
Ch6.(Read Informationals after)

I took in a deep breath, the anxiety inside growing as I stared at the entrance to the captains meeting.

I sincerely doubt even you could screw this up...

I am starting to regret releasing my sword earlier.

If you'd like to go through the meeting alone-

I rolled my eyes and promptly went through the door, quickly earning everyone's attention.

Evidently I'd been late.

Not a word.

I quickly swept my gaze over as I walked inside, taking note of each captain. Shunsui looked like he was napping with the way his hat covered his entire face. And to my own surprise, Kenpachi had made it though the other captains had evidently decided to keep him both gagged and tied up... I could make out bandages covering most of the man's body just beneath the ropes.

Down towards the end I could see Kuchiki Byakuya, his eyes fully alert, his posture almost rigid as he stared ahead. Barely acknowledging me. Just beside him sat a suspcious Hitsugaya.

Oh and of course, can't forget Ichimaru Gin, nor my other 'ally' Kanami Tosen. The two made the row next to Byakuya and Hitsugaya.

Ah- I almost missed Komamura!

Do not tell him he resembles a lamp!

I was- Ok I was but- Damn...

Yamamoto sat at the front, his eyebrows rising a tad as he looked me over.

"Is something the matter?" He questioned me passively.

I quickly shook my head, "Sorry just a little taken back,"

"By what?" Shunsui's voice quickly froze me, not even giving me the chance to move. Though I could barely make out his eyes, I could practically feel the heavy atmosphere.

Huh. Didn't expect it from him if I am completely honest.

Aizen was oddly quiet.

"All of the seats are filled up!" I remarked somewhat cheerfully.

Oh... Now everyone's suspicious...

"I meant that in a good way... As in none of you have died yet..."

I am genuinely surprised Aizen's body was so calm about all of this.

Didn't feel a damn thing.

"I suppose that's why you are here to change it, why don't you take a seat Aizen-taichou," (I actually have no clue how honorofics work)

The captain commanders words seemed to cool down a lot of the anger... Hitsugaya didn't look like he was going to stab me anymore at least.

"Right, sorry, just not really used to..." And for a single second I felt mild panic build up inside, fearful I wouldn't be able to find the right word, but for some odd reason... The words seemed to almost flow right out.

"The atmosphere," As soon as I'd said it I felt my body stiffen. I hadn't thought to say that... And I knew it didn't come from Aizen...

Yamamoto blinked at the words before he nodded, almost solemnly.

That was rather intelligent of you... How worryingly ominous.

Not helping!

I quickly focused my attention back up and continued walking to my seat.

Lonely, Aizen suddenly exclaimed out of nowhere.


"What was it like?" Ukitake suddenly spoke up, he was currently sat opposite Shunsui. There was a surprisingly civil expression on his face. Hell, I am pretty sure he's trying to hold back a smile!

"It was... Lonely..." I answered with a weak smile.

So you can be taught.

That was mildly terrifying. Before another idea popped up in my mind. A small grin fixing itself on my face as I walked towards Hitsugaya, taking the empty seat opposite him.

"Yo," I grinned at him.

I felt like I was forgetting something...

Hitsugaya had a bemused look to his face, hints of anger and at the same time curiosity plain.


"You and I are going to be great friends, I can just tell," I stated seriously with a cheeky grin.

He blinked at my sudden exclamation before a frown quickly appeared on his face. "You are most definitely not Aizen."

"Not the one you knew no," I quickly turned towards the Captain commander-

Ah... Right, this was a captains meeting.

"Oh no, do continue," Shunsui remarked, a small twinkle in his eye. Opposite him Ukitake had a resigned look to his face.

You know what?

Fuck it.

I will continue.

I fixed a look towards the commander. "Can I tell 'em?"

The commander took a moment to look around the new room before seemingly judging the room safe and nodding towards me.


Did Aizen just scoff in my head?

Was the world about to end?

"Well?" Shunsui called out, clear irrigation on his face.

I took in a deep breath before nodding and facing most of the captains, particularly Hitsugaya, likely my biggest obstacle.

I sincerely doubt that...

Yes, well I still need a new friend. Gin's already tried to kill me.

Wait what?

"Where do I even begin..?" I mused outloud.

This is definitely not going to end well.

Ignoring that, I began spinning a tale, a tale that practically flowed out of my mouth as if it was a open tap. I am not sure what was motivating me to keep on speaking but it came to me almost naturally!

"This story, I suppose starts with a certain infamous hollow called The First Sun of Huaco Mundo. Or as he's going to start calling himself once he decides to show himself..."

And I honestly just couldn't help myself here.

"Josh Groban."

And what only started out in a vague gesture of friendship towards Hitsugaya somehow got entirely out of control... Though I suppose it would be possible to have the Espada play along... Besides Barragan at any rate.


And unbeknownst to almost everyone but one unnaturally sharp Zanpactou. A single invisible eye loomed in the smallest crevice it could find, it's entire attention fixated on the story that monster spoke. His entire being shaking as sa he heard the impossible reality. The truth that had been hidden from them.

He hadn't been entirely sure it'd be a good idea to return so soon... But, he'd simply been unable to help himself... And after what he'd just learned? He was certainly glad for it...

The truth of a naturally born monster... Vasto Lorde? Was that what he'd called it? A naturally born Vasto Lorde that had raised both himself and an enormous empire using an impossible stone of power.

Josh Groban... The First Sun of Huaco Mundo and his army of demons called the 'Espada'.

And of course... He couldn't forget of the demon bat. A creature that had managed to even install fear into the one man that had thoroughly defeated him!

The first Sun's Dragon, the prodigious Hollow who had broken through every limit known to exist thanks to the impossible power of the Hogyoku... For while the First Sun had merely used it, the Dragon had embraced it completely.

Aizen Sosuke spoke of the rest, of even the Lord of such an empire with almost disinterest... And yet when it came to the prodigal demon... His face seemed to twist with the way his expression changed. An expression he failed to understand... But a reaction none the less.

And only another monster could truly cause such a thing...

And as Gremmy stared on in both wonder and horror at the story, his entire focus on the reaper from the future. He failed to notice the chaotic reiatsu that had suddenly filled the air around him. He failed to notice anything until it had brushed against his own. Until he felt the rush of power temporarily fill his being before, abruptly

receding away from him.

The last thing he could see was the blinding flash that had seemed to suddenly emanate from the monster's robes...


I blinked as I felt the sudden rush of power that briefly filled my chest before shaking my head and turning my focus back to Yamamoto.

Still, I was somewhat put off by the lackadaisical nature Ichimaru Gin was giving off... As if he knew something I didn't... I'd even seen him smile a few times when I mentioned the Hogyoku... Though he hadn't said anything yet.

"The intruder from earlier, the one that escaped-" I gave him a sheepish grin when I heard the word. He wasn't amused. "Was he one of these Espada?"

"I was under the impression he was another Ryoka..." Hitsugaya remarked from my side.

I blinked at the words before snorting. "Nah, that's another calamity all together." I idly remarked waving my hand.

"How many are there?" Hitsugaya questioned immediately. Evidently telling him I'd seen his true bankai had opened him up a lot more to me.

"I am not entirely sure, I lost track after 6,"

I am pretty sure at-least three of the captains just groaned to that.

They've been doing that all night.

"It seems we may need more then a single meeting... Ukitake, I trust you'll be able to inform the others of what we've learnt so far? It seems, following the execution-"

"Wait what? I just told you you have like 6 calamities on the way and you still want to kill one of our Shinigami?" I'd suddenly snapped my attention towards them. Clear irritation crossing my face.

Yamamoto on the other hand didn't skip a beat as he simply stated. "Central 46 has already decreed her guilty-"

"Central 46's dead, and they were dead long before Kuchiki-san went to the human world." I fired back.

I probably should've worded that better.

"Oh my, what an interesting conversation to walk into," A random voice, to me at any rate, however chose to interrupt the meeting at that very moment... A random voice that sent shivers down my body suddenly echoed through the room. Catching everyone's attention.

Funnily enough, the only captains to actually get up were Hitsugaya and Kuchiki. Shunsui raised a single eyebrow. A look of shame filled Ukitake's. Yamamoto's expression didn't budge, except for the slight narrowing of his own eyes. Kenpachi had fallen asleep twenty minutes ago.

Ichimaru Gin was blatantly grinning, his eyes closed as he looked straight at me.

I couldn't see Komamura's face thanks to the baske-helmet. Tosen didn't even turn his head at the sound.

"Aizen-taichou, I heard you've been stealing other peoples property... Most importantly, my property." Kisuke Urahara grinned from the entrance of the door.

I can't believe it hasn't even been half a day yet...

Still what could have I possibly done to get this bastard out of hiding- Oh right. Stole The Hogyoku. Speaking of which... How had Gin known I'd already taken it? He'd already left by the time Gremmy had helped me get it... Unless he went straight to Rukia's tower...

Hey Aizen. I'll just ask hi-

What. Is. It!?

Wow he's pissed.



You've lost the Hogyok- Don't even think about looking through your pockets! Are you actively trying to get me killed!?


Shit then.



Gremmy stared at his empty hand in open horror, he felt it shake as he tentatively got himself up off his own bed. The last thing he could recall was a blinding flash before... Before he woke up... Human.

In body and mind.

His power... His power was gone. His body... His body refused to change... Reality refused to bend to his whims!

He barely noticed the sudden shift in the air as he heard the footsteps slowly getting closer. He could feel his breathing quicken as the sound grew closer. As the uniformed figure glared at him, pure hate filled eyes.

"Gremmy... What have you done!?" Jugram snarled, a manic look to his face, his mismatched eyes petrifying the Sternritter. What on earth had happened to him!? One eye held their lords gift while the other held Jugrams... His twisted form sent shivers down the blondes spine. It was then he noticed the sheer pressure that had filled the room.

"What happened-" He barely finished the sentence before he felt the cold touch of steel sing across his neck.


Elsewhere, across the vast open desert of Huaco Mundo stood a palace unlike any other. A palace occupied solely by the greatest of hollows.

The +Espada Of Las Noches.

And though all of them had sensed the sudden disturbance in the air the moment it had rippled across reality, only two truly felt it, a feeling that would forever change them and their world.


Don't forget to leave feedback!

Edit: Captains meeting essentially covered the fake version of the Espada arc the SI had managed to come up, more of which will be revealed later.

Next chapter we might be back to Ichigo and what he's been up to ever since the meteor fiasco. His last location was standing, with Ginjo and Hanataro, just outside the entrance to the tower Rukia was 'kept' in. Chad I believe was in Shunsui's captain barracks during the time.

Gremmy was also simply spying on the Gotei 13, he wasn't there physically. Him waking up in his room is his power essentially turning off.
