
Forged In Darkness

**Prologue: The Rise of a New Era** In a realm where magic intertwines with adventure, individuals are bestowed with extraordinary powers to combat the forces of darkness. Among them, one man stood out, his name echoing through the annals of history: Williams Hunter. Renowned for his valor and unwavering spirit, he emerged as the epitome of courage, earning the title of the greatest knight the world had ever known. However, the tranquility was shattered when Emrys, the Demon Lord reigning from the depths of the underworld, unleashed the flames of war upon the land. Embracing his duty, Williams, with his stalwart companions, marched forth to confront the encroaching darkness. Alas, fate proved merciless, claiming their lives amidst the chaos of battle. With Williams' fall, a pall of despair descended upon the realm, leaving its denizens bereft of both guardian and hope. Yet, amidst the ashes of tragedy, a flicker of promise lingered on the horizon. In the aftermath of the conflict, Williams' widow, burdened with the legacy of his sacrifice, bore a son, a beacon of hope in a world shrouded by turmoil. Tragically, she departed this realm shortly after bringing forth new life, leaving the child orphaned and alone. Fate, however, had ordained a guardian for the young heir. His grandfather, embracing the mantle of protector, raised the boy with tender care, nurturing within him the seeds of destiny. As the world descended into chaos, demons prowled the land, claiming innocent lives with impunity. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. A fellowship of kindred spirits united, embarking on a noble endeavor to establish a sanctuary of knowledge and valor—a school where the flame of courage would be kindled anew. Here, the young and the passionate would be honed into formidable knights, destined to rise and restore hope to a world besieged by darkness. Thus begins the saga of a new era, where the legacy of Williams Hunter lives on, and the promise of redemption beckons forth a new generation of heroes.

Jeremy2bry_1 · Fantasia
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24 Chs

Brawl Of Elements Tournament: 2

Cedric: *striding confidently towards Liam* Hey, let's start this off right with a handshake, a sign of respect.

Liam: *internally wary* A handshake? Well, it couldn't hurt. Sure, let's do it.

Gareth: Ah, the customary prelude to battle. Let the games begin!

Liam: *trying to withdraw his hand* What's this?

Cedric: *smirking* Trusting a stranger, especially from the Noble Knight Academy, shows your naivety, Liam.

"Cedric's grip locks Liam's hand, freezing him in place."

Liam: You think I'm naive? You shouldn't have been this close to someone like me you know?

Cedric: *chuckling* Oh, you think your fire can match my ice? You're in for a frosty surprise.

Liam: But I—

"Cedric's fist meets Liam's chest before he can finish."

Cedric: Your defeat will be the highlight of the tournament.

"Liam is sent hurtling back by Cedric's powerful frost magic, but he skillfully slows himself just before the red line."

Cedric: *internally baffled* How did he—

Liam: Seems you'll do anything to win, right? Well, be prepared for what comes next. *grins*

Cedric: You won't—

"Before Cedric can react, Liam lands a devastating punch to his chest."

Liam: Hope you survive that punch *grinning*

"Cedric manages to use magic to prevent disqualification as he's sent flying."

Cedric: *internally impressed* He's strong, fast... almost like Tristan. Hey, brat! Don't get cocky.

Liam: Got it. *grinning*

"Cedric narrowly dodges Liam's next attack, realizing the danger."

Cedric: He's relentless, unpredictable.

Liam: *internally determined* He dodged? Good. Let's keep this interesting.

"Cedric maneuvers swiftly on his ice, amplifying his speed, intensifying the battle."

Cedric: *internally strategizing* Keeping my distance is key. He hasn't shown his full potential yet!

Liam: *advancing* Don't get lost in your thoughts.

"Liam closes in on Cedric, ready to strike, but Cedric seizes the mid-air advantage."

Cedric: *swiftly evading* It ends now!

"A fierce ice tornado from Cedric sends Liam crashing to the ground."

Cedric: That should do it.

"As Cedric approaches, Liam springs back up, aiming a blast at Cedric's face."

Cedric: *internally alarmed* A blast? At this range? Is crazy?

"Cedric freezes Liam's hand to lessen the impact, countering with a swift kick to Liam's gut, sending them both flying apart."

Liam: You're quite the survivor.

Cedric: *breathing heavily* You're... insane. Now, I'm furious. If you won't go down peacefully, I'll force you out. *grins* A win's a win!

Liam: Tsk! He's no fun anymore.

"Cedric summons a massive, impenetrable ice wall at the center of the stage."

Liam: Impressive.

Cedric: This will end it! No one breaks through this!

"Cedric launches the ice wall at Liam, aiming to push him out."

Liam: Impossible to break, huh? *smirks* Let's see about that!

"Liam flashsteps towards the ice wall, delivering a devastating punch, shattering it instantly."

