
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs


"I like you".

Nadia looked at him with her eyes wide open.


I asked but he just smiled and walked away but before he left the room, he said.

"You should get some rest, when the rest of the family gets here it'll be difficult".

I heard what he said but I just stood shocked in one spot trying to figure out what he meant by he likes me. After a while, I was finally able to move and I just landed on the bed. Sucking in the air, I began talking to myself.

"What does he mean by that? Does he like me as a person, or as a woman"?

I shook my head and another alternative came to mind.

"Does he like my sense of humor or does he like the way I behave"?

I was thinking of different things that it felt like my head was about to malfunction.

"Ahh... whatever whatever! I'm sure he just said that because he felt I wanted to hear it".

I said and laid on the bed but I immediately stood up and shook my head in disagreement.

"No!! I didn't want to hear that. He just thought I did but I did".

I tried to convince myself and even though it felt like it wasn't really working, I just concluded on that.

I lay on the bed after what felt like forever and finally slept.

Jason went downstairs and was told that his grandfather was sitting in the garden in the backyard. When he got there, he saw his grandfather squatting and looking at a particular plant called Monstera deliciosa aurea. It is a plant that has striking variegated leaves that bring a burst of color it is easy to care for and a perfect addition to any indoor space it also has a natural air purifier to freshen up the environment.

Grandpa O'Brien had a lot of unique and beautiful plants in his garden. Even his spinach and green vegetables looked so special and beautiful. He is a lover of nature, especially plants so he took special care of his garden.

"What are you doing Grandpa"?

Jason asked, making his grandfather turn to look at him.

"Huh? Oh, look who's here".

He said and walked towards Jason. They both sat on the couch in the garden and a maid offered them tea.

"It feels like forever since I last saw my grandson".

Grandpa O'Brien said.

"I'm here now. I hope you are getting ready for your surgery".

His grandpa waved it off and said

"Oh please, this weekend is for fun and companionship. Besides, who knows what will happen during the surgery? I can never be prepared".

"Still, you should be mentally..."

"That's enough Jason. I don't want us to talk about my surgery. I heard you started working on a new construction. How is it going"?

Jason knew his grandfather was nervous but didn't want to talk about it so he also decided to stop talking about it.

"It's going well, we are almost done with the buildings. Soon enough, people will be able to move in".

His grandfather nodded in satisfaction. He has never had any reason to worry about Jason so he knew the construction would definitely be a success.

"After this, you should start planning to get married. I like Nadia already".

Jason was not expecting his grandfather to say that. He could tell that his grandfather likes Nadia but he is saying he'll let him marry her without asking about her background. That was pretty weird.

Jason was about to say something else when the heard the noisemaker, Derrick.

"Where is my one and only handsome Grandpa"?

He said as he made his way to the garden.


"Hahaha, here he comes".

Their grandfather said in excitement. Jason was the calm and less troublesome one, while Derrick was the noisy and troublesome one.

"Hello, father".

Mrs O'Brien said and soon enough, Mr O'Brien could be seen too.

"Ohh, you are all here".

Grandpa O'Brien said as they all greeted each other. Jason's mom went close to him and asked.

"Where is Nadia"?

"She's asleep Mom".

He responded and then, a joyful voice came in.

"Grandma!! grandpa!! uncle!!"

"Here comes the traitor".

Derrick said.

"Ohh my smart grandson".

His grandfather said and hugged him after he greeted his grandfather, he hugged his grandma and she didn't want to let him go.

After a while, he went to say hi to his uncle but he looked away as though he didn't want to talk to him. Kay didn't understand why.

"What's wrong with you Derrick, Kay is saying hello".

Mrs O'Brien said.

"I don't say hi to traitors".

He said and looked at Kay with a betrayed look.

"We were supposed to come here together but instead, you chose your dad".

Kay couldn't help but smirk at his uncle's childishness. He really likes his uncle and his uncle likes him just as much. They got along pretty well and he spent most of his time in his uncle's place.

"I already told you I wouldn't be able to make it".

Kay tried to explain.


Derrick said.

"Come darling. Seems your uncle still wants to sulk a little".

Mrs O'Brien said. She couldn't stand Kay going through a hard time even if it was just jokes. For some reason, Kay always reminded her of the younger version of Jason but a much more lively one.

"Okay, now that we are all here, let's go inside and fill ourselves with something nice".

Grandpa O'Brien said and they began walking in. While they were going in, they saw a beautiful innocent-looking girl rubbing her eyes as she came downstairs.

"Ohh, she looks really cute".

Mrs O'Brien said and Jason smiled as he looked at her innocent self coming down.

I was rubbing my sleepy eyes so I didn't notice that they were looking at me. It was when I stopped that I finally saw them.

"Ahh, good morning... No, I mean... good afternoon Sir, good afternoon ma".

I said confused and noticed that they all started laughing at me. Our laughter was cut short as we heard the doorbell ring.

When the maids opened up for who it was, the first person I saw was the old man who told Jason to marry his first daughter and, Melissa.