
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7 She tried to protect me

Goodness gracious! May planted a kiss on me without my consent, and with Patrick and numerous other individuals bore witness to it. The shock of the incident reverberated throughout my entire being.

I solemnly declare that this was my first kiss, something I never would have thought possible. The moment was heightened by a sense of both exhilaration and unease, causing me to focus solely on the experience. May's passionate kiss left me feeling lost in the moment.

I observed Patrick's countenance to be depressed and dark, resembling the color of charcoal. He gritted his teeth, balled up his hand, and his gaze was on the verge of being fierce. May tenderly kissed me for an extended period, releasing my soul with her caress. When she let me go, her initially pallid complexion had a slight blush to it. With clasped fingers, she gazed at Patrick, demonstrably conveying her feelings.

With a fierce glare, Patrick grit his teeth and fixed his gaze on May, his complexion rapidly changing from dark to flushed as he struggled to control his raging emotions, displaying a level of anger that was undoubtedly overwhelming. Glancing at Patrick, I noticed a slight hint of complexity in his expression and an indication that he was on the verge of striking someone.

As anticipated, Patrick advanced towards May and lifted his hand in preparation to strike her. May exhibited bravery by raising her chest and tilting her face upward, indicating that she feared not.

Despite my efforts to remain composed, my inherent fear towards Patrick made me uneasy and caused me to cower in a timid manner. Additionally, my heart vividly recollected the sensation of May's kiss moments before.

Initially, I was under the impression that he might physically harm May, but he refrained from doing so. Instead, he maintained a fluctuating facial expression and eventually took a large breath, calming himself entirely. He then expressed his discontent towards May by grunting loudly, staring at her with contempt and uttering a statement that greatly shocked me, "Feel free to sleep with my cousin! You slut!"

He eventually took a final leave by turning and walking away. What's more, the vixen's gaze was entirely inexpensive, as if it held no value. What an obnoxious bitch!

May remained rooted in the same spot, visibly distressed, and eventually took a seated position while embracing her knees and shedding tears of heartbreaking sorrow. Witnessing her devastation, I felt an immense sadness within me.

We were currently uncertain of how we went home, as May appeared to be lost in her mind while my own state of mind was quite disarrayed. After reflecting on the recent events at the market, I contemplated the likelihood of May and cousin getting a divorce. However, my primary focus lied in envisioning the future between May and me. Despite occasional remembrance triggered by her intoxicating kiss, I would hold onto optimism for what may come.

Upon her return, May secluded herself in her room, as her sobs echoed through the closed door. It was possible that the union between Patrick and May had reached its conclusion.

For several consecutive days, May remained confined to her room, without venturing outside. Shortly after taking her meals, she retired to her chamber and shut the door, isolating herself from the rest of the household. Although I wanted to console her, I was unsure of the right words to express my sympathy.

I was aware of the reason why Patrick's final statement caused her great emotional pain. He insinuated that May was capable of having an affair with me, something which would understandably be difficult for any woman to come to terms with.

May and cousin's issue significantly affected me. Lately, my academic performance had been declining which caught the attention of my teacher as he had approached me multiple times.

The teacher inquired about recent events, and due to the class frequently being sidetracked, I hesitated to confess the truth. Instead, I claimed that I wasn't feeling well, which caused my own distraction. Surprisingly, the teacher informed my parents about the incident and they promptly visited me during the weekend.

Their arrival was so abrupt that upon laying eyes on them after opening the door, I experienced a state of shock and was utterly caught off guard. They failed to alert me beforehand.

A little background: My cousin Patrick purchased an apartment in the downtown, which was now my place of residence, while the rest of our family resides in the outlying suburbs. I was currently residing at Patrick's place as I have to attend school in the city; the journey from my home to Patrick's residence takes approximately two to three hours by car.

My level of anxiety heightened as my parents did not appear to be in good mood. Despite feeling anxious, I concealed my apprehension. With a façade of astonishment, I uttered, "Oh mom and dad, what brings you here?"

Upon meeting my father, my mother conveyed the message, "We come to see you." However, observing my father's demeanor, my apprehension only heightened. As soon as they entered, my father casually inquired about the whereabouts of May, masking his true intention behind his seemingly uninterested tone.

The moment I was informed, my spirits soared- it felt as though I had committed a crime! Was it possible that they found out of myself and May? This situation was absolutely serious! If it turned out to be true, I would face fatal consequences from my father.

Relax, relax. I said to myself in deep.

I utilized the period for pouring water for my parents with the intention of soothing my nerves. Once I had composed myself, I graciously served my parents while maintaining a serene demeanor and announced, "May was currently in the room; I shall summon her at once." My father interjected, "Hold on a moment, where is your cousin?"

My father posed asked about May and later about Patrick, leaving me feeling even more uneasy. I mentioned that Patrick was currently away on business and had been absent for some time.

I felt a sense of relief when my father dropped a hint rather than continuing to interrogate me. After arriving at May's room, I politely knocked at the door but refrained from entering as it seemed inappropriate. Consequently, I proceeded to address May outside the entrance and informed her about the presence of our parents. May emerged promptly, with a somewhat ashen complexion and a visibly drained appearance.

The bond between my mother and her was strong. As soon as my mother noticed her looking pale, she rushed to her side, holding her hand and expressing concern. She asked if she was unwell, as her face betrayed a heavy burden that anyone could detect.

My father, with a sharper intellect, became concerned and questioned with a commanding tone, "May, did you have a disagreement with Patrick? Where can we find him?" Interestingly, upon hearing Patrick's name, May subtly displayed a reaction by twitching her mouth and eyebrows and casting a glance at me with an expression of helplessness.

