
Chapter 4

Leaving so soon? June asked Bell in a matter of factory tone as if mocking her. "Why do you care so much, if I leave?" Because, you are now my Wife. Astonished Bell looked up at June, kicked him in the shin and ran for it. Bell had merely gotten out of the gate when she was, shot by something. All Bell remembers is waking up in a master bedroom, with no one else in there. Bell than lazily stood up and walked to the door only to find it locked, she tried again before going to all the windows in the room. Than she ran into something and jumped, there he was June the person Bell hated the most right now. You! Bell screamed as she lunged at June, her attempts where easily thrown aside by June. "Darling, while I am glad you are releasing your anger, you've already tried to escape three times within the past 3 days." June said calmly as he looked down at the girl he had in his embrace. Let me go you idiotic, stupid, person! Bella screamed as she kicked and flailed her arms. Her attempts to escape just made June hold her in the hug tighter. "Now, Wife, it is 10:00 let us go to bed."