
Forcefully Mine

A Dark tale about a ruthless sadist master and her innocent fragile mistress. Master has his eyes set on her mistress but she hates him and he hates the fact she likes his brother whom he hates from deep within his heart.

_banjara · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The girl with angelic eyes

Author's POV

Playing with the kids, She smiled brightly while running behind them.The whole garden was filled with giggles and laughs.Every orphan kid loves her aside of the old woman. She's the only one who made them feel this little abandoned place as their house.

OK, now kids, let's eat lunch. Aunty wouldn't come, she said some guests are coming so you have to eat without her. And I'm also going to help her, OK? So promise me you would not fight.

"OK,Anu.They all yelled and ran inside to eat their lunch while Anushka's eye instantly turned sad. Gulping down, she made her way towards the kitchen where the preparation was going on.

Oh no, you came. She nodded at her aunty and went to help her. Anushka didn't say anything, but her auntie instantly understood her expressions.

Don't worry darling, I heard that he's not coming this year as well, so be assured only Mr.Kapoor is coming. Anushka sighed in relief, but again her heart drummed badly in her chest, remembering that if it's not this year, then it will be next year, but soon he will become and will take her.

Why are you even assuring her she is his bitch today or  tomorrow she has to do her duty as a submissive, she should already accept this like we all did. Those exclaimed in an annoyed tone while Maria also nodded with sadness in her eyes. They both were sad and tarnished inside as well, but they had accepted their fate that was entangled with those ruthless CEOs.

Yes, Anu and you know, you're the luckiest among us. You're dominant. Your master is none other than the most famous richest bachelor." Anushka didn't say anything, but for her being with a man without marriage is far than being lucky. She knew the day Mr.Kapoor saved her and possessed her body under his son's name, she becomes his.

No matter how much she wanted to escape this, she wanted to deny that she didn't want to be with that man. She can't do anything but to accept her cruel fate.

She was kept in this orphanage for the whole of her life.Her whole existence was indebted under her owners. They were the one who paid for her everything.Her studies,her clothes, her other basic expenditure. Her whole existence was crushed under their debt and she can't do anything except to accept the cruel truth that today or tomorrow she will be his.

Her Master, Her owner Sam Roy Kapoor.


"I m done with this rubbish, Father. I don't know why you every year eats my brain to meet that orphan. Which we're paying for her, right? She's living her life. Then what's the fucking problem? Just marry her to one of our men or give her to Steve Why are you dumping her on my head?

You don't get to speak to me like this,Sam

I told you I already named her as yours the day I saved her from being sold I can't give her to Steve.She and her other two friends are now under yours and your friend's position. Your friends already like her friends and they are ready to keep them, so you also have to accept and bring her here.Mr.Kapoor said while Sam harshly slammed the wine glass on the table, feeling extremely annoyed at his father's continuous pursuit. Just what that girl has that  his father is being so reluctant.

Father, you know I already have a mistress and she's enough for me. I'm fine with her. She's good in bed and I have no mood for another woman. Now when I'll have, I'll gladly bring her here for my entertainment.

Mr.Kapoor shot him a glare no matter how much of A ruthless and dangerous man Sam is.He can never say no to his father when he got a threatening gaze from him.

(while Steve was enjoying his brother getting scolded from the side.)

You are coming with me to that orphanage to see her today. She was supposed to be with you as soon as she turned 18, but because of your denial for three years, she has turned 21 this year. Now you have to bring her here and no objections.

Also, don't forget to kick that Riya out of your life. I never liked that girl, get rid of her or feed her some money and kick her out. Now. Get ready, we're leaving in an hour.

Without saying anything Sam went up even though whole power is now in the hands of Sam, but he still respects his father and almost worships him.He never denied his father if he commands him.

Before he only forced Sam to meet that girl but today he clearly commanded him with having no intention to hear no from him.

Fuck".He cursed entering the room and punching the wall. But soon his face turned hard when he felt two arms around his waist and head on his back, he already knew who is it. (Riya)

Daddy,you look so frustrated so let me relax you". Turning her around, he slammed her on the wall earning a throaty moan from her.

Let me give you a goodbye gift.Hmm,Riya,

saying that he locked the door and ripped her clothes piece by piece. He didn't even kiss or even pleasure her.He just wanted to get rid of his frustration.

