
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urbano
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92 Chs

I'll get my money

"Your mom... the madam has been kidnapped".

Miguel said and Jason's eyes opened wide like two tennis balls.

Jason dashed out of the office and just when he was about to get into the vehicle, he got a call from those people again.

"If you lay a finger on her, you are..."

"I don't think you are in any position to make threats Mr O'Brien".

The person on the other side of the phone said. Jason was fuming and just when he thought that was all they could do, he heard them slap his mother.


Jason's mom exclaimed in pain. She did not yell but she sounded like she was in serious pain.

"I told you not to hurt her".

The kidnapper who was on the phone sucked in the air and said.

"Seven million dollars, send it and I'll let her go. If not... you might get videos soon".

Jason's hand was already folded into a fist. Giving them the money was not the issue but the fact that they were maltreating his mother pissed him off so much.

Miguel was in the same car as Jason.

"Get me information on those bastards. They are using a burner phone so you'll have to find them some other way".

Miguel nodded and immediately made a call.

"I'm on my way, make it to the house before we get there".

Miguel was still on the call when Jason got a call from his son, Kay.

"Kay let's talk la..."

"Dad I'm not sure but I think I found them".

Kay said in a hurry.

"Found who"?

Jason asked just to be sure.

"As soon as I got back from school, I heard grandma was kidnapped. So I began tracking her phone".

Jason was impressed but at the same time, he wasn't totally convinced.

"Your grandmother's phone is switched off Kay, there is no way you can track it".

Jason said seriously but he heard his son smile which made him raise a brow.

"Hurry home Dad, we don't have much time".

He said and the call disconnected.

"Go faster".

Jason said and the driver increased the speed.

When they got home, Jason saw his dad, Derrick, and some bodyguards in the living room.

"Where is Kay"?

Jason asked without exchanging any form of greetings.

"The dark room".

As soon as Jason heard that, he dashed towards the room. On opening it, he saw Kay focused on his system, doing God knows what.

"What did you find"?

Jason asked, drawing Kay's attention away from the laptop in front of him.


Kay said and Jason made his way to him.

"Tell me, what did you find"?

Jason asked again as he could not focus on anything else.

"Well, to be honest, I added a tracking device to everyone's phone. It's hidden behind the phone where no one can see it. That way, I'd be able to track you even if your phone was switched off".

Kay quickly explained hoping his dad would not get angry.

"Good job Kay".

Jason said with no anger in his voice and Kay smiled.

"Anyway, I found Grandma but at the same time, I haven't found her yet".

Kay said confusing Jason.

"They keep moving to different places, it's hard to get their particular location".

Kay said feeling a bit flustered.

"It's a car, they are in a car".

Jason said and looked at Kay.

"Kay, keep updating me on their location whenever it changes".

He said and ran out. On getting downstairs, he picked up about five bodyguards, including Miguel and they were on their way.

"Let's not make them feel alert. We'll sneak up on them, that way, they won't have the opportunity to do anything to my mother".

Jason said and the men answered in unison.

"Yes, boss".

They look two normal-looking cars and soon, they arrived at the location that Kay gave them.

"Uhm Dad, they are moving, they are moving fast!"

Kay said and it was obvious they probably got a tip but how? No one knew anything except the people in the car with him and the other car behind.

Jason could tell that someone was giving the kidnappers clues so he secretly sent a message to Miguel since he was in the other car.

"Someone is giving the kidnappers tips, discreetly search for whoever is using their phones or anything else to communicate".

Miguel got the message but acted as though it was nothing. He did not want the men to know.

Meanwhile, the van that had Mrs O'Brien was moving so fast.

"I guess your son doesn't care if you live or die, seeing how he'd rather catch us than send the money".

One of the kidnappers said to Jason's mom.

"Yo, they are very close now. I can see their cars".

Another one said.

"I heard that dude is evil, let's just let her go".

The driver said.

"Are you out of your mind? We are this close to getting seven million dollars and you want me to let her go? Hahaha".

He laughed like a maniac and then bent to get closer to Jason's mom.

"I'm sorry, but I'll get my money even if I have to die trying".

He said and stood back up.

"Kay, is that them"?

Jason asked to confirm.

"Yes, yes it's them".

The cars then tried to move closer but the kidnappers poured out sharp things and the tires of the cars lessened.

Jason's cars had to stop and they threw his mom's phone out the window.

It was obvious someone had informed them that they were tracking them through the phone.

Miguel rushed towards Jason as he had also come out of the car now.

"Boss, what do we do now"?

Miguel asked but Jason had his eyes on the van that was almost out of sight.

Jason saw a delivery man with a bike, he immediately asked for the bike and began following the van as quickly as possible. Miguel tried to get a bike but none was coming.

Jason went after them by himself but he took his mother's phone along with him that way, Miguel was able to follow him but from a distance.

They got to an abandoned building and the kidnappers took Jason's mom inside.

"Let's see who is going to save you now b*tch".