I clenched my jaws and rose to my feet, articulating, "Dad, as I said earlier, Patrick was currently out of town on official business."

Upon my attempt to intervene, my father cast a disdainful look and reprimanded me, "You shut up." As a youth, I harbored a deep-seated fear of my father due to his background as a military officer, exuding great authority. The mere sight of his menacing glare instilled terror within me. Once his lecture came to an end, he inquired of May, "Have you encountered any issues with Patrick?" Initially, she denied any conflict, but eventually, her emotions overtook her and she began to weep, her eyes reddening.

I inwardly exhaled as May continued to struggle with overcoming her feelings for her husband. She seemed to be stuck in this difficult situation. Observing the predicament, my mother inquired, "May, did you truly encounter difficulties with Patrick?" May expressed her thoughts without reservation, apparently bottling them up for an extended period, and gazed at us before doing so.

She expressed that for a significant amount of time, the depression she felt revealed itself through her tears and confessions. Over time, I came to comprehend that she truly loved my cousin deeply. I had a realization that May's intention of entering my bed at midnight was fueled by my desire to seek revenge on Patrick.

Before opening the Pandora Box, she may have had a sudden realization that it was not the appropriate action to take.

Before long, I felt disheartened because May, despite giving birth to a daughter, became unable to conceive due to an unfortunate incident that occurred last year. As a result, Patrick started seeking companionship outside of his relationship with her. I was not acquainted with the event whom my parents were familiar with.

To be frank, I found it quite surprising that May was incapable of reproducing.

I was confused, was the gender of the child significant? The woman was exceptional, much younger than her husband by ten years, which seemed like a great deal. So, what was the issue?

Following May's statement, my father inquired about her future plans by asking, "May, what do you intend to do?" Perplexed, May shook her head in uncertainty, stating that she was unsure. After giving it some thought, my father suggested, "Let me talk to Patrick, even though you were... unable to have another child."

After pondering for some time, May grimaced and replied, "Unfortunately, there was no room for negotiation with him as he held stubborn beliefs." This response left my mother even more worried, and she couldn't resist asking once more, "May, what do you plan to do?"

"I don't know," stated May with a complex expression. She casually added, "Perhaps it's best to let things unfold naturally, and if that isn't feasible, perhaps divorce." Although she said the final statement in a calm and lighthearted manner, we could perceive that she was suppressing her inner anguish with relaxation.

Subsequently, my parents provided solace to May for an extended duration, and later, during the designated meal period, she proceeded towards the kitchen to prepare the food. When Dad took me aside, he gave me a searching gaze before asking, "How have things been with you recently?" I was startled and feigned ignorance by responding, "There's nothing special, it's all good."

My father gave me a scrutinizing gaze and inquired, "Was that true?" When I was a child, nothing frightened me more than receiving this particular expression from my dad, causing me to gulp nervously. I stuttered apprehensively, avoiding direct eye contact with my father as I queried if he had observed anything.

After a brief pause, he informed me, "Yesterday, your teacher contacted me and told me that your academic performance has significantly declined during the last two weeks, in addition to your persistent distraction from class." Upon that conclusion, I promptly exhaled a breath of ease. After contemplating the matter for some time, I expressed, "Previously, I was not feeling my best and experienced frequent dizziness." Observing my father's displeased countenance, I quickly supplemented, "Fortunately, the symptoms have abated, and I no longer suffer from discomfort."

After a lengthy stare, my father uttered a startling statement, "You pack your stuffs and go live near the school." In an instant, I cried out, "Why?" My curiosity got the best of me.

Dad's expression fell as he said, "Don't ask me why. I commanded you to relocate to the school, and it'd be wise of you to follow through." After a brief pause, he asserted, "It's for your well-being." Feeling uneasy, I asked, "Why would it benefit me? I have no intention of moving out, as I'm comfortable here."

I recollect that I had contradicted my father before, and this was the second instance. The first time I went against him, I had suffered physical abuse. As expected, he gave me a piercing stare and asked, "What did you just say?". My heart was ready to pound out of my chest due to his intense glare, but I summoned the courage to defend myself.

My father's countenance contorted with rage as he demanded that I repeat my statement, calling me a derogatory name in the process. My mother quickly intervened, "Why are you two arguing?". Despite being frightened, I couldn't help but recall the authority my father held in my childhood, causing me to experience dry lips, mouth, and sweating.

May was also briefed on our disagreement and subsequently arrived. Upon seeing her, I couldn't hold back my words, and eventually, I yielded and exclaimed firmly that I would not move out.

Without delay, my dad was filled with rage as he forcefully slammed his hand against the table, causing it to topple and spill the contents of his teacup. Dad was infuriated and threatened to harm me after scolding.

Through the years, I have become quite familiar with my dad's temperament. Although he appeared friendly in general, when provoked, he can be quite indifferent. In my childhood, I exhibited mischievous behavior and was subjected to physical violence while out in public. It was even more worrisome to consider the possibility of such treatment in my current living situation with May.

Unexpectedly, I no longer feel fearful; rather, my reluctance to depart stems from a strong desire to stay. His intimidating size and strength left me feeling powerless to confront him. Just as I was about to receive a blow, May intervened and shielded me by standing in front of me with her arms spread wide.

"Uncle James!" she exclaimed, 'Please don't hit him!'" Filled with rage, my father refused to make eye contact as he quickly shouted at May, "May, move aside and let me handle this stupid child!"

Dad was on the verge of physically pushing May aside.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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