Grabbing her by hips, he slammed her back on the wall and shoved his dick roughly earning a scream from her as she was not even wet, but she didn't stop him. She was used to handling these kind of acts.

He banged her hard on the wall and even two times on bed,but he was still not done. Now, he ties her hands up with his shirt and enters her from behind while she was  on her knees,pulling her hair with his strong hands as she kept screming,he kept on going and going for god knows how many rounds?

He stopped when he felt her body going unconscious. She fainted as her whole energy was drained.Scoffing at her unconsciously pale face, he pulled away and went to bathroom.

He was indeed tired too, but he wanted to clean himself because he has to get ready. Checking time it three hours already went by.Cursing under his breath he remembers that his father told him to come in an hour.

And he wasted three hours ruining his mistress.Calling his father,he told him that he will be there in an hour which indeed disappointed his father but he was also

little relieved that's his son,at last will come.

After 30 minutes he got ready and then he saw Riya sitting there as she just woke up.

"Pack your bags" Aditya will drop you to your new apartment and today onwards you don't know me,and I don't know you. Don't worry, I already sent a huge amount in your account so you wouldn't think I abandoned you. Her eyes got widened hearing his words.

Daddy, did I do something wrong? Please forgive me, but I beg you, please don't send me away. Please" Sam rolled his eyes as he already know that this day will definitely come.

Sitting in front of her, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer to his face, placing a soft lingering kiss on her cheek, making her shoulder at his touch. His soft and caring attitude always affects her.

Smirking at her closed eye and given up actions,he went to her ear and whispered sensually.

"You're going to do what I am saying baby. From now on I don't know you and you don't know me. You will never contact me or even think about me. I am freeing you and I already have a new cat to entertain me so you better pack your bags and get out.

Saying that he was about to pull back but she instantly hugged his neck, burying her face in his crook while warm tears fell on his skin.

"Please don't do this, I love you, I can't live without you. I will live with your new mistress but don't send me away please, I love y--Ahh".

She yelped  when a hard slap met her face. He slapped her harshly,grabbing her hair and making eye contact with her teary eyes with his furious gaze.

"I fucking  said pack your fucking shit and get the fuck out of my house. I swear fucking girl I will chop you alive if you again spit that love rubbish to me. You were nothing but a piece of mere entertainment to me."

Throwing her away roughly, he yelled his man's name who came inside.Sam wanted him to take Riya away before he comes back. Sam finally reached the orphanage and rolled his eyes as he had no interest in having an orphan girl as his submissive.He was the most powerful man in his inner circle and now because of his father. He had to accept an orphan as his new submissive.

Sam never had any interest in Riya as well but just because she was good in pleasuring and it was not the girl who would throw tantrums, he found her good for his sexual needs.

He felt no remorse in throwing her away because today or tomorrow she had to let him go and he hates the woman who only loves his money ends up saying that they love him.

Scoffing at her confession memory, he walked towards the room where his father asked him to come.His men were escorting him inside but then he stopped when he heard a small gasp.

"God. Rahul come back". He turned his head and met with a girl who was running down the stairs. There was a small boy she was chasing.Her feet slipping on the 3rd last stair making her yell out her feet.

Sam worked instantly and grabbed her waist pulling her in his arm securely saving her from the fall. He was about to curse her but stopped when his eyes met with an angelic face.

Her eyes were shut close in fear. Her hands were formed in fist clearly afraid of falling and bumping her head.He couldn't help but to felt himself feeling aroused at how angelic was looking.

He felt himself getting hard when she steadily opened up her beautiful eyes, meeting his mischievous and lustre gaze.They both stared in each other's eyes.

The girl tried to pull back from his arms but he tightens grip on her waist.

"What is her name?girl". She stared at him for a second, not able to say anything while Sam's eyes hardened as he hates disobedience. His grip on her waist tightened in a painful way, making her hiss.

Answer me, girl.This time his voice was threatening and hard. Gulping down, she stuttered out. It was the first time for her to be this close to any man. It was hard for her to breathe properly.

"A-Anushka she replied,can you please let me go? Chuckling at her, he let her body go and she ran  away from there without glancing back at him, which was extremely amusing for him.

But an evil smirk appeared on his face. "Anushka." He whispered her name, turning around and walking inside the room where his father was waiting for him.

              "We will meet again angel."

From the truth,she wanted to run away stood right infront of her and now she had no escape.