
Forging an Empire with technical knowledge : oliver path to prosperity

In this medieval tale, we follow the journey of Oliver, a reincarnated soul in the body of a young nobleman. With his newfound knowledge of modern technology and a desire to bring progress to his medieval world, Oliver embarks on a mission to revolutionize his barony. After reuniting with his family and exploring his surroundings, Oliver presents his blueprints for the production of steel and the harnessing of water power to his father, Lord Harold. Impressed by his son's ingenuity, Lord Harold praises Oliver's efforts and recognizes the importance of steel for warfare. Meanwhile, Oliver's brother, Edmund, engages in romantic affairs with a commoner lover. Unbeknownst to Oliver, Edmund stumbles upon a secretive weapon exchange in the forest, prompting him to alert the guards and seek his father's assistance. While Edmund deals with the impending threat, Oliver focuses on his own endeavor of soap-making. With the help of his loyal servant, Thomas, Oliver purchases the necessary ingredients, including animal fat and iye (alkali substance), to create a luxurious soap called Eliza Soap. They meticulously follow the soap-making process, infusing scents of rose and lavender and packaging the soap in exquisite boxes. Excitement and anticipation fill the air as Oliver's inventions and entrepreneurial spirit bring hope for progress and prosperity to his medieval world. With the production of steel and the creation of Eliza Soap, Oliver envisions economic growth and the rise of a thriving industrial hub within his barony. As the stage is set for economic expansion, Oliver also senses the stirring of exciting times ahead. The looming threat of war and conflicts in the realm present opportunities for Oliver's barony to play a significant role in the unfolding events. With the combination of technological advancements and his strategic vision, Oliver seeks to position his family's fief as a key player in the wars to come. With dreams of economic success, thrilling battles, and the potential for growth and influence, Oliver eagerly awaits the future, ready to navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

Love_VVD · História
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52 Chs

Chapter 40: Iron ore mine

In the morning, several people can be seen roaming around the large area of Graypeak mountain. some off them are cutting down trees, some are looking after roads, some are clearing the area for mining, some are digging the mine holes. A while ago this area used to be desolated and deserted. But suddenly 5000 people came here to establish the mining setup.

Willian, the Mining expert can be seen instructing workers to clear out the tree and make some wide open ground. some people are appointed to clear the rugged road so as to facilitate the transportation. William has already set up limestone mine near capital city. It cost him nearly all of the money ( 5000 gold) to recruit workers and build infrastructure. But with the success of limestone mine, Williams confidence boost up. Now this time he took upon exploring the iron mine which was in one corner of barony. he knows that It will be a costly endeavor. But before asking for money, his young master has already send him another 10000 gold coin this time. Because of this he recruited 5000 workers from his barony as well as from near territories.

As per Oliver's request to pay handsomely to worker, he has recruited worker for 50 silver a month. It is exceptionally a high pay per his consideration. Because of this running a mine is very costly adventure. for first month it will cost nearly 4000 gold coin to create infrastructure and worker pay. Hence, William wanted to get back maximum output in quick time. He also know that summer will end in 2 month, and in rainy season efficiency of mining work will reduced a lot because of rain water accumulating inside mine holes. In this days it is really challenging task to remove rain water from mine. In such critical condition no one will perform work in mining. Mining will stop for 2 month . So, William is urging his worker to finish setup of mine quickly. In this two days most of the work as been completed now that road are in construction, Workers are ready to start mining activity from tomorrow. William will start transporting iron ore in 3 days towards capital city Carroway.


Inside Carroway Residence

As the morning sun cast its warm rays upon Carroway Barony, Oliver immersed himself in the creation of blueprints for the agricultural tool he had envisioned. With meticulous precision, he sketched the intricate details, combining his knowledge of farming practices with his innovative ideas. he draw the design of plague, saw, paddy machine, small iron tools which helps in digging ditches.

Oliver carefully drew the dimensions, shapes, and mechanisms that would make this tool a game-changer in the field. He envisioned a device that would streamline the labor-intensive tasks of planting, harvesting, and tilling the land. His goal was to increase efficiency, reduce labor requirements, and ultimately maximize agricultural productivity.

Oliver already completed the diagram of Blast furnace for increasing steel production. In afternoon he decided to go to blacksmith to discuss about creating this tools at quick pace.

In the warm afternoon sunlight, Oliver made his way to Tobias Hammerforge's renowned blacksmith shop. The rhythmic sounds of hammer against anvil echoed through the air, signaling the diligent work happening within. As Oliver stepped through the shop's entrance, he was immediately greeted by Tobias, a skilled and trusted blacksmith who had served Oliver's family for years.

