

Ayyara. A simple girl who lives happily with her Father and younger Sister, Fera. Their Mother had passed away when they were little. Ayyara's life changed when her Father was hit by a car by a man named Askara. He is a CEO in his own family company. Askara was forced to marry Ayyara at the request of Ayyara's Father so that he would not be put in jail. This forced marriage is able to change Ayyara's world. Ayyara must face her cold and selfish husband. Not to mention that he also has to face Davira, Askara girlfriend before Askara married her. Davira was never silent before Ayyara gave up on being Askara wife. But Ayyara remains patient to face everything. Until finally Askara began to accept Ayyara as his wife. Especially after knowing that Davira had kept a big secret from Askara. Since then Askara was very disappointed with Davira.

people_purple · Fantasia
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7 Chs

The Last Massage

"I accept the marriage and the marriage, Ayyara Dhira bint David is paid in cash."

"How? Legal? Legit?"


"I'm grateful...."

Now Aksara and Ayyara have officially become husband and wife. Aksara and Ayyara looked at each other. But Aksara immediately threw his face away. It's very obvious that Aksara doesn't have any feelings for Ayyara. But Ayyara agreed. Because their marriage is indeed a forced marriage. So Aksara has not been able to accept Ayyara completely. Vice versa.

"Thank God you two are now legally husband and wife. I'm really happy to see you two like this," said Ayyara's Father.

After that, Ayyara's Father's condition worsened. His breathing was no longer regular. Making Ayyara and Fera very worried about her Father's condition this time.

"Dad? Dad, why? I will call the Doctor first, okay?"

"Wait a minute, darling. I want to talk to you, Fera and Aksara. Son Aksara, please take care of my eldest daugher. Don't you ever hurt her."

Aksara was silent. Because Aksara has no feelings for Ayyara. So Aksara couldn't make such a promise either. Then Ayyara's Father continued his conversation.

"Ayyara. You also have to take care of Fera. And vice versa. You have to take care of each other, right when Dad's gone."

"Dad. What are you talking about? Dad will be healthy again. Dad will be fine. You can't talk like that," answered Fera, crying.

Their Father just smiled. Then he exhaled 2 breaths for the last time. The device attached to their Father's body stopped working. Ayyara and Fera were very panicked. Then Ayyara shouted for the Doctor to immediately treat her Father.

"Doctor.... Doctor... Help my Father, Doctor...."

Soon the Doctor came into the room. Everyone in there was ordered to leave the room first. So that Doctor can carry out their duties properly.

Outside the room, Ayyara, Fera, even Aksara and her Mother were also very worried about their Father's condition.

"Sis. What if something happens to Dad? I don't want to lose someone I love again after Mom," said Fera while sobbing.

"You can't talk like that Sis. Let's just pray for the best for Daddy. I hope you're okay."

Not long after that the Doctor came out of the room with a bent face. Making everyone worried about their Father's current state. Ayyara, Fera, Aksara and her Mother approached the Doctor.

"Doctor. How is my Father doing? My Father is okay Doc?" Ayyara asked.

"Yes, Doc. My Father is okay, Doc? How's Doc?" continued Fera.

But the Doctor was just silent. Making Ayyara and Fera even more worried about her Father's current state.

"How is it Doc? Why is the Doctor silent? My Father is fine, isn't he Doc?" Fera asked again to be sure.

The Doctor sighed and then explained about their Father's condition to everyone present.

"I apologize in advance. We couldn't save your Father."

Everyone present immediately fell silent. Likewise with Aksara. Aksara felt so guilty to himself for hitting people to death.

"No, no. No way. I've hit people to death," said Aksara in his heart.

As for Ayyara and Fera, of course, they both felt very saddened by the loss of their Father. Especially Fera who still needs her Father.

"No. It's impossible. It's impossible for Dad to die. Sis, isn't it possible if Dad died?" Fera said like an insane person.

"We have to accept everything Sis. We have to be patient," replied Ayyara trying to calm Fera. In fact, Ayyara was also very saddened by the departure of her Father.

"No. No way."

Then Fera walked into her Father's room just like that. Inside, her Father's body was covered by a white cloth. Fera covered her mouth seeing it all. Fera came over and removed the cover.

"Dad... Daddy why did you leave me? Daddy wake up. I still need you. Daddy..."

Ayyara walked over to Fera and hugged her. Trying to calm her beloved Sister.

"It's okay. You can't be like this. You have to be strong. If you are like this, Dad will be sad there."

But even so, Fera was still sobbing. Fera still can't accept her Father's departure.


In a very hot weather like this, there are actually a lot of people who are gathering. They all gathered to pay their last respects to Ayyara and Fera's Father. Their Father was buried in a public diner near their home. After their Father was buried, everyone started to leave their Father's grave one by one. Now there were only Ayyara, Fera and the Aksara family. There also came Emily who saw her Father's funeral.

"Fera. Let's go home now," said Ayyara.

"No. I don't want to go home. I want to be here with Daddy."

Even until her Father was buried, Fera still couldn't accept it.

"But Sis... We also have to go home. Don't be like this, please."

Granny Aksara who saw Ayyara and Fera in such sadness but nothing could calm them down felt pity for them.

"Oh my God. This is all because of Aksara. Because of my grandson who hit their Father so now they have lost someone who means a lot to them," Aksara Grandmother said in her heart.

Aksara Grandmother immediately approached Ayyara and Fera.

"Ayyara, Fera. Can you talk to both of you?"

Fera was silent. Because she is still crying over her Father's grave while rubbing her tombstone. Until finally Ayyara answered Aksara Grandmother's question.

"Sorry Grandma for Fera's attitude just now."

"Yeah, it's okay. Grandma understands how Fera is feeling right now."

"Yes, thank you Grandma. Oh yes Grandma, what did you want to talk about?"

"Here, Grandma wants to take the two of you to stay at Grandma's house. You two want it right? You're already Aksara wife. That means you're Grandma's grandson too."

Ayyara immediately glanced at Aksara. Aksara actually expressed a face that did not like his Grandmother's decision this time. Until finally Ayyara felt bad to accept the offer from Aksara's Grandmother. Likewise with Davira. Davira was very emotional to hear the offer from Aksara's Grandmother just now.

-To be Continued-