
Forever you: cold boss' true love

"You are mine now". That was the conversation that began this unexpected journey. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined being with him. *** "Nadia, listen to me, you are going to have to do this for your family. You do know that if you don't go with them, I will be killed and soon after, they will kill your mother too". "And what about me huh? All this while, you have never thought of me. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm really your child. I..." "Enough!! You will go to him and that is it". I wanted to cry but I had already forgotten how to. I'm sure you must be guessing what is happening, well... My father is a gambler, and he has been living in debt for over four years now unfortunately, he borrowed money from the wrong people and now, he wants to sell me to their boss who is known to be ruthless, and monstrous.

Secrecy_x · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

A monster

It was finally time to go home. I didn't really do much today but I learned a lot. I learned how to set his schedule. How to take a few minutes, and how to take commands, I even learned how to be faster and more focused.

I was still getting a hang of some things like sorting out documents and photocopying. Who would have thought that photocopying could be that hard but either way, I was getting much better and the good part is, I feel like I'd actually enjoy this job so all of that just made me happy.

I went back home in the same car I had come from. We had just left the company when someone jumped right in front of the car that Jason was in. It was like whoever it was knew the exact car and jumped in front of it.

The driver stopped and went outside and so did Jason. Both the cars at the back and front stopped and the men inside rushed out.

I came out as well and I saw the woman that was bleeding. I immediately closed my mouth with my hand as my eyes opened in a gasp.

"This... this..."

I wanted to talk but the words weren't coming out at all.

'She was the woman from earlier, the woman who kept begging Mr. Jason'.

I thought but didn't say it out. Jason looked at the woman on the floor for about ten seconds with his hands in his pocket and a face as cold as ice and then, he walked away and went back to his car.

His men also went back into their cars as I didn't have a choice, I also followed suit and we drove away.

I was disgusted and terrified by the way he just left her there. I was still in shock. My hands were shaking and my mind suddenly drifted to twenty years ago.

***Twenty years ago***

A little girl could be seen crying and screaming for help as a woman lay on the floor, bleeding. It seems the woman had been in an accident with a hit-and-run vehicle.

***Back to present***

I heard someone calling out my name and then, someone touched my shoulder. I was so scared, I jumped in fear. I turned around just to see that it was Jason.

"We are home".

I smiled sadly and said.

"Hmm, home".

I then got out of the car and began walking in without looking back.

Jason kept looking at the silhouette of this girl retreating and he looked at her until she wasn't in sight anymore.

He noticed that she wasn't herself anymore after witnessing the incident. He then picked up his phone and called someone. The person on the other side of the phone picked up and said.

"Boss, she has been transported to the hospital safely and is currently receiving treatment".

Jason said nothing and ended the call. After he was done, he walked out of the car and went into his house. He wasn't hungry and he couldn't see Nadia anywhere so he decided to go upstairs to his room.

I was curled up on my bed inside my blanket. I kept shivering even though it wasn't cold.

Nadia suffered from a great deal of panic attacks ever since she saw that accident twenty years ago. She had medications for it but she didn't have it on her since she had to leave her house unexpectedly and unintentionally.

I couldn't get up from my bed anymore. I just remained on my bed, hoping that my death wouldn't bring such long lasting pain. My heart felt like it was going to stop but it kept beating.

Nadia didn't notice when her maid, Kanada came into the room.

Kanada came in with a tray that had a jug of water on it and noticed that Nadia was completely covered. At first, she didn't really care but then, she saw her shaking.

Dropping the tray, she rushed towards her and removed the bed cover from her body. At this point, Nadia looked like a living corpse. The only thing that convinced Kanada that she wasn't dead, was the fact that she was still breathing and she was shivering.

Kanada rushed out and called for help. They immediately took Nadia to the hospital and Miguel rushed to Jason's room to inform him. He knocked lightly but Jason didn't answer so he let himself in.

It appears that when he walked in, Jason had just finished taking a shower. He had a towel around his waist while his upper body was left bare, showing his amazing abs and he was cleaning the water off his head with another towel.

"You know very well than to enter my room without my permission".

"I apologize boss but it's urgent".

Jason stopped cleaning his hair and looked at the well-built man in front of him.

"What is it"?

Jason asked. He has known Miguel since he was a little boy and he has never seen him look this agitated.

Miguel on the other hand saw how Jason has been treating Nadia. This is the first time in all of his life that he has seen Jason treat a woman so we'll so he knew for a fact that Nadia was no ordinary woman.

"It's Nadia boss".

As soon as he said that, Jason moved closer to him. Now, even he was agitated.

"What about her"?

He asked Miguel.

"She has been rushed to the hospital".

Jason said nothing else and just walked into his walk-in closet. He got dressed in a plain white T-shirt and big trousers and then, he rushed out.

Before he came out, his cars were already waiting. As soon as he got to the hospital, someone was outside, ready to show him the way and they rushed to Nadia's room.

It was only Jason and Miguel who went into the room but the doctor was already inside while Nadia was fast asleep.


The doctor asked innocently.

"I'm her guardian".

Jason replied and the doctor nodded while he began explaining what had happened.

"Well, the young lady here must have had a trauma trigger. It appears that she has a very bad panic attack and if she wasn't rushed to the hospital when she was, she would have possibly died".

The doctor took his time to explain.

"Is she fine now"?

Jason asked and the doctor nodded.

"Yes. When she wakes up, she'll look completely perfect".

Just after he said that, Nadia's brows began to wrinkle in an uncomfortable way. It looked like she was having a bad dream.

Jason rushed towards her, held her hand, and tried to calm her down.

"It's okay, I'm here now"

The next thing Nadia said made Jason let go of her hand unconsciously.

"Monster... He... he... he is a monster".