With a friendly smile, Tobias recognized Oliver and warmly welcomed him. "Ah, young Oliver! What brings you to my humble forge today?" he asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. Oliver returned the greeting with a nod and handed over the carefully rolled blueprints, his excitement palpable.

"Good day, Tobias. I have a special project for you," Oliver replied, his voice filled with anticipation. "I've designed a revolutionary agricultural tool and a blast furnace, both of which I believe will greatly benefit our endeavors in Carroway Barony. I trust your craftsmanship to bring these designs to life."

Tobias unrolled the blueprints, his eyes scanning the intricate details and innovative concepts that Oliver had carefully laid out. A hint of admiration sparkled in Tobias' eyes as he studied the designs. "Impressive work, Oliver. You are a true genius. Your father has already shown me blast furnace blueprint, I have studied them in detail. It can be made, I also did preparation for that as your father suggested but it will cost us a fortune because to built such a complicated as well as big furnace, I will need lot of iron specially steel and also skill craftman. As per Agricultural tool I can make them anytime for you but again it will cost you a lot. Iron is too expensive this days. " Then he remarked with a nod. "These are ambitious projects, but after studying it. I'm confident in my abilities to craft them with the utmost skill and precision."

Oliver's confidence in Tobias was reaffirmed by his genuine interest and understanding of the designs. In that moment, Oliver handed Tobias a pouch filled with 5000 gold coins. "Consider this a token of my trust and appreciation for your craftsmanship, If it is not sufficient them come to me for money but I want them built in one weak at most. Specially the blast furnace. " Oliver said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I understand the challenges these projects present, but I have faith that you can deliver remarkable results. But you stumble upon some complicated design I am here to solve that."

Tobias accepted the pouch with a humble smile, acknowledging the significance of the trust placed in him. "Oh,... With the money in hand I can do wonders now. Thank you, Oliver. Rest assured, I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to bringing these designs to life. You can count on me," he assured Oliver with a firm nod.



The grand throne room of Valerian Kingdom stood as a symbol of power and authority. Its towering marble columns, intricately carved details, and golden accents exuded a regal elegance. The air was thick with an aura of importance and seriousness, as the weight of the kingdom's affairs hung palpably in the room. The polished marble floor reflected the warm glow of chandeliers, casting a soft light that illuminated the scene below.

Seated upon the majestic throne, adorned with velvet cushions and intricate patterns, was King Edmund III, the revered ruler of Valerian Kingdom. Dressed in royal robes, he commanded a presence that demanded respect and attention. Surrounding him were his most trusted and influential ministers, each carrying the weight of their respective roles and responsibilities.

As the doors of the throne room closed, sealing off the outside world, a solemn silence settled over the gathered officials. The gravity of the news about the approaching fleet from Ravenspire Kingdom hung heavy in the room, casting a shadow of concern on everyone present. This was a moment that required the utmost focus and strategic thinking.

King Edmund leaned forward, his gaze steady and determined. "Gentlemen, the news we received last evening has brought forth a grave threat to our kingdom. The fleet from Ravenspire Kingdom sails towards our shores, with Carroway Barony as their intended target."

The ministers exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and resolve. The situation called for decisive action and a united front against the impending danger.

Minister Victor, the seasoned strategist, spoke up with a voice laced with urgency. "Your Majesty, we must fortify the defenses of Carroway Barony immediately. Our forces must be prepared for a potential assault. I propose deploying additional troops and reinforcing the coastal defenses. "

Minister Isabella, known for her diplomatic prowess, nodded in agreement. "Your Majesty, we must also explore diplomatic channels to assess the intentions of Ravenspire Kingdom. We should send envoys to engage in peaceful dialogue and seek a resolution to avoid unnecessary conflict."

Minister Victor , " our main concern is that , It will take a time to prepare knight . Also Carroway barony is far away from capital, Even if we march right now with 5000 knights, It will take 1 month of time."

King Edmund listened attentively to their suggestions, his face etched with a mix of concern and determination. "We shall take swift action on both fronts. First send the report of this incident to Baron Cedric. Minister Victor, assemble the finest troops and ensure Carroway Barony is fortified Within minimum time. Minister Isabella, select our most skilled diplomats to engage in dialogue with Ravenspire Kingdom. We must explore all possibilities for a peaceful resolution while remaining vigilant."

With this grave atmosphere meeting continue to explore more ways to solve this emergency.