes I am listening.

"Will you be my friend? " Riya said looking straight into Krithika eyes. a wave of emotions started hitting Krithika from all directions.

"Okay I will be your friend" replied Krithika with some hesitation.

"Okay since I am your friend am saying you to cut the friendship with those four bunch of trash "

amused Krithika was shocked by her intention of approach and making me her friend

"why should I? they were nice to me not always but ya we have been friends for a long time" Krithika was more than happy to get rid of those trash people but there was a saying right 'keep friends close and enemies closer' for that Krithika was waiting for a chance to kick them out.

"you are a stupid person to believe them they are looking you as nothing but plaything you are gonna hurt yourself because of them " Riya was so angry that her eyes were glaring at Krithika for believing their nonsense.

"hey, how am I gonna hurt myself? " with an unsure expression which increased Riya's anger.

seeing her get angry because of concern made Krithika feel her warmth and happiness, apart of that she is having a great time seeing the change of expression on her stoic faced friend god she is enjoying a lot and was having a hard time controlling her laugh in front of Riya.

"those indecent rumors were created by them behind your back and they pulled so many tricks on you but I only knew a few which I interrupted before happening. mainly that trash s is a mentally ill person I have listened to her once when she was making her video diary in secret she wants to be unrivaled in everything but you became her rival in some things for that she said that she would make you suffer, listen to me get rid of them its best for you " Riya blurted out everything and was waiting for Krithika's reaction

" Just because you said all these things I should listen to you what kind of logic is this? what you said doesn't make any sense to me"well sometimes you need to be harsher while making friends for knowing their true intentions.

Riya took her lappy out of her bag and opened a file which contained every detail of her so-called friends and the information was the same one she got when she investigated but Riya got more information than her looking at info Krithika was flabbergasted and looked at Riya in astonishment

" How the hell did you get this information? when did you start investigating them? its soo creepy that you even got their birth information along with tome geezzzz you're horrifying " Krithika was moving backward while looking at Riya as she has seen some creepy creature.

Riya's mouth twitched by seeing Krithika should she have to say that creepy part loud. anyways she doesn't mind about it" you really want to know who I am"

for that Krithika rattled her head like a drum but was shocked to know about her identity

"I was a spy but still in training now I don't have an identity since our base was found and people got arrested my master was the one who leaked the info to the authorities because of that he was murdered so know I am an orphan and I don't have anyone to look after me and I have no friends so know you know my identity that info I collected was for you when you helped me in clearing that rumor "Riya face became stoic again like she was back to normal.

but Krithika was flustered and dumbfounded by listening to her saying so casually about her. since they cant discuss these things in public actually, she can't discuss them casually so she suggested going somewhere to discuss them to which the latter agreed and suggested about her house Krithika didn't get anything wrong in that so she agreed.