
Tough Days Ahead

Sometimes all we have to do is turning on the music,shutting out the world and being ourselves in our comfortable posture and when the music dies,turn it on over and over again cause the words of the world not gonna pull you down in your zone.


Driving out of estate he headed straight to a known place,he wanted to show her and needed her to get aquainted with ,he didn't forget he would ask her to do a demo with him,he prayed she agreed since she wasn't owing him any debt and deep within him he didn't have the heart to hold her to any debt.

still Dandelion never spoke a word neither did he,since he had no idea what was running in her mind he decided to switch on the disc player in the car,unknown to him Dandellion had been finding it hard to ask him to switch on the radio since she had no means of knowing what was happening in London,not wanting to distract his attention on motion, she had stretched her hand to the cars stereo at the same time Collins did,no quickly retracted their hands fully aware of the consequences of staring long and the current that passes through them the moment their fingers touched.

"what do you want to play?"Collins asked breaking the silence and being the man he was and should be, while Dandellion found it hard to breathe, catching her breath and finding her voice she replied him"the news,maybe the international ones"Collins immediately understood what she meant and tuned it to the "All international news station (AINS)".

A music began playing,it was fix me up by Zachary sobeich,it was a well known song to Dandellion and Collins,To which she began humming to.

Collins didn't join her,it was very rear to come across an heavenly voice as hers and he would do anything to wake and sleep listening to it,it was a very rare opportunity but the melancholiness in the music didn't go beyond Collins observation,he knew something was wrong and that he knew since,from yesterday's report.

Suddenly the music stopped and was replaced by a ladys voice"welcome back on AINS TV,it's the news at ten ,I am Chelsea Scales and would be your host accompanying you as we journey on the trends for today,thanks for listening,this are the headlines of the news for today,the world protocol leaders had predicted the breaking out of a third world war,In East Africa today the global warming rate had increased tremendously and had led to the death of many,A lion broke out in a zoo and killed twenty men staffs ,five females and ten were left injured,The of the men running for the Mayors post in London had revealed the identity of his sons wife to be and date of marriage,A man was found dead in his apartments in London and the body had been identified,stay tuned for more update,and when we come back from the short advert, the news would be recounted in ascending order,thanks"the music continued.

After a short advert they news continued,before that Collins who was aware of Mr Adams death didn't know if he should switch the radio off and refuse her from listening to it,he had watched her move restlessly on the chair,but stopped his idea since somehow she would come to know and she needed to be strong,he cursed the tradition of reading a news backwards"Thanks for staying with us,A man was found dead in a self owned apartment in, according to the autopsy made it was made known that he was shot dead but had been tortured before being killed,and the body was identified as a Mr Adams,the neighbors claimed he had three kids and had just lost his wife ten years back,his kids are nowhere to be found,the case had been decided as a murder case but has been closed by the government since no one had been caught..."

"The mayor..."that was the last words Dandellion heard when she faced Collins,her eyes streaming in tears red now.

"Stop the car"she whispered with an unclear voice,when Collins didn't stop immediately she got angered and shouted"stop the car"repeating it.

getting out of the car all Dandellion could feel now was shame,she recalled seeing her father in the dream yesterday,and she had promised him a lot of things,her father was mudered,he was mudered ,he was mudered....she repeatedly chanted her head,her chest tightened as her heart and had begun to hurt.

Collins who had come to stand beside her was unable to stop her from falling,he was relieved he had parked in a reserved area where no one could see her In this state,he wished he had listened to his heart and switched the radio off earlier.

Collins simply wrapped his body around her as if shielding her and trying to protect and remove her from whatever was hurting her now,he let her cry on his shoulders for long,he knew she wasn't a weak woman,for someone who drove her brothers here at her age and more than willing to do anything for them,he had never gotten himself too attached to women even though he had being recited the same memory verse from his parents he didn't feel attached to someone and ask the ones he had met,but his first day of meetings Dandelion had been a different story and feeling,and he knew it he would do anything to make her happy even though it meant getting his hands dirty.

unaware of the thought going on, on Collins mind, "Collins,thanks for being my very first friend here but I think we should end it here"just as Collins was about to retort her words she brought her fingers to his lips, shushing him to let her complete her words they both were still on their kneels, Collins arms not leaving her.

"Please don't refuse me,I carry bad luck around me and it affects all I know,I don't want you to be part too,yes I owe you and I hope to pay you when I'm able to stand on my own sometimes,I don't know those who did this but I can't let them get to you because of me,so let's just call it a friends part,please,please"she pleaded staring lovingly at the man she had come have feelings for within a day,she had hoped for a happy life but it seems fate was always one step ahead of her,and it wasn't so good,it was true she was trying to protect him from something she didn't know,but the main reason why she didn't want him beside her was the feeling of being hurt,how could she trust someone who was too true an too good to be nice,she just could not bring herself to.

But who did she think Collins was she must have forgotten he wasn't just anybody.

I know how you feel but Don't you think I should know what's going on if you are just going to leave like this don't you think I might as well hunt you down for your words just now, if you think in worth being your friend then you might as well share all your problems with me now and let's see how it can be solved instead of acting all strong"Collins Did not mean to be selfish but if he was going to make hear his and defend her he needed to gain her trust and expand the communication between them so he didn't feel any ounce of guilt as he spoke to her, Maybe Just a little considering the pain she was in right now which he understood so he muttered-

"But we could try"Collins persisted,he felt a stab in his chest at her words.

Dandelion felt a jab of guilt at his word she was not someone who ran or used people she saw Collins sincerity and knew he could have been with anyone till now but he chose her, she was not taught to be ungrateful so at his remark she nodded at him in response.

standing up she faced him,her height was just below his chin,moving close to him,she gazed at him before bringing her lips to touch his lightly before backing away,but Collins beast had long been awaken but the fire became ignited by her a action, pulling her close he kissed her roughly at first, becoming aware of their surroundings he broke the kiss,leaving dandy breathless and shocked.

"if that's what you want,I respect that,but don't forget to call whenever anything arises,please"he gazed back at her seeking a reply in her eye,she nodded , swallowing the lump of saliva that was preventing her from swallowing well.

"Thank you"hugging him back she managed to say.

Entering the car Collins silently drove her round the town to make her get familiarize with the city and she finally had gotten a university to apply her brothers in,it wasn't until late in the evening before they returned to their home.

"We are still friends right"Collins asked unsure of her decision he wasn't scared of her changing location since he could gladly hunt her to the end of the world.

"yes, goodnight and thanks for today"forcing a smile, Dandellion replied him before hugging him and walking in,this was definitely going to be a tough days ahead but that she would overcome.

Collins on the other hand would give her a space to breath and deliver the message to her brothers while he focused on his matters as well.