
Forest of Lust

"Her subsequent action only heightened my anxiety. She proceeded to retract her hand from my chest and gently lowered it downwards" An uncontrollable lust ressembles the tropical forests which never stop growing.

FireWaterWood · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 12 Who's she?

Chapter 12 Who's she?

Although I am a steady guy of my age, Billy's remark has caused me great unease and has resulted in loss of appetite. Despite knowing that he is teasing me in jest, my heart is still overwhelmed with an unbearable sense of panic, rendering me powerless to control my emotions.

Noticing his desire to speak further, I quickly rebuked him with an insult, "Man, screw you! Just eat." He responded nonchalantly, saying he was just joking. However, he then had a sudden realization and made an exaggerated expression, asking, "Oh my god, did you really hook up with her?".

I kicked him forcefully under the table, causing him to yelp in pain. I sternly reminded him, "If you ever gonna say that again, I will beat you in the ass."

Initially, He intended to engage in playful banter, but upon perceiving my sincerity, he retracted and uttered begrudgingly, "I was only kidding, was it necessary to take it so seriously? You have beaten the shit out of me."

Swiftly, I redirected the conversation while noticing a peculiar shift in his gaze. Without hesitation, I turned around to find an individual standing behind me with a displeased expression fixated on me. Pam Lilly, who happened to be Tina's friend, is a familiar female acquaintance of mine and a fellow classmate. I'm not foolish, upon first sight I comprehended the situation and it must pertain to Tina.

With an angry expression, she fixated her gaze on me and proceeded to take a seat right next to me without even greeting me. I was met with a smug expression from Billy, indicating his satisfaction and implying that I had brought it upon myself. I waved off the situation and proceeded to consume my food.

Pam addressed him first, saying "You haven't eaten enough yet?" He, who was a bit slow, did not comprehend Pam's statement and responded foolishly by saying "No, I am just starting."

Pam expressed annoyance, "Damn. How much more are you going to eat?"

"Why should I eat faster? Oh, oh, you...". Billy was a bit slow, "If you want me to leave, just say it. No need to be sarcasm. We cool."

Despite giving him a signal to stay, he failed to notice and instead gave me a perplexing glance before proceeding to leave. Feeling restless with only Pam's company, I was on the verge of making the first move when she beat me to it by speaking first.

"Finn Jona, I've heard about your heroic act of saving Tina. Care to share more?" She was succinct in her inquiry. I had a sudden idea and when I turned around, I spotted Tina seated directly behind me, separated only by a single table. As soon as I turned, her gaze met mine causing her to flusteredly avert her eyes as though she resembled a timid rabbit.

To be truthful, Tina is undoubtedly a stunning woman, and I feel pride in having her acquaintance. Though, my emotions towards her are more akin to that of May, and therefore, carry a more subdued sentiment. I rotated my head and emitted a soft grunt. Pam appeared displeased with my lackadaisical attitude, yet managed to remain composed as she revealed, "Do you realize that she has feelings for you? She has been crying recently."

I expressed my impatience by grunting, "Cut the crap. What do you want?", urging the other person to get to the point. Pam became frustrated with me, but eventually calmed down after banging her chopsticks on her rice in anger. She then spoke plainly to me, saying, "You have two options. The first one is to remain loyal to Tina and focus on spending time with her and never see another woman. The second one is to reveal your reject in a gentle way, not to harm her or make her cry."

Pam's commanding tone was extremely irritating and it left me feeling extremely upset. The first request appeared unreasonable and the second one was evidently linked to the initial demand. In the past, I would have eagerly accepted the opportunity to be with someone as stunning as Tina. I can only imagine how many people would envy me. At present, I am unwilling to embrace her.

Declining her proposal was not something I felt comfortable doing straightforwardly; not necessarily because I lacked the courage to do so, but primarily due to an overwhelming fondness for her charming personality and helpful assistance with my studies. It would be too upsetting for Tina, and that alone was not a suitable outcome. After considering the situation, my response was to courteously express, "We are too young that it's better for us to focus on studying."

Pam is not a fool and recognizes the situation immediately. It is obvious that I have chosen neither of the two options, she raises an eyebrow disapprovingly, "Really? That's your answer? Studying?". Unfazed by her commentary, I proceed to finish my meal and make a swift exit.

