

Ayyara. A simple girl who lives happily with her Father and younger Sister, Fera. Their Mother had passed away when they were little. Ayyara's life changed when her Father was hit by a car by a man named Askara. He is a CEO in his own family company. Askara was forced to marry Ayyara at the request of Ayyara's Father so that he would not be put in jail. This forced marriage is able to change Ayyara's world. Ayyara must face her cold and selfish husband. Not to mention that he also has to face Davira, Askara girlfriend before Askara married her. Davira was never silent before Ayyara gave up on being Askara wife. But Ayyara remains patient to face everything. Until finally Askara began to accept Ayyara as his wife. Especially after knowing that Davira had kept a big secret from Askara. Since then Askara was very disappointed with Davira.

people_purple · Fantasia
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7 Chs

Ayyara's Father Request

"Poor Dad. Don't you feel sorry for Dad?"

Fera looked at her Father's very limp face. Fera, who initially did not agree if her Father wanted to meet the person who had hit her, now Fera agrees. It was all for her Father.

"Well then, Fera called the person here first, okay?"

"Yes, darling. Thank you very much."

"Yes, Dad. You're welcome."

Fera came out of her Father's room to call Aksara. The one who hit her Father.


Outside Ayyara and Fera's Father's room.

Before Fera called Hans to go inside, Mother from Aksara arrived to help Aksara solve this problem. Mother from Aksara was willing to not attend an important meeting this time because she didn't want Aksara to be involved.

"Aksara. Oh my God. Where is the victim now? How is he?" asked Aksara's Mother.

"The victim has been treated by the Doctor, Mom. Now he is being visited by his children. Because he wants to meet his children."

"Thank God he's still safe. Later, I will let Mother talk to that person. People like that will definitely ask us for a lot of money in the end. Let Mother give that person a lot of money later."

"But, Mom. What if that person doesn't want money and still wants to sue me to the police?"

"I won't. Mommy will guarantee it. You just entrust everything to Mothrt."

"Well then Mom."

Not long after, Fera came out of her Father's room. Aksara who saw it immediately asked the person he had hit.

"How is your Father doing? Is your Father okay? Is he okay?"

"Daddy wants to see you. Please come in."

"I... That's okay then. Iwill go inside first, Mom."

"Mommy's coming too."

"Me too."

"Well then, come on."

Finally, not only Aksara entered the room, but his Mother and Davira as well. When Aksara and the others entered the room, Ayyara and Fera's Father greeted them with a smile. It made Aksara feel even more guilty for bumping into him.

"Oh my God. How can this Father still smile at me. Even though I have made him like this. I feel even more guilty for this Father," said Aksara in his heart.

"It's you who hit me earlier huh?" asked Ayyara and Fera's Father.

"I.... Yes, Sir. I'm really sorry for you. I'm sorry that I was driving so bad that I hit you earlier. Once again I apologize, Sir. And I beg you, don't report me to the police. Yes, Sir."

"Yes, Sir. If you need anything, just tell me. I am Aksara''s Mother. Do you need money? How much do you need? I will definitely give it to you today. Don't worry."

His Father Ayyara and Fera just smiled at the offer from Aksara and his Mother just now.

"Why are you even laughing? What's so funny, Sir?" asked Aksara.

"I don't need your money."

"Then what do you need? Just tell me, Sir."

"I'm just worried about my children."

"Oh well, then your two children, let us take care of all the necessities of life."

"No. That's not what I wanted."

"Then what do you want? Just tell me, Sir. I promise, I will comply with all your requests. As long as you don't report me to the police, Sir."

"You promise you will do whatever I ask?"

"Yes, Sir. I promise."

"I just want you to marry my daughter, Ayyara."

Everyone in the room was shocked. Especially Ayyara. Ayyara was suddenly ordered by her Father to marry a man she did not know. Even that man was the one who had hit her Father.

"Dad? What's wrong with this Dad. Why should I marry him? I don't know him, Dad," Ayyara replied.

"Yeah, Dad. Dad, that's right. He's the one who hit Dad. But the time when Dad actually matched Ayyara's Sister," continued Fera.

"Yes, Sir. Is there no other choice? Is there no other request I can make except this one?"

"Yes, Sir. Don't be like this, he asked. Because Aksara already has a girlfriend. His future wife. That is myself, Sir," Davira replied with emotion because her lover wanted to be married off by someone else.

"You promised me earlier that you will do whatever I ask so I don't report you to the police. For Ayyara and Fera, this is all for you, darling. Because I'm sure you two will live happily with Aksara. So what? You accept all this, right, Aksara?"

Just silent. Aksara was confused about what to answer this time. Aksara was confused about what decision to make this time. Aksara didn't want to marry a woman he didn't love. Because the only woman he loves all this time is Davira. But Aksara also didn't want to go to jail because of this case. In the end, it was his Mother who made the decision on this matter.

"It's okay Aksara. You just accept this marriage."

Davira, who did not agree with Aksara' Mother's decision, immediately spoke up.

"Aunty, Aunty, is that right? Aksara is my future husband. Right now, Aksara is married to someone else, Aunty. So what will happen to me, Aunty?"

"What can you do? There's no other choice, right. Aksara. You have to marry that woman. Or do you want to be locked up in prison?" said his Mother, whispering to Aksara's.

Aksara's was still confused. But indeed there is no other way but to marry Ayyara if he does not want to be in prison. Until finally Aksara accepted the request.

Aksara prepares everything to marry Ayyara. Although this marriage was sudden, Aksara also prepared some gifts to give to Ayyara. Aksara and Ayyara's wedding was very simple. There are no fancy clothes, luxurious places, delicious food to serve, let alone the arrival of friends and relatives from both sides. Because this marriage is very imprompt. But even so, there were still some close relatives of Aksara and Ayyara who came to be witnesses at their wedding.

Aksara and Ayyara sat beside her Father. Then Aksara shook Ayyara's Father hand. Even though she was in an unhealthy state like this but he still wanted to marry his eldest child himself.

-To be Continued-