
Unlikely Ally

"You should rest up." General Longbow said, patting Asher on the shoulder. "I will take over from here." 

"I can still go on." Asher insisted, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his face. 

"I know you can." General Longbow said, nodding at the man in front of him. "And I also know that you are stronger than this. Remember what his highness said?" 

"Yeah." He said, sighing. "Fine. But I will be up and ready again in no time." 

The general laughed, "Sure." 

Leaving the man behind, pulled out his sword and began attacking the creature, dodging its attacks as best as he could. 

"You sure a tough one." He said, grinning as his sword started to glow, before bursting into black flames. "Not that I mind."

One swing of that sword and, its neck was cut clean off its long, serpent-like neck, blood spilling everywhere.