Despite receiving two calls from Pam, I chose to ignore her and continued with my plans. Upon my arrival in the classroom, I was met with the presence of various individuals. Their perplexing gazes were fixated on me as I entered. Two boys approached me with no words spoken, seemingly engrossed in a conversation regarding myself and Tina.

Impatiently, I was questioned, prompting me to raise my voice and assert, "Stop asking, the lot of you! I have nothing to do with Tina."

I was caught off guard when the two boys across the street appeared peculiar after my statement. Directing my attention to where they were looking, I confirmed that Tina was present at the classroom entrance, wearing a displeased expression on her face, indicating that she had overheard my remarks. To a certain extent, I felt ashamed and somewhat blushing because I was on the brink of gossiping behind her back.

Although I attempted to speak, my mouth failed to produce any words. Observing her expressionless countenance, I witnessed her swiftly yanking on my attire and forcibly escorting me out without uttering a single word.

I observed two male classmates emitting equivocal hushing noises, yet I perceived a hint of envy in their behavior, as I was aware of their interest in her, who was deemed a favored paramour in the classroom. She proceeded ahead without pause or uttering any words, and instead grabbed my arm to ascend to the upstairs.

Typically, the uppermost level remains vacant, save for the hours post-school, when it occasionally plays host to a pair or trio of couples indulging in playful romantic gestures or even kissing. As anticipated, upon our emergence, I observed a pair of previously utilized condoms situated in a distant nook. Upon witnessing the situation, her face reddened and she spoke in a low tone, "Shame on them."

I am somewhat thrifty, as evidenced by her blushing and her bosom swelling, both of which caused a stir in my heart.

She led me to a secluded corner that is not typically frequented by people, and then halted, gazing at me with sparkling eyes. It seemed slightly uncomfortable for her to gaze at me, I asked, "What are you looking at? What do you want?"

After gazing at me for a brief duration, she inquired, "Did you ever regret of saving me?" Her words left me in a quandary. Upon reflection, I realized her query was rather shrewd, as she didn't inquire explicitly about my fondness for her, but tactfully questioned my feelings of regret.

She is well aware that I cannot admit to feeling remorseful about it. When questioned, I did not hesitate to respond with honesty that I harbor no feelings of remorse. Observing my response, the young woman displayed a noticeable change in demeanor, appearing content and contented. Curiously, she then inquired, "Should such an occasion happen again, would you save me once more?"

Although I was unsure initially, I ultimately responded in the affirmative.

Her elation has increased further. At first, my assumption was that she would query me further, however, I hadn't foreseen that she would halt and stride a couple of steps towards the balcony with the wind grazing her hands, admiring the landscape. After she looked back at me with a beam, I pondered for a brief moment and proceeded to join her. She spoke directly to me, "I know, Finn. Among all the boys in our class, you are the kindest one."

Feeling a bit awkward, I nervously smiled and rubbed my head, asking "I'm flattered, haha." My intelligence may have been underestimated as she chuckled and her eyes formed a crescent moon, "You are so funny, hahaha."

Subsequently, we conversed on diverse subjects - I noticed her reserved demeanor, yet could discern that she's a commendable student and a well-behaved individual due to our interactions. She recounted to me the circumstances of her encounter with Larry Anderson, how he deceitfully maneuvered the situation to touch her inappropriately and how my timely arrival prevented her from enduring further indignity at his hands.

Eventually, the bell of the hall rang, I retrieved my bag, and commenced walking home. As I descended from the school building, I heard a voice calling out to me from behind. I promptly turned my head to find that it was Tina. She quickly caught up to me with a radiant smile on her face and suggested, "Let's go home together, Finn. We are on the same direction."

Unconsciously, I had the inclination to refuse, however, her pleading, tear-filled eyes made it difficult for me to object, ultimately leading to my acquiescence.

Had I been aware of the hidden happenings, I wouldn't have consented to accompany her back home. When I strolled with her to the entrance of the school, I noticed an automobile that I recognized with its windows open and a person that I recognized sitting inside. She was waving at me, and that individual happened to be my sister-in-law!

Why did May have to come get me again today when it's not even raining? It's not a big deal, but unfortunately, Tina White is here with me.

Without a doubt, she observed the same thing and asked me with an unusual expression, "Finn, who is she?"