
Forced to Transferred to Another World

Having a hard life and huge debt, Arco was lucky that he was transferred to another world to start a new life. He was automaticaly had a hero build. But the one who summoned him was not from a Kingdom instead it was a lone girl. Not summoned through the kingdom, he didn't get the privilege a hero should have, he become that girl's slave instead. He enjoyed every moment with her as her slave. He was very happy and didn't regret anything about being Forced to Transferred to Another World

MyFingerstyle_Tab · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Another World

Iris was sleeping peacefully in Arco arms. Having a beautiful girl in his arms, Arco couldn't help but kept on looking at her.

'Damn it, she is really pretty.' Arco thought to himself. 'But for a girl, she is too defenseless in front of a man. Is she always like this? No, she definitely is so carefree because she likes me.' Arco remembered when Iris suddenly kiss him. He remembered every conversation he had with her, and he remembered about how she kept on telling him that he was her slave. 'Maybe she was so defenseless because she already put some rule on me, if i do something, my head may be hurt or something like that.' He couldn't help but came to that conclusion.

The truth was Iris was really looking forward to meet Arco. The summoning hero stone she used to summoned him was a gift from the same person who told her about her future life partner. She fully believed in that person. After seeing Arco in person, she really thought that he was definitely the one she was waiting for. All that 'slave' talk from her was just to tease him.

But there was no way for Arco to know about that.

After a while Arco couldn't control himself anymore. Many dirty thought came to his mind. He wanted to kiss her lips, touching that beautiful and soft body.

'She kissed me before so it is only fair for me to kiss her too right.' Arco really didn't care anymore. Even if she was really put a rule on him, he didn't mind to try. Iris was just that mesmerizing. But right before he touched her curvy body and kissed her, he saw her crying.

With tears in her eyes flowing down to her cheeks, she hugged him a bit and said something in her sleep that couldn't be heard properly by him.


Suddenly all the dirty thought Arco's had was gone. He rubbed the tears in Iris's face. Right now all he wanted to do was to protect her.

"Iris.." As he watched her face, he couldn't help but have a thought. "I don't know what make you so sad, you better tell me everything later."

Arco turned away his line of sight from Iris. "I better think of something else. That's right, all of these events are happening so fast. I didn't have the time to process all of that."

Arco was looking all around him. This place was really quite, no animals were seen except the very little one. The sun was shinning. The sky was bright with little clouds there. It was the same compared to his previous world. The trees around him were tall, a lot taller than what normally were in his previous world. He didn't know what kind of trees was that and he didn't have many knowledge about trees in the first place.

"This place is quite, i think she chose this place to summoned me to avoid interference from other people." Arco came to that conclusion. He then put Iris under the tree and go around himself. "She said that i am handsome but i don't remember being that handsome."

After walking for a while, he heard a calm water flow around 100m to the east. There was a river. Looking back at iris, he saw that she was still sleeping, he decided to go and take a look at the river.

The river flew at a slow rate. The scenery around it was beautiful. Looking at the water really calm one mind. Arco was going closer to the river bank. Looking at the calm water, he thought that it would be nice to swim there. "It might be a good place to calm the mind. Maybe i will carry Iris here and i will swim here while waiting for her to wake up."

Right when he was trying to feel the water, he saw his reflection in the water. He stunned for a while there.

"Who-?" Arco was stunned while seeing his reflection. "This is me?"

He moved his body, his hand and head and the reflection was mirroring all his moves. After that he finally convinced that it was him. "It is me, after a closer look, this face traits are just like mine but why it looks so handsome?"

But before long, his line of thought was cut off by a voice came right behind him. "10 minutes has not yet passed but my slave is already trying to run away from me. How should i punish you?" Iris said to Arco with a smile on her face.

Hearing Iris' voice he was startled. He turned around only to face her pretty face was facing him so close.

"Iris?" Arco was surprised.

"What? you feel guilty?" Iris was smiling sweetly to him.

-not finished yet-