Cedric: *shocked* How...how did he...

Liam: *closing in on Cedric* Looks like you've lost, Cedric. That's a shame.

"Liam lands a powerful blow on Cedric, knocking him out cold."

Liam: Well that sucks

Gareth: And here is your winner by knock out, Liam Hunter! *crowd applause*

"Liam walks of stage, and he was heading back he saw Asher"

Liam: *walking pass* Good luck, blue flames.

Asher: *walking pass* I don't need your luck and don't call me that.

Liam: ... *walks away*

"Liam was going back to were Sir Galen and the rest were but later decided to get something to eat since there was a cafeteria around"

[On his way back]

Liam: Those cream puffs were one of the best I've eaten in while. *walks for a while and later sees Brianna and someone standing together* hm? What's this?*curiously hiding behind a pillar*

Brianna: What do you want?

Tristan: C'mon is that how you talk to someone who's family feed you and your mom? *smirks*

Brianna: We served under your family for years! Now we are independent!

Tristan: Is that so? *gets close to her*

Brianna: *timid*

Liam: *internally* Isn't that... what's his name? Tristan, yeah that's it. But how does Brianna know this guy?

Tristan: Brianna, you might have gotten stronger than before. But compared to me, you are centuries behind! *smirks*

Brianna: B-Back of Tristan!

Tristan: See who is trying to act tough. *chukles* Don't make me laugh Brianna! *turns around* Well is a shame that you not in this tournament, I would have liked to crush you. Well now I just have to break all these guys like sticks and win since there's no one strong enough.

Brianna: You think you can win, at least not with that arrogance, you won't.

"Tristan gets angry and tries to hit Brianna but his wrist gets held by Liam right on time"

Liam: Why do you guys keep trying to hit people for no reason?

Brianna: Liam?

Liam: Hey

Tristan: *internally* What's with this guy's grip I get free my hand! Not to mention he was able to stop me from hitting Brianna

Liam: Are you trying to free yourself?

Tristan: Bastard! *forcefully free his hand*

Liam: Well, that's something

Tristan: *turns around and walks back* You might be lucky today Brianna but next won't be the same.

Brianna: Thank you Liam.

Liam: Yeah don't mention it! Let's go

Brianna: Alright!

"Liam and Brianna returned back to the academy's viewing point"

Liam: How's Asher's fight?

Max: He won!

Liam: I missed it huh?

Dylan: Yep, since you were having good times with someone *teasing*

Liam: You have the wrong idea Dylan!

Dylan: Oh yeah? Then...

Magnus: Enough! Max, your fight is next so go get ready. And also, Tristan is not your average opponent, be careful!

Max: I will keep that in mind! *grins*

Gareth: Ladies and gentlemen, Now time for our second round of this tournament. For our first fight, please welcome Tristan Thonridge with Divine Destruction magic and Maxwell Strongthorn with enhancement magic.

"Both the opponents got on stage"

Tristan: Now I get to fight one of the academy bastard. Please per what I've heard you guys are tough so please make this entertaining. *grins*

Max: Last person I fought said same and ended up losing *smirks* Hope it's not the same story here!

Gareth: And the match begins!

"Tristan curls his fingers, gathering divine energy that crackles around his fists, a menacing aura enveloping him."

Tristan: I will make you bow before the might of Divine Destruction.

"Maxwell braces himself, his muscles tensing as he readies for the onslaught. He stands firm, determination etched into every fiber of his being."

Maxwell: Less talk, more fighting arrogant boy. *grins*

"With a primal roar, Maxwell charges forward, his movements swift and calculated. His fists, imbued with raw power, shimmer with an otherworldly glow. Tristan sneers, arrogance gleaming in his eyes as he readies his stance, his confidence unshaken."

Tristan: Foolish brat! You dare charge at me like that?

"The clash erupts in a flurry of blows, each strike echoing through the arena with thunderous force. Maxwell's fists collide with Tristan's divine energy, creating shockwaves that ripple through the air."

Max: *internally* He is really strong, it makes me remember Liam. Well it changes nothing, .... Enhanced strength times and 100!

"Maxwell grits his teeth, his determination unwavering as he pushes through the onslaught. With every strike, he channels his inner strength, refusing to falter in the face of Tristan's overwhelming power."

Maxwell: I'll never back down!

"Tristan's attacks intensify, his fists ablaze with celestial fury as he launches a relentless assault. Maxwell staggers under the onslaught, his body battered but his spirit unbroken."

Maxwell: I won't... give up! *internally* I've still not landed a clean strike. Tch!

"With a final surge of determination, Maxwell unleashes a flurry of strikes, each blow fueled by his unwavering resolve. But despite his valiant effort, Tristan's divine power proves too much to overcome."

Gareth: What a display of power and determination! Who will emerge victorious?

Tristan: I'm tired of this nonsense. Now die!!

"In a final, devastating blow, Tristan's fist crashes into Maxwell's defense, sending him sprawling to the ground."

Tristan: Turns out you are trash after all.

"The crowd watches in awe as Tristan stands victorious, his arrogance unshaken by the intensity of the battle."

[Knights Viewing Point]

Aldric: Such an in lntense battle. Right Grand Marshal?

G. Marshal: That was more like a warm up to me.

Aldric: Well he is your son after all

[Dark Knight Academy restroom]

Max: He was strong Sir Magnus, and it actually reminded me of Liam

Magnus: I see. But you still did your best Max don't be hard on yourself.

Max: Yeah sure but I know I could've done better

Dylan: Hey, c'mon if he is as strong as Liam well it's understandable

Sheila: Yeah his right

Max: Well, I'll get him next time for sure *smiles*. Isn't your fight next Sheila?

Sheila: Yeah it is. Sir Magnus, next information on my opponent?

Sir Magnus: Well, your opponent is Aveline Foxworth. She's also from Noble Knight Academy. She more different from the others.

Sheila: How?

Sir Magnus: Well, she is train more like an assassin.

Dylan: Wow... that's awesome. Not for you though * referring to Sheila*

Sheila: Thanks Sir Magnus, So she is an assassin knight who has gravitational magic. I'll do my best. *walks out*

Gareth: Time for our second fight of this round. Please welcome, Aveline Foxworth; an upcoming assassin knight who has gravitational magic. And her opponent, Sheila Crescent; blessed with ice and water manipulation and also gifted with the maggc of light.

*both ladies walk on stage*

Aveline: Princess Sheila, is an honor to fight with you today, but mined you, I don't intend to go easy on you

Sheila: Well, same here.

Gareth: Now let the battle begin!

"Aveline's gravitational magic envelops her, a subtle force field shimmering around her fists. She takes a defensive stance, her eyes focused and unwavering."

Aveline: Do not disappoint me princess! *smiles*

"Sheila narrows her eyes, her hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as she summons her elemental abilities. Frost forms at her fingertips, while ethereal light dances around her."

Sheila: Let's see how long you can last!

"With a sudden burst of speed, Aveline charges forward, her fists wreathed in gravitational energy. She aims a powerful blow at Sheila, her intent clear."

Aveline: I'll last long enough to win!

"A veil of shimmering ice erupts from Sheila's hands, deflecting Aveline's attack with a graceful motion. The arena echoes with the clash of magic and determination."

Aveline: That was pretty, as expected from a princess.

"Sheila's response is swift. She conjures torrents of icy water, aiming to ensnare Aveline in their frigid embrace."

Sheila: For an assassin you talk way too much!

"Aveline's movements become sluggish as she struggles against the icy onslaught."

Aveline: *internally* shit! She's stronger than I thought. But I have to win, to prove Grand Marshal that I'm also good enough just like Tristan. Therefore, I can't lose and I won't lose!

"With a surge of determination, Aveline channels her gravitational magic, breaking free from Sheila's icy grip and closing the distance between them."

Sheila: *internally* her movement and attacks are more precise and faster than before. I can't keep up!

"Sheila's eyes widen as Aveline's fists find their mark, delivering a decisive blow that sends her reeling."

Gareth: What a breathtaking display of skill and determination! Who will emerge victorious in this clash of elements?

"In a final, decisive strike, Aveline's determination prevails, securing her victory in a display of raw power and unwavering resolve."

Aveline: *breathing heavily* I won.

"Gareth announce her as the victor and she leaves the stage"

[Dark Knight Academy restroom]

Sheila: Ouch! Be careful Brianna

Brianna: Well I'm sorry, you are badly hurt

Sheila: Yeah, she is strong!

Liam: Cut the crap, you could've won when you had her fozen. You could've given a decisive blow to send her over the red line but you hesitated.

Sheila: Well, I... mmm. I'm sorry

Liam: Don't apologise to me, but do to yourself. Anyways you did very good, I'm proud.

Sheila: Thank you Liam.

Liam: Alright I'm off to watch the fight between Henry Redmond and Michael Hove. Fire vs. Air. Hehehe. Bye! *walks*

Sheila: That fight has already started?

Brianna: Yep! About 5 minutes ago. Who do you think will win?

Sheila: Well I really don't care who wins or loses. I'm more concerned about the last fight of this round.

Brianna: That's very true, Liam faces Asher.

Sheila: Yep! And its a rematch too.

Brianna: I can't wait. *smirks*

Sheila: Me too. *chukles*

I'm soo sorry for the later updates recently. I'm have a difficult time writing the fight scenes. Well they might not be that good, but I hope you all enjoy it. And also if you guys have ideas about how I should write, please tell me in the comments. Thanks

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