
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

I won't ask for more

"I'm on my way".

As soon as I saw the message from Melissa I let out a heavy sigh and quickly got dressed as I knew I'd have to go back to the hospital.

Keeping my phone aside, I got ready, and soon enough, I was on my way back. Lately, I haven't really had much time to rest because I had to be with Grandpa in case something happened.

The doctor said he was safe and free from danger for now but they also said we should keep an eye on him just in case something goes wrong due to his age.

When I got to the hospital, I saw Grandpa playing cards with another old patient. Though I didn't know who he was and how he got into the room, I didn't say anything since Grandpa seemed to be having fun.

"Hi Grandpa, I'm back".

I said to announce my presence. He raised his head and looked at me and with a smile, he said.

"Oh yes, come, come, come".

He said and I moved towards him and his new game buddy.

"Mr Katish"?

He said and the old man looked at him. Apparently, that was his name.

"Look, this is my granddaughter. Nadia, say hello".

I bowed and smiled lightly to show my respect and the old man was smiling back.

"Hello, hello, this must be the beautiful granddaughter he has been bragging about".

He said and I turned towards Grandpa and smiled lightly.

"Don't listen to him".

Grandpa said and soon, they were back to playing their games. It took a while before Mr Katish decided to go back to his room.


I called after the old man had left and Grandpa looked at me.

"How did you get to know him"?

I asked as I was sure Grandpa didn't share his room with anyone else and he never went out.

"I just met him today".

He said but I needed him to elaborate.


I asked making him look at me once again.

"Well, when you left to freshen up, I was very bored so I decided to take a walk and that was when I met him".

He was looking at me before but now, he turned completely so that his entire body would be facing me.

"The funniest thing is I could tell from a distance that he was a businessman just from looking at him and what's more fascinating is the fact that we are even from the same place".

Grandpa said and it looked like he was excited about being from the same place with his newly found friend.

I nodded my head showing that I understood what he was saying.

"It's time to eat so you can take your drugs".

I said but then, he grumbled as usual.

"Not again, I just ate not too long ago. I'm not hungry".

He said. Sometimes, he acted like a little kid but I couldn't say anything since he was my elder.

"You have to eat so you can take your drugs Grandpa. The nurse will be here soon to administer it".

I said pleading to him so he could eat and hoping he'd finally eat. Luckily for me, he didn't argue much anymore and ate his food in peace.

Not too long after the drugs, he fell asleep and I remained seated on the couch.

I was going through my phone when Anita sent me something weird.

I sat up and messaged her back.

"What is the meaning of this"?

That was the message I sent to her but it felt like she was taking too long to respond.

I was eagerly waiting for her response and finally, she messaged me back.

"I'm not sure but I think you'd know who those people are since I heard them mentioning your name countless times".

She sent the message and before I was able to finish reading that one, she sent me another one.

"I was in the same cafe they decided to visit so I was able to overhear their conversation without being caught".

I was getting anxious to hear what exactly it was that the people in the picture were talking about.

"What did they say"?

I asked anxiously.

"Well, I guess I arrived pretty late but I'm sure I heard my sister telling those people to put you back in your place and the man said he would definitely teach you a lesson".

She wrote and I could not help but keep getting irritated as the time passed by.

"Who are they? I know the girl is my sister... obviously. But who are those people she was talking to"?

She asked once again and after contemplating on whether to tell her or not, I decided to tell her.

"My parents".

I said.

Nadia sent the message to Anita and Anita couldn't help but place her hand over her mouth in shock.

"Wait what"?

She sent the message in shock but didn't get any other response.

"What's wrong"?

I heard Grandpa speak but then, in other not to stress him with my worries, I tried as much as possible to fake a smile but it seemed he still got me.

"Don't smile like that, what is going on"?

He asked once again and somehow, I couldn't help but ask him a question.


I called and since he was already looking at me, I decided to go ahead and ask.

"What do I do to be worthy of being your granddaughter-in-law"?

I asked. I was tired of them riding all over me. I was ready to use every opportunity I had to go against the people I used to call my parents. As long as I wasn't doing anything bad, I was sure they would have nothing on me.

I was ready and more than determined to free myself completely from their bondage. And if it meant using this fake relationship I have with Jason, I have decided that I was going to use it to the best of my ability.

Nadia did not see the smile on Grandpa's face when she asked him that question.

"Well, it is pretty easy. You just have to be half as successful as Jason. Don't worry, I won't